

Instant (2)

Combo deck for an early kill using Hive Mind followed by Pact of the Titan, Pact of Negation, Intervention Pact, Summoner's Pact, and Slaughter Pact.

Needs to go first to have a better chance of winning.

Running a very aggressive fetch and shock mana base in order to thin the deck for better draws. By the time the damage matters, I will either have won or probably about to lose.

Use Lotus Bloom to cheat out Hive Mind on turn 4. Then cast Pact of the Titan. If they didn't ramp then they simply do not have the mana to pay for the upkeep cost of the spell. Use Tolaria West to find a second Pact if they did ramp.

Stay alive and out tempo your opponent until you can pull off the combo using Remand and Intervention Pact. Sideboard in Spell Pierce for second game when they try to counter the combo and Dawn Charm if they go aggressive. Side in pacts that you know they will have more trouble paying. The inclusion of Angel's Grace allows you to use your pacts before the combo if need be.

Currently looking for ways to improve the deck, including ways to get out the combo even faster. Also on the search for ways to find Lotus Bloom more reliably on turn 1.

Best turn 1 hand: Anything with Hive Mind, at least one Lotus Bloom and either a Pact of the Titan or a way to find it. NEED Lotus Bloom ON TURN 1 or Pentad Prism BEFORE TURN 4 to pull off combo early enough.

Hive Mind, Pact of the Titan, Lotus Bloom, Tolaria West, Lands X3.


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Changed the pain land mana base to fetch and shock in order to thin the deck a tad and to make the deck more consistent. The amount of damage taken by the lands is around the same amount but the overall performance is much higher!


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Revision 9 See all

(6 years ago)

+3 Opt main
-3 Thought Scour main
Date added 7 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is not Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

31 - 11 Rares

14 - 2 Uncommons

11 - 2 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.97
Tokens Giant 4/4 R
Folders OPP, Killer Promise
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