Travis Woo and Derek Adams co-developed (I believe) "Mono 7-drops", and revealed it here:
Like Woo & Adams, I was also running 4x Faithless Looting and 4x Unburial Rites. Aside from having similar lists of 7-drop creatures, the similarities mostly ended there. Prior to seeing what they did in "Mono 7-drops", I had a formula that used 4x Blood Feud and used a lot of ramp and deck thinning (Far Seek, Ranger's Path, Chomatic Lantern) to get to 6 mana (for Blood Feud) or 7 mana (for hard-casting creatures) as fast as possible. I'd often have 6-7 mana on turn 4 (if I hit ramp) or have already used Unburial Rites on a big creature by turn 4-5 if I didn't get any ramp.
In "Mono 7-Drop" they don't use any ramp at all, instead preferring to control the early board state with Supreme Verdict, Detention Sphere and occasionally Izzet Charm, and by digging for land with Forbidden Alchemy (which conveniently also fills the graveyard with fatties at the same time). They have other self-mill too, like Chonic Flooding.
Right now my build is in a state of flux. I've removed much of my Ramp/Thin strategy for their blue/white control strategy. I'm not quite as excited about filling my graveyard as they were because I'm still running Guild Feud so I don't have Chonic Flooding. zandl pointed out that Guild Feud is a classic "win more" card and that if I have 6 mana (or really 7) I should just be dropping fatties for the kill. That's a great point, and I may ultimately scrap Guild Feud altogether, but then this would just be yet-another reanimator deck and no one needs to see that.
Guild Feud is neat because it frees up my mana to hard cast guys on my turn, while simultaneously filling my graveyard with fatties and Unburial Rites. In various versions of the deck I include Grave Betrayal or Sepulchral Primordial to nab extra creatures from my opponent's graveyard as well.
At the moment I think the jury is out as to whether my ramp strategy or this new board control strategy is better. I suspect this one (Woo/Adam's strategy) is because I had so little early defense and disruption before.