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Hopelessly devoted to Blue (Updated for Origins!)

Standard Aggro Mono-Blue Tribal



Instant (5)

Sorcery (2)

Enchantment (6)

Creature (2)


Put this deck together because I wanted to test out Shorecrasher Elemental to see if he is the real deal. Obviously he best fits in to a mono-blue devotion deck.

I feel like this deck is very well positioned with a lot of 'Atarka' red and Esper Dragons around at the moment.

VS Artarka Red you can go as wide as they can and the pro red from Master of Waves usually means you come out on top (and you have Wall of Frost in the sideboard).

VS Esper Dragons you can get off to an aggressive start and protect your threats with counter magic and Stratus Dancer.

Any comments / suggestions are welcome :)

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With most of the decks that I enjoy playing, I like to do a bit of a write up about the cards I've chosen and why. Not only does this help understand some of the decks interactions, but also helps with making changes down the line. Without further ado:


Hypnotic Siren - A very flexible one-drop depending on what deck you're playing against. Can be dropped on turn 1 to start getting a little bit of damage in and start building up devotion. In the mid-late game can be bestowed on your opponent's creatures to steal them and give them evasion.

Gudul Lurker - Can be dropped on turns 1 to 4 to get an early start to devotion and start getting some damage in. Works very well with Bident of Thassa to allow me to draw extra cards. Morphing this card in the mid-late game allows you to bluff having Stratus Dancer.

Frost Walker - A lot of people are still on the fence about this card. After playing it, I'm now firmly on the "This is an awesome 2-drop" side of the fence. Coming down early, adding to devotion and hitting for a ton of damage (allowing it to 'trade up' with more expensive creatures) makes this a solid card against slower decks. Overlooked is the fact that it is also an elemental creature which gets buffed by Master of Waves.

Stratus Dancer - If there's one thing I love doing, its screwing with my opponent's head. Running 3 different morph cards gives me the opportunity to do just that. Although its perfectly fine to drop this on turn 2 to increase devotion and get in a few evasive attacks, in the later stages of the game getting a 3/2 flyer and blanking an instant or sorcery spell can be huge.

Harbinger of the Tides - A new addition from origins which helps out-tempo our opponents. Adds 2 devotion on turn 2 or can be flashed in later in the game to bounce and chump block.

Silumgar Sorcerer - Testing this card out as a 2-of flash flying creature that can also counter a creature spell if needed. Even if it doesn't counter a creature spell, it allows me to keep my mana open and protect my creatures and if nothing happens, I can flash this guy in.

Shorecrasher Elemental - This was the reason for putting the deck together. A UUU elemental plays perfectly with Master of Waves would be good enough, but having extra mana sink options to blank targeted removal, megamorph or adjust power/toughness makes this card a monster to deal with.

Thassa, God of the Sea - What good is devotion without having a god to activate? Thassa helps improve our draws by scrying every turn, gives us cheap evasion and is usually a 5/5 beater too boot.

Master of Waves - For when you really need a bigger playmat to go-wide. Master of Waves plays perfectly with the other synergy in the deck. Master of Waves is a must-deal-with threat that gives us a ton of elementals to attack with but also pumping the other elementals in the deck. It should be noted that 'protection from red' is super-relevant against the likes of Goblin Rabblemaster.

Icefall Regent - This was a card I was experimenting with, but after playing with it I'm sold. This not only gives us access to another evasive beater in the mid-late game, but also deals with a problem creature our opponent controls. The extra mana needed to target this guy puts a strain on our opponent's mana.

Artifacts / Enchantments

Bident of Thassa - With so much evasion in this deck, it makes sense to have Bident in here. Adds 2 devotion and gives us more gas when our attacks get through.

Hall of Triumph - Improves all of our creatures just slightly to be able to go for a win or can save our elemental tokens if something happens to Master of Waves. I don't anticipate any mirror matches as this deck isn't popular, but if it ever happens, this instantly makes all of my creatures better than the opponent's.


Displacement Wave - Another new addition from origins which replaced AEtherspouts . Added this in due to a massive increase in the amount of token creatures being played (god damn thopters!). Although this can bounce all of the Master of Waves tokens, it can potentially open our opponent up to a lethal attack or simply just delay losing for a turn or 2.

Disdainful Stroke - Cheaper counterspell to be sided in against the mid-range or control decks.

Encase in Ice - Color hate card which is fantastic in the current red/green meta. Cheap, flash, deals with a threat and adds to devotion.

Encrust - A almost non-color hate version of Encase in Ice . The fact that it stops activated abilities and can enchant artifacts makes it particularly useful against Whip of Erebos while still adding 2 devotion to the field.

Negate - Another cheaper but conditional counterspell which works great vs control or vs planeswalker-heavy decks.

Sphinx's Tutelage - Added in place of my singleton Pearl Lake Ancient and Reality Shift. Sphinx's Tutelage gives access to a very powerful tool in the control match up which not only helps improves our draws but can also threaten to mill our opponent out.

Wall of Frost - Greatly improves the match up against mono-red or mono-white weenie decks by simply chump blocking and gaining some tempo.


Updates Add

I'm finally back from my visit to hospital and starting to get back in to FNM. Not knowing too much about how the meta has changed, I've updated this deck with a few additions from Magic Origins which I believe fit this aggro-tempo style deck.

Taking this along to FNM this week to see how it all plays out.

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Revision 12 See all

(8 years ago)

-2 Aetherspouts side
+2 Displacement Wave side
-1 Pearl Lake Ancient side
-1 Reality Shift side
+2 Sphinx's Tutelage side
Top Ranked
  • Achieved #13 position overall 9 years ago
Date added 9 years
Last updated 8 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

11 - 0 Mythic Rares

24 - 2 Rares

4 - 9 Uncommons

0 - 4 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.67
Tokens Elemental 1/0 U, Morph 2/2 C, Thopter 1/1 C
Folders Decks, Inspiration, Decks I want to build, standard, blue , Deck Ideas, Decks to Consider, Decks I Like, Favorites, lgc
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