I'm a transwoman who works on tappedout's card, promo, variations, alter and combo databases. It is important to note that I am not a developer or an admin! I just add cards efficiently.

I don't play much magic anymore. Arena has taught me that I don't actually really enjoy the game as a multiplayer game all that much, especially with all the grinding it expects us to do. Randomness of the ability to be able to play the game (mana screw, mana flood) would be considered a game breaking issue in any game in modern-day game except magic, and it's just turned me off it.

What I do enjoy is brewing and drafting, creating cubes and custom sets, and just throwing my decks in tappedout's playtester for a few hours. Though most of my time is spent trying to get tappedout's database up to snuff so I don't get to do all that much anymore.

Message me on the tappedout discord if you would like to talk to me about something related to something about the card data on this site.

You might find me in other places under the moniker of "feminine desires" like twitter or twitch because femme fatale is super common always taken. I'm also always using the same blue falling femme as my icon you see here in the background.

The fruits of my labour on this site: The artwork variations and promo system! This has taken many thousands of hours of my time to work toward completing. But it is still not done and I am actively looking for people to help.

T/O's Card Submission Tutorial! Created by yours truly~ Every single question you had about how to add or fix a card is shown right there! EDIT: This is, outdated. Message me on discord if you have questions, or go through any of my previous submissions to any standard legal set (it will have an image uploaded by me) to figure out guidelines of what to do.

Want to know how to make a colourful and fancy username? Here's my Tutorial for exactly that!

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March 28, 2025 2:33 p.m.

This would work for numbers counters probably but not entirely for keyword counters. I don't think the searches of this site have boolean operators yet to do exact string matches like that.

But that's if I were the one to do it manually. I can't say the same for backend stuff or if there are any other bugs or limitations with large automation like that.

March 28, 2025 12:37 a.m. Edited.

Another reason to put in the tagging system.

I'm not too sure how/if yeago would want to do this what with how much counters stuff there is and how much work it'd be to go through them all and catalogue them. I'll plop it on the trello for the future.

March 27, 2025 10:06 p.m. Edited.

ScottyDoesKnow: It's a long history of this site of people complaining when cards are not legal when they are previewed to the point where it is now site standard to make them legal preemptively. You are perhaps the first person in my memory that has done the opposite.

March 25, 2025 12:22 p.m.

Said on Pls add Unknown …...


MindBoogaloo The stuff is in just don't use the spell commander cards yet as they were errors, being added as printings of their cardname without the comma. I gotta focus on the TDM stuff right now though.

March 19, 2025 5:34 p.m.

Why the fuck would WotC create a TLA for a product that doesn't exist to contain such a small number of cards to be accessible in a product that has nothing to do with commander.

bleh I'll probably just stick these in the promo set it doesn't make sense to make a new set for something that doesn't exist to contain 3 cards.

March 18, 2025 3:33 p.m.

Shadowblade778: Foundations Commander? There was no foundations commander product released. At the very least I'm not seeing any Foundations Commander cards within FDN CIG and commander products have a lot of cards that'd show up in the CIG.

March 18, 2025 2:02 a.m.

Said on Missing Card...


Ah in this case it's literally because TCGP fucked up and put Chrome Mox in their Aetherdrift sku set. For some reason. Note their url when you look at the Chrome Mox (SPG).

As for Skyserpent Seeker, that is indeed missing. Because for some reason I fucked up and put Spectacular Pileup's variation stuff there instead.

March 12, 2025 2:07 p.m.

Said on Pls add Unknown …...


The Heroes of the Realm stuff got added in just fine but there's still some back-end bugs for the unknown event for some reason. I'm not a developer so it's beyond my capabilities atm. (I mostly just don't want to do 400 cards manually for a fringe collection like that, especially when there's no source of official images ... though maybe I can just talk to Gavin since he's made my suggestions with the CIG and image resolution happen.)

March 12, 2025 1:23 p.m.

Said on Missing Card...


Apologies for not following up on this, at some point within February my "auto-subscribe to threads I commented on" setting got unchecked somehow.

With that being said.

Use cardkingdom as your preferred vendor in the settings. TCGplayer does not give use enough info to connect everything to them and a lot of issues like this pop up as a result. Even if you don't use cardkingdom as your vendor the prices for a lot more things are going to be connected and connected accurately because they just give us better SKU info.

I'll see what I can do about the tcgplayer issues in the mean time.

March 12, 2025 1:19 p.m.

Anyways, I am not noticing this issue on desktop. Is it still happening to you on mobile? Could be a mobile issue.

March 12, 2025 1:10 p.m.

Interesting. At some point my auto-subscription to things I commented setting got unchecked somehow. Did not get notifications for these.

March 12, 2025 12:58 p.m.

Gemini4786: So basically, the Command Towers have, under the same card number, a normal treatment and a surge foil treatment correct?

This site typically uses foil as a catch all for "all types of foiling" unless there are multiple types of foiling effects under one card number. The D&D Ampersand foils being the one example of this actually happening and the complaints it got was also the catalyst for WotC to use a new card number for new foiling effects.

So if the do indeed just have a surge foil I'll add foil treatment option to the other two.

March 9, 2025 4:20 p.m.


merrowManiaaeonstoremyliverMindAblazePriestessKikyo1tempestnerdydollyWabbbitvampirelazarusjonspearwillskifluffybunnypantsnayrash5MisticationFro780Cyberpunkettef33nuxyounglinkperson333invisible_BLACKjoodstryr18jcbattsgododoom9MonsterFinder221HeroFallenVillainVirgysJoeis90Little PhionexLord_of_Lordsamadeus1SwagridInce_VelusargalonnChiefBell40calVito1014brucejamesViaggrosnoticeSasukeUchihaSAKANA-CHANAxeluzzjasonhuebnerMTGTCGcaryshVioletBlaze-MisterJ-FrostyJamsShamaLamaDingDongSir5LTransMarxSaintedTheredhood99anooshapaloozaPoptartz95WinfragmentHellsingcxseals1337Nixin72Dr_Jayquesobueno123KozelekfilledelanuitbijschjdbcdMagicalHackerBellock86EretoryiDekordiusnighthawk101emaskLayermaskMatsi883gogogonzoDERPLINGSUPREMEgolffore297DragoLionPrimaSparda1127poistapoistaBrian12345doriboncoreIggaasfinestOhthenoisesMelazualeonyIcanshigitComputerizedMTGRa1nStormForce_of_WillOnawaEnder666666IhazadeckMy.Name.Is.LameBlackshadow415Raging_SquiggleEdHoff23112EXTRATONEDJ_EthanolVeeBee666TreeCatManiac1Bulldawg1310hecklefeckleMuggins84Ghostshaman33sub780limeGeneralRAAM052PlasmaStar42Sabbatagekillthemall284Fellin22Seoltazombieglamcamrn8GobymanCaira_The_Lost_Sinnerwhitelycan136cunha713Sirex1986CovenDMDandyBoiEnlightened_Magi0rcSeifer1jzsparklepantsMassacarBubbledoreScytecBull_da_1SkillvilleSubzero6977CommanderZero27Queer1pheonix_222magecat0mtgspike15muffinkillersJosephdqBrodalineCommandersEmAcaoKrummSolorapterInterpidnilayzeeNaNProfet93PrinceEffaBoTangggtncbslovakattackCB47DmXIIIJrjersey01KhanyeAlcolitoxOddystDarkewarriorKenKenrith

MTG Decks

The Overprotective Mom

Modern Femme_Fatale


The Unfair Girl, The Daughter of Kaalia

Commander / EDH* Femme_Fatale

SCORE: 92 | 126 COMMENTS | 14959 VIEWS | IN 28 FOLDERS

I Protect the World, the World Protects My Soul

Commander / EDH* Femme_Fatale


The O-Ring Effect

Modern Femme_Fatale


Casper of the Banded Protection

Modern Femme_Fatale


Path to Perfection

Modern Femme_Fatale

SCORE: 372 | 491 COMMENTS | 67715 VIEWS | IN 214 FOLDERS

Esper Creature Control Pioneer Edition

Pioneer Femme_Fatale


Bant Creature Control Pioneer Edition

Pioneer Femme_Fatale



cube chart

Entry Enjoyment: Balanced

Femme_Fatale — 3 years ago


cube chart

Entry Enjoyment: Guilds

Femme_Fatale — 3 years ago


cube chart

Entry Enjoyment Tribal *P*

Femme_Fatale — 9 years ago


Finished Decks 242
Prototype Decks 120
Drafts 0
Playing since Saviors of Kamigawa
Points 42357
Avg. deck rating 41.17
T/O Rank 1
Helper Rank 48
Favorite formats Modern, Frontier
Suppressed formats Standard, Alchemy, Standard Brawl, Historic, Vintage, Pauper EDH, Commander: Rule 0, Duel Commander, Pauper Duel Commander, Leviathan, 1v1 Commander, Premodern, Oldschool 93/94, Limited, Pre-release, Penny Dreadful, Tiny Leaders, Oathbreaker, Block Constructed, Arena, Casual, Unformat, Quest Magic
Cards suggested / good suggestions 568 / 548
Venues Magic Stronghold
Cards Added/Fixed 42704
Joined 11 years
MTGO Username Femme_Fatale