

This is a White/Black Vampire deck with a heavy focus on Life-Gain. Although it is a pretty "creature-heavy" deck, most of your winning material lies within the text of the cards via combos and creature abilities. There are about three different approaches you can take with this deck to bring you closer to victory: Combo life-gain with Vito, combo Vito with Tainted Sigil, or use Anowon, the Ruin Sage. The life-gain aspect of the deck should keep you alive long enough to acheive one of these, the deathtouch in the deck gives you the ability to fight off larger creatures, and the flying creatures gives you the ability to defend against a flying deck. If there isn't enough disruption in the deck for you, there are some excellent disruption cards in the sideboard. The deck also has a small mana curve so you should be able to get the needed cards out relatively quickly. Some of the mana also has life-gain. (I know that it is an expensive card, but either Vampiric Tutor or Demonic Tutor are vital to win with this deck.) If you buy cheaper library search cards they cost more mana and will cost you the game when battling more competitive decks. Please upvote and share ideas, Thanks!


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Date added 11 months
Last updated 5 months

This deck is Casual legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 2 Mythic Rares

9 - 3 Rares

28 - 6 Uncommons

2 - 4 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.70
Tokens Vampire 2/2 B, Vampire Knight 1/1 B
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