

Hello everyone,

I'm Aenorian, and this is the deck I'm using to battle across the planes of the Multiverse.

I've started (well, re-started, I did play Mirrodin when I was way younger) MTG with Magic Origins, after seeing the ready-to-play elf deck in a store in june. Since then, I've tried to improve it, while keeping the tribal theme, and the cards I love.

This is a relatively budget deck, as I don't have tons of money to throw on the game. Still, I'm planning on improving it little by little, adapting it to the ever evolving metagame.

I mainly play with some friends I got into MTG too, but I'd like to try it in FNM in standard.

I'm always open to any advice, but please just consider the following : I'm wanting to keep it elf tribal (well, i can add one or two non tribal cards, but that's about all), and I've a limited budget (the next 3 Collected Company will have to wait).

Thanks for following me, I hope you'll enjoy this as much as I do.

The deck as it is revolves around four principles :

The second combo is Westvale Abbey   and Cryptolith Rite. Engage 5 creatures for mana (which may be the 0/1 Plants Tokens of Nissa, Voice of Zendikar +1 ability or 1/1 Elf Warriors tokens from Dwynen's Elite, then sac them and flip the Abbey into a game-winning 9/7 demon.

  • Clip Wings A cheap removal card able to destroy the fear flip side of Westvale Abbey  .
  • Duress for control match-ups
  • Ruinous Path for his planeswalker/creature removal.
  • Eyeblight Massacre A potent removal for aggro/token decks.
  • Transgress the Mind
  • Ultimate Price Two more, in case a lot of removal is needed.
  • Suggestions

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    Date added 9 years
    Last updated 8 years

    This deck is not Standard legal.

    Rarity (main - side)

    2 - 0 Mythic Rares

    25 - 2 Rares

    17 - 6 Uncommons

    4 - 7 Commons

    Cards 60
    Avg. CMC 2.57
    Tokens Elf Warrior 1/1 G, Human Cleric 1/1 WB, Plant 0/1 G
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