Guerrilla Tactics

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Guerrilla Tactics


Guerrilla Tactics deals 2 damage to target creature or player.

When a spell or ability an opponent controls causes you to discard Guerrilla Tactics, Guerrilla Tactics deals 4 damage to target creature or player.

flyingscottydoesntknow on I make ape tribal commander deck

3 years ago

Running Guerrilla Tactics might be the biggest flavor win that I've ever seen.

jamochawoke on Eternal Flame

3 years ago

Lightning Helix would probably be better over Incinerate or Guerrilla Tactics. Might move the Incinerates/Tactics to the sideboard in case you run into regeneration creatures or hand disruption. While it's a cool survival tactic, you might not see a Wall of Hope to run Prismatic Strands with and you've only got the 4 creatures. I think the reversal cards are fun, but at a certain point it's better to just kill the opponent than live longer so Life Burst is another option to swap out rather than the Incinerates. You're also running a bunch of low cost instants, but have no way of refilling your hand. White struggles with that outside of EDH (which is why its game plan is on stalling or tax) but red has tons of options to refill the hand in Legacy.

But if you're intent on running so much lifegain Felidar Sovereign or Test of Endurance might be an alternate wincon for you but if Storm and spellslinging is of greater interest to you, you might consider Angel's Grace and Near-Death Experience over all the lifegain. If just being an annoying opponent to face in Red/White is the goal, keep the protection cards and instead slap in some Gideon of the Trials in there.

LAAKIO on The List of Free Spells and Similar Effects

6 years ago

Hi, nice work! I noticed Guerrilla Tactics is missing from Opponent Discard ;)

legendofa on Discard For Glory

6 years ago

Sorry, Guerrilla Tactics. Have some free advertising, IAmMadeOfChalk!

UltimatHedgehog on BR Dragons

7 years ago

I updated the list. Help my to adjust the proportions of the cards and offer suggestions for anything else. I need. What do you think of Guerrilla Tactics to deal with discard?

Xica on How to deal with Liliana …

7 years ago

Are Guerrilla Tactics or Burst Lightning good ideas against liliana, to warrant replacement of some bolts, or some place in the sideboard?

aholder7 on How to overcome 8-Rack

7 years ago

Leyline of Sanctity is a great card for decks that play white.

there's also things like Loxodon Smiter and Wilt-Leaf Liege. (technically you could put this in any color but it does get a bit worse)

red has Ignorant Bliss but that's not super amazing. Guerrilla Tactics is a fun addition.

black can run discard to grab their discard. or maybe some madness cards. i don't exactly know what the best option is.

sylvannos on Budget R/G Assault Loam Project: …

7 years ago

Golgari Brownscale will shit all over decks that try to race your life total.

For your draw step, dredge back Golgari Brownscale -> main phase, cast Faithless Looting -> dredge back Golgari Brownscale -> discard Golgari Brownscale -> flashback Faithless Looting -> dredge back Golgari Brownscale -> discard Golgari Brownscale

You just gained 6 life, dredge up 6 cards, and you still have the ability to gain life in turns down the road. God forbid if you have 2+ Golgari Brownscales and proceed to gain 4 to 10 life each turn from Magmatic Insights, Goblin Lore, Cathartic Reunion, or Tormenting Voice.

Not to mention, you can just cast the stupid thing.

Guerrilla Tactics is good against a field of Liliana of the Veil. However, it's really narrow in that regard so playing Obstinate Baloth is going to be better.

Ray of Revelation is also a nice piece of tech because of the value of casting it after you've pitched it to something, similar to plays done with Ancient Grudge.

Really the strongest play against Boggles is Smallpox. But since you're on a budget, adding another color isn't feasible. Pyroclasm is going to be the next best thing, but you also have to worry about their creature getting out of range before you can immediately nuke their guy.

I think in your situation, it's Pyroclasm on turn 2 or be forced to race. That's about all you can do once they have a creature with 3+ toughness.

Lastly, do you have any Conflagrates available? The card is pretty stupid. I found it to be the strongest thing for when you don't have Seismic Assault out. Mostly, it enables all of your graveyard stuff.

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