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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Pauper | Legal |
Pauper Duel Commander | Legal |
Pauper EDH | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Premodern | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Plated Sliver
Creature — Sliver
All Sliver creatures get +0/+1.

Youaresmelly on
1 year ago
I play tested the deck a little bit and I think you are running too many high cost slivers, and everything would feel nicer if you replaced them and the mana ramp spells to get to them. Just replace them with lower cost slivers and maybe a land or two. You really want bodies out when you drop that 4 or 5 drop sliver, otherwise they are kinda bad and give your opponent time to respond to the effect if he is your only dude. Alternatively for the more expensive ETB slivers you really want cheap guys you could maybe play on the same turn. If you make your land cheap you could toss in Sliver Overlord and still be cheaper overall, can swap that as your commander when you aren't playing 4 player games.
Things I think are worth adding in :
Plated Sliver , maybe Sidewinder Sliver , Shadow Sliver is just Shifting Sliver but one cheaper , Spinneret Sliver or just Winged Sliver, I think Taunting Sliver is just worse than Telekinetic Sliver besides the double blue cost although I understand the multiplayer use , and its kinda meme but good with your commander to maybe use this on your self when in need Screeching Sliver
DreadKhan on
Hive Mind
1 year ago
Very cool deck idea! I just want to throw this out there, Legacy is a format that is ruled by 1 and 2 drops in most cases, to the degree that cards like Chalice of the Void are extremely good. Decks in Legacy should be fairly fast or unpleasantly oppressive, you either need to threaten an early win or make winning impossible (or just very hard). That said, I have decks that I designed as Legacy decks originally that I consider to be Casual decks, more or less 'kitchen table', and other decks that are supposed to be able to sit down with Tier decks and sometimes win. It seems fine as long as both players are on the same page, hope this doesn't come across as condescending!
Your deck only has 4 1 drops, if you can't think of any to add, you could exchange Evolving Wilds with Ash Barrens, Barrens is an untapped colourless land at worst, but 1 land hands aren't keepers anyways. If you draw them later, you just play them as a land drop generally, but early draws you can make them a Basic if you want.
Any reason you're not using any Sinew Slivers in here? I'd play it over Blade Sliver in a second, but you can run some of each technically. There is also Sidewinder Sliver, the odds of anybody ever having Flanking seems comically low, so this is better value than it looks at first glance. Also, unlike First Strike, multiple instances of Flanking actually stack, so two or three Sidewinders in your hand is actually reasonably powerful for their total mana. I'd feel remiss if I didn't mention it, but Plated Sliver was printed, it could be handy if you want to speed up your deck a bit, as I mentioned above, lots of Legacy decks run tons of 1 drops.
I don't think this is really a Legacy caliber card, but Maskwood Nexus would be incredibly good in here I think.
Daevied on
The Queen's Egg
2 years ago
Sadly i was looking for a tribal deck, and might be a bit more on the casual side, its just that i recently found out that you could play slivers on the edh version of Mtg Arena and while i was playing it i always felt that there were a lot more variety of slivers available on traditional edh that could make those cascades more interestings, so i was thinking of trying that. Like the idea of being able to play a Plated Sliver for it to then cascade a Wheel of Fate or any other suspend or pact card hehe.
So i was wondering how many creatures a deck like that should use, and if there were cards that fit the theme like Reflections of Littjara and Double Major, and stuff like that.
Anyway, what do you think about The World Tree for Sliver Overlord, i think it has a good ability for fixing mana color and its like a second Chromatic Lantern
Caerwyn on
Sliver overload
3 years ago
Your best course of action is going to be focusing on four copies of the best slivers, rather than 1-2 copies of a large number of different slivers. Ideally, all your slivers will cost 1 or two mana--anything higher than that is going to hurt your efficiency.
As some general rules, understanding that budget might change some of these suggestions, here is what I would recommend:
Cut every single sliver you have that costs more than 2 mana.
Cut the mana slivers - you will have a much lower curve and not need them.
Run four copies of each of the 2-mana +1/+1 slivers: Muscle Sliver, Predatory Sliver, and Sinew Sliver (which you are running 3 of already).
Add some high-impact, low-curve slivers. 4x Leeching Sliver effectively gives all your slivers +1/0, except deals that 1 additional life to the opponent even if the sliver is blocked. Hibernation Sliver is superior to Crypt Sliver, since it does not require you to keep slivers untapped (you will rarely have untapped slivers because you want to be attacking constantly).
Fill in any gaps with low-mana slivers that have useful abilities focused on increasing damage or protecting slivers from removal (for example, Plated Sliver is low-mana, but does not increase damage or really do much to protect your slivers, so I would not run it). Crystalline Sliver and Galerider Sliver are two of the best options, but they are a little less budget-friendly.
Lands that enter tapped are a death sentence to an aggressive deck like slivers. Consider running lands like Ancient Ziggurat instead.
passimo on
For the Hive!
5 years ago
Hey PhyrexianGameplay, I completely agree, G/W is far easier to play, but the fact is, I hate playing with a metà deck,and whoever tried pauper Sliver used white slivers. So I decided to use the red Sliver that, actually, can have a very similar effect. Sinew Sliver ? No problem you can tutor muscolar and Predatory ones with Homing Sliver . As for Plated Sliver , he's very good but (even though it's effect can stack so it's definitely good, it shouldn't be common in my opinion) having a +0/+1 is like having first strike, so Striking Sliver is the answer. Also, having access to the bolt and Outnumber makes the deck more control and interesting. Anyway, thanks for your opinion (which was right), but it was a matter of being a little bit original, not only of winning games
PhyrexianGameplay on
For the Hive!
5 years ago
I think G/W slivers is just a better deck, considering you get an extra lord in Sinew Sliver and a better one drop in Plated Sliver
Level20Artist on
Sliver Me Timbers
6 years ago
Add: 4x Predatory Sliver , 1x Sidewinder Sliver , 1x Swamp , 1x Mountain
Cut: 4x Plated Sliver , 2x Forest , 1x Plains
Jonnyfant on
Hey look, more slivers
6 years ago
I suggest to throw out Virulent Sliver (Poisonous is not Infect, you need to hit 10 times and the power of the creature doesn't matter) and put in Plated Sliver or Sidewinder Sliver.
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