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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



Return target tapped creature to its owner's hand.

Draw a card.

RizzolRat on Yusri deck

3 years ago

Thank you Deathblossom

I will for sure look into replacing Galestrike with Repulse, makes a lot of sense, and adding some land.

Trying to keep the cost down at the moment but I did consider Krark's Thumb however a bit pricey.

Deathblossom on Yusri deck

3 years ago

A couple of suggestions:

I'd replace Galestrike with Repulse.

Depending on how much you're looking to spend, the card that would have the single biggest impact on your commander's performance would probably be Krark's Thumb (possibly supported by some combination of Muddle the Mixture and Fabricate to tutor it).

I'd really encourage you to play more lands. Even adding just Forgotten Cave and Lonely Sandbar would improve your ability to consistently hit your land drops by so much.

YetiritterTom on That's All (Mer)Folks!

3 years ago

I'd suggest cutting some of the mana rocks like Commander's Sphere and Sky Diamond to make room for the green ramp cards, just because they're more vulnerable to board wipes.

I'm personally not a fan of cantrips in commander, so maybe switch out cards like Adventurous Impulse , Charge Through and Strategic Planning for some of the draw spells with bigger impact like Military Intelligence or Tatyova, Benthic Druid .

Another thing I don't really like in EDH are bounce spells. I'd suggest switching out Into the Roil or Galestrike etc. for the permanent removal I suggested.


mikexbustillos on Tempest Djinn and Time of Ice — $15 — avg.cmc=2.0

6 years ago

Playtested a couple games--deck is a lot of fun to play!

I definitely got ran over by aggro though. I wonder if--since the mana curve is pretty high anyways--a copy or two of River's Rebuke wouldn't be a good addition? Against mid-range or small numbers of creatures, the Unsummons and all were unbeatable, but spending 3 mana to Galestrike a 1-drop wasn't sustainable. Being able to bounce a whole board would be a pretty big setback to a low-to-the-ground deck with only 2 mana out.

Thanks for the decklist!

Tarkshya on Mono U Standard Tempo Mill

6 years ago

Hence Disallow Galestrike and Baral's Expertise in the sideboard to do better vs aggro decks. Perhaps I should put in some Essence Scatter as well-- it's true Vine Mare is pretty annoying. Yes, it does seem like your deck is geared towards aggro decks, but not weenie aggro, just aggro where you can counter their big stuff (stompy). Kumena's Awakening seems good with Psychic Corrosion but unless you get it late game you are just giving them answers to kill you faster. Also, without Hieroglyphic Illumination or Blink of an Eye what exactly do you do with your deck vs a deck that doesn't play something on their turn you can counter? Save up your lands for nothing? Nice deck tho. I will also consider Compelling Argument

PlagueRats on Tempest Djinn and Time of Ice — $15 — avg.cmc=2.0

6 years ago

@RobertPlant, one of the main reasons for playing a budget deck is that you don't have to worry about rotation. I have been thinking about what this could look like in Modern, I'd upgrade Galestrike with Repulse for sure and add Remand in place of something

PlagueRats on Tempest Djinn and Time of Ice — $15 — avg.cmc=2.0

6 years ago

toastySmorc, by all means, try out whatever variations you can imagine and let me know how it works out.

I think I’ve failed to properly explain this deck, I’ll add a few points here for now. Using bounce effects like this is generally a losing strategy, it only works when you have a critical mass of decent bounce/draw effects. There really aren’t enough here, but I make up for it with all the can-trips. When this deck wins it rarely looks easy, your life total will go dangerously low and the opponent will usually be in a position to win the next turn. That does make for exciting games though :)

It should go without saying that you want to wait till a creature is attacking before you bounce it, presumably opponents will do the same when trying to remove Tempest Djinn so Galestrike can save it. Censor is almost worth more in your graveyard then in your hand, opponents will practically give you a Time Walk over the course of a game playing around it by making less then ideal plays.

This deck can’t hold off opponents indefinitely. There will always come a point where they can play more threats then you can deal with, so You need to find the right time to get a Tempest Djinn into play and attacking before that happens. Then it often becomes a race, but you expect to be able to remove their biggest threats every turn while swinging with your own.

magicsheep on 1st Control

6 years ago

Unsummon or Select for Inspection are strictly better than Galestrike. Frankly, Depths of Desire isn't worth leaving 3 mana open to only gain a treasure for Unsummon.

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