Talon Trooper

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Talon Trooper

Creature — Bird Scout


EDH 0 / 1
Kastral, the Windcrested feature for Bird
PAU 7 / 12
Azorius Arrester feature for Az' Holes

HalbrechtHalbrecht on Pauper boi

6 years ago

Tweaks to Lands

The most important thing to change first is the mana base. You might be able to get away with less than 24 lands ultimately, maybe 23 or even 22 if you lower your mana curve, but I'd start with the default of 24 and tweak from there.

In addition to adding lands, switch out the 4x Azorius Guildgate for Tranquil Cove — it's strictly better because of the lifegain.

You might also consider more mana fixing than a single dual playset, such as fetchlands ( Evolving Wilds ) or Ash Barrens . There's also Azorius Chancery . Since you run so many creatures, you might also be able to benefit from Holdout Settlement .

Other than mana-fixing, some people also like cycling lands, as they can help you draw more useful cards when you get mana-flooded (like Lonely Sandbar and Secluded Steppe ). For control decks, Halimar Depths is a useful way to set up your draws. You can opt for incidental lifegain on lands like Kabira Crossroads , but I'd honestly stick with basic Plains, because you don't want too many lands that enter tapped.

I noticed that more than one of your cards had an effect like "target creature an opponent controls doesn’t untap during its controller’s next untap step". If you wanted to focus you deck on that type of strategy, you could consider Skyline Cascade .

Possible Cuts

So what to cut to make room for 8 more lands?

I'd cut most of the creatures that are considered "vanilla" or "French vanilla", i.e. have no abilities or only basic keyword abilities like Flying or Lifelink. You want as many of your creatures as possible to DO something other than just being a warm body. So:

-1 Concordia Pegasus
-1 Coral Commando
-1 Daybreak Chaplain
-1 Humongulus (also, you want 5+ mana spells to have more of an impact than this)
-1 Knight of the Tusk (same deal as with Humongulus)
-1 Mesa Unicorn
-1 Sky Ruin Drake (same deal as with Humongulus)
-1 Talon Trooper

You could also considering cutting Sunspring Expedition , since effects that solely grant lifegain are generally considered not worth running (incidental lifegain, on the other hand, can be great).

I'd also consider cutting Nimbus Wings , since most of your creatures already have flying.

Game Plan

After making some of the above cuts and additions, really what you want to think about is what is your deck trying to DO. You want to have a unified strategy.

For instance, right now you have creatures like Civic Stalwart , Haazda Officer , Pegasus Courser , and Vedalken Mesmerist that want you to be on the offensive. But you also have creatures with low power / high toughness (several of the ones I suggested you cut, actually), Syndicate Messenger (which makes for a great blocker), and Wall of Mist that want your deck to be defensive.

A couple cards can swing both ways — AEther Adept and Chillbringer can either clear the board for your attacks, or they can slow down your opponent defensively.

I think before we can make further suggestions, you'll need to better nail down the direction you want to take the deck — offensive flyers? high-toughness blockers and other stalling techniques to get to your win-con?

Boza on Pauper Steel

8 years ago

The questions you should ask are: how does the deck function without the crucial piece in it (steel)? And what is the pauper meta and how does that approach it?

To the first question: Well, not good.

  • The creatures are subpar and most do not pass the vanilla tests without an enabler of some sorts. (Talon Trooper being the only one worth playing for stats alone, but brings nothing else to the table).

  • Does not solve the inherent problems of auras - it enables 2-for-1s for the opponent - one removal spell for 2 cards of your own. If your deck dies to Doomblade,

  • Steel of the godhead is a two card combo - you need the creature and the enchantment to create it. You have 17 dudes and 4 enchantments, there is a mismatch. When it happens, it is good. But too often you will find yourself with a creature but no enchantment, or vice versa. Additionally, having just 4 copies of one pieces and no ways to search for it means you need to add dudes that search for it (Heliod's Pilgrim).

For the second question:

  • Pauper is very open format and decks of archetypes are in the top tiers. So, you will see a bit of everything. Thus, it is best to make your main deck very good versus one of them (your best option is aggro with the lifegain) and put cards in the SB to help with the other matchups.

Put the counterspells in the SB and lower your land count to 20 to introuduce a bit more redundancy in your deck via searchers and cantrips.

endersblade on Flying Beatdown

8 years ago

Could use some Thunderclap Wyvern, maybe Warden of Evos Isle, maybe Talon Trooper. There are so many more efficient flyers out there.

AvacynAngelofHope on When Bant was left Defenseless...

9 years ago

jozef the Talon Trooper is in there because Prophet of Kruphix is banned in legal formats, i play this casually so that's why she's in the maybeboard.

jozef on When Bant was left Defenseless...

9 years ago

I think if you're going for the enchantment theme, you should go all in and remove some of your less powerful cards like Cliffside Lookout and Talon Trooper. Some cards to consider: Mesa Enchantress, Courser of Kruphix, Primeval Bounty, Unflinching Courage, Armadillo Cloak, Rancor, Asceticism, and Steel of the Godhead.

SoundTramp on

9 years ago

I would recommend you find a place for Squadron Hawk, Warden of Evos Isle, Skyshroud Condor, Aven Sunstriker and Giant Albatross. These cards fit the theme (and of course the tribe) very well.

Coast Watcher,Duskrider Falcon and Freewind Falcon would all make excellent sideboard cards (sideboard in after the first game once you know their colors)

As for some other useful bird cards: Aven Brigadier, Aven Squire, Bay Falcon, Gustcloak Harrier, Impaler Shrike, Mystic Familiar, Palace Familiar, Skyshroud Falcon, Swans of Bryn Argoll, Talon Trooper, Welkin Hawk and Zephyr Falcon.

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