Ugin's Conjurant

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Ugin's Conjurant

Creature — Spirit

Ugin’s Conjurant enters the battlefield with X +1/+1 counters on it.

If damage would be dealt to Ugin’s Conjurant while it has a +1/+1 counter on it, prevent that damage and remove that many +1/+1 counters from Ugin’s Conjurant.

Maaloufler on Celestial Destruction

1 month ago

TogbusPrime I shall cast Ugin's Conjurant and Omarthis, Ghostfire Initiate for 0 as often as I please, whether I need to or not.

wallisface on

2 years ago

Some thoughts:

  • 80 cards is waay too many cards, you should always be aiming to play a deck of 60. Anything above this number just leads to massive consistency issues. Try to get rid of a bunch of cards to get back to this 60 number.

  • Your land count needs revisiting. Scaling this to a 60 card deck, you're only running 20.25 lands, which is very, very low (Burn decks run 19 lands and only play cards costing 1-2 mana). When you reduce your deck to 60 cards, I think you still need to ensure you have a land count of 23ish lands.

  • Your mana curve is waay too high. Modern decks typically can't justify running more than 3-4 cards at 4-mana, you've got a whopping 10 cards costing this much. Look to lower your mana curve.

  • You're running a bunch of really poor card choices. For example, you've got a bunch of really average/poor countermagic (Render Silent, Ionize, Essence Backlash, Absorb) when you could be running some obviously-better cards (i.e. Counterspell). Other bad options include Ugin's Conjurant, which is just a strictly worse Endless One, and The Wanderer, which is just really niche (only really affects really-slow-red decks).

  • Some of your cards are nonbos with each other. For example, you have some high mana sorcery cards (Clear the Mind, Divination) which when cast will prevent you using any meaningful countermagic. Control decks typically want to keep their defenses/options up during the opponents turn.

I think currently your list feels really disjointed - it's lacking focus. I would suggest trying to get down to 60 cards, upgrade the bad card choices, and try to apply more focus to what you're trying to do - currently it feels like there are too many cards that don't forward your gameplan.

Yesterday on Giada, Font of Hope + …

2 years ago

No worries, and you basically already have this so you can ignore this if you want but I'll put it down for posterity.

Cosmic Intervention causes a replacement effect for each permanent you control that would be sent from the battlefield to the graveyard. Then it sets up a delayed triggered ability ("At the beginning of the next end step") for each. They're separate triggers because the way its worded applies to each permanent individually ("If a permanent ... return it to the battlefield"). Because they're separate triggers and you control them all (assuming you didn't control any creatures you didn't own), you get to order them all on the stack as you like.

Eerie Interlude is similar to this except it exiles them all at once, and has only one trigger that returns all the exiled creatures to the battlefield at the same time. Semester's End is the same except it also applies to planeswalkers and has a replacement effect for how they all enter the battlefield (entering with an additional counter).

You're right too that creatures entering the battlefield simultaneously absolutely do see each other entering the battlefield. So for something like Soul of the Harvest entering the battlefield at the same time 5 other nontoken creatures, you'd get to draw 5 times. However the replacement effect of Giada, Font of Hope (which to be clear is the "enters with" part, like with Semester's End or Ugin's Conjurant) seems to be dependant on creatures already being on the battlefield that the creatures entering the battlefield need to see. And creatures entering the battlefield simultaneously don't get to see each other already on the battlefield for replacement effects that depend on those creatures being on the battlefield – as the replacement effects basically happen while the creatures are entering the battlefield, though the effects aren't usually applicable until the permanent finishing entering.

Sorry I'm getting kinda sleepy, hope that all made sense.

Yesterday on Yorion Sky Nomad and Ugin's …

2 years ago

The only time the X in the cost of Ugin's Conjurant 'matters' is when its on the stack. As it enters the battlefield, it refers back to the value of X on the stack to see how many counters it enters with. Once it's on the battlefield, it has no memory of how much X was, and is just a base 0/0 creature with however many +1/+1 counters it has on it.

If it enters the battlefield any other way, like if it's exiled and then returned to the battlefield with Yorion, Sky Nomad, it'll fail to find a positive value for X and will just enter the battlefield as a 0/0 and immediately die due to State-Based Actions (unless you have something else which causes it to not have 0 toughness when it enters, like Always Watching or... Rules Lawyer).

9-lives on Yorion Sky Nomad and Ugin's …

2 years ago

If I have Yorion, Sky Nomad's ability trigger and choose Ugin's Conjurant with it, what will happen to the paid mana cost of X before being exiled, and then brought to the battlefield on the beginning of the next end step? Would X change? Or would it be 0 or infinite?

wallisface on

2 years ago

I’m going to add here a description of what a control decks purpose is about, as hopefully this helps with your deckbuilding decisions.

The primary goal of a control is to win by having more resources in-hand than the opponent, while ensuring the opponent can’t do anything too dangerous on-board. In this vein:

  • you need ways to increase your hand size, to get ahead of your opponent in cards - so you need ways to draw 2-or-more cards (or, a card that draws as-well-as disrupts, in one package) Current control decks typically do this vua 4x Archmage's Charm and 2x Memory Deluge. But other options include Into the Story, Think Twice, Expressive Iteration, Cryptic Command, etc. Without a way to get more cards than an opponent, a control deck will run out of resources, and then lose to top-decks.

  • you need a way to finish the game that also provides incremental value. Control decks want creatures that 2-for-1, so that they maintain their resource advantage - so their creatures are things like Snapcaster Mage, Solitude, a cycled Shark Typhoon, or failing that manlands like Celestial Colonnade. If the creatures you use don’t provide you resource advantage, then they’re more likely to hurt your plans than help you.

  • lands are super important. You need to be able to cast resources from your hand to gain & maintain your advantage. A control deck that can’t play a land everyturn for the first 4-5 turns of the game, will very-often lose. Because a Control deck often has a near-full hand, there’s often no-such-thing as drawing “too many” lands, while drawing too-few is disastrous.

  • So, in summary, every-single-card in your deck that isn’t a land, either needs to provide some form of resource-advantage, or trade 1-for-1 with an opponents card (i.e Counterspell, Prismatic Ending etc).

Taking the above points and comparing them to your current build:

  • Deflecting Palm, Boros Reckoner, Hover Barrier, Ugin's Conjurant and Basri Ket are all bad choices as they offer you no form of resource advantage (and some of these, like the Conjurant, are just terrible in general).

  • Your selection of counterspells leave a lot to be desired. Too many if them have very specific targets on what they can counter, which isn’t ideal as it means your “resources” may sometimes be useless. A lot of these also cost a LOT more mana than what they should, considering their average effects.

  • you don’t have enough ways to gain resource-advantage.

  • your land count is waaay too low.

  • you have no “finisher” card that actually wants to be in this deck.

wallisface on

2 years ago

9-lives i’m agreeing with shadow63 that you need more lands. Control decks need to make their land drops quickly & reliably, as they need their resources available to deal with whatever the opponent is doing. If the control deck only has enough lands in play to counter one spell, it’s super easy for their opponent to play around this and get stuff through.

I would suggest you needing 23 lands as an absolute, bare minimum. But realistically 24-25 would put you in a better position.

As a separate note, why play Ugin's Conjurant?? It’s a strictly worse Endless One… but neither really have a place in a control deck - i think you need a better finisher. Even something like Deep-Sea Kraken would serve you better

9-lives on

2 years ago

My most mana intensive cards are 4 MV. The rest are 3 or below. The only one that really matters for mana is Ugin's Conjurant. Why do I have to be fast or timely with mana? I have tons of counterspells. Especially Mana Leak, Hold at Bay, and Tithe Taker. These are cards that will slow the game down for me. I don't like running too many or too little lands. Will be a nice middle that gives me a good even chance of drawing too many or too little.

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