Minion of the Mighty

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Minion of the Mighty

Creature — Kobold


Pack tactics — Whenever this attacks, if you attacked with creatures with total power 6 or greater this combat, you may put a Dragon creature card from your hand onto the battlefield tapped and attacking.

Ignawesome on Zirilan of the Claw Dragon Chompy Dragon Stompy

9 months ago

Hi! Fellow Zirilan of the claw enjoyer here.

I like your version, it's pretty different from mine. Love that Mudslide and Blazing Shoal :)

I was looking at your version and I have a couple questions:

1) Does Minion of the Mighty trigger often? I feel it would be pinged immediately.

2) What is Goblin Welder for exactly? What do you send to the graveyard in the best scenarios?

3) Do you get much juice out of Thornbite Staff, Rings of Brighthearth and Thousand-Year Elixir?? I've playtested them but paying for Zirilan's ability twice is rarely optimal/possible for me.

4) I'm confused by Madblind Mountain... What's the shuffle for? And is Lotus Vale also worth it? I feel like a regular snow mountain would be better for synergy effects.

5) How often can you use Crucible of Worlds without fetchlands?

That's it for the questions... But I have a recommendation too.

Try changing Mind's Eye for Dragon's Hoard. It worked for me since it's cheaper and more flexible, despite not drawing as much.

I'll check your angel and demon decks too. Super cool tribes and decks :)

jdogz32 on izzit burn/aggro

10 months ago

Your deck is chaotic and all over the place. If your looking to be aggro you can't be adding like Ancient Copper Dragon or Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind without something like Minion of the Mighty to get them into play quickly. Alot of burn/aggro use cheap creatures like Monastery Swiftspear with prowess triggers with cheap spells like Lightning Bolt or Opt hope this helps

ElfSpammer on Dragons

1 year ago

You should add a Minion of the Mighty

CommanderNeyo on Minion Rushdown (Gruul Dragon Cheating)

2 years ago

Very creative and original deck! Have you considered adding any cards that might help you find Minion of the Mighty, such as Adventurous Impulse?

Forkbeard on Miirym, Sentinel Wyrm: Double Dragon

2 years ago

You know what Housegheist? This deck does need more ramp and I'm coming around to the idea of adding Scaled Nurturer as a cute lil dragon mana dork. As for Return of the Wildspeaker and Rishkar's Expertise, I like them a lot and was running them in my Atarka build, but my draw suite is decent and I'm not 100% certain what I'd cut to make room for them.

Minion of the Mighty! Definitely a funny one and certainly a different way of sneaking out another dragon. I like it, just uncertain if it makes the cut.

Speaking of cuts, after playing some games I've gotten a better feel for what the deck needs (more ramp, more early game interaction) and also what hasn't been working so well. I'll be doing a pretty big overhaul in the near future.

Housegheist on Miirym, Sentinel Wyrm: Double Dragon

2 years ago

My thought with Korlessa, Scale Singer (1/4 Body for 2 cmc!) and the Scaled Nurturer was, that it's improtant to have some creatures out. Korlessa let you cast your Dragons from top of library which is kind of card potential. The nurturer fits into your 2cmc ramp-theme...

And it don't hurt to draw them lately since Miirym would create copy of them both unlike the rocks.

Any thoughts on Return of the Wildspeaker or Rishkar's Expertise? Oh, Minion of the Mighty could be a funny one

Lunar_Wing on Miirym, Sentinel Wyrm

2 years ago

I have been working on this deck too. Mana is indeed the problem but once you get going, you very quickly wipe out most people.

I personally think you can work in 1 of 2 ways for this deck.
One of them is mana ramp which is what I see your trying to work with. The other way is cheat in dragons!

Alaundo the Seer is a way to help you get out some high cost dragons however is a bit slow build up.

Minion of the Mighty is perfect for this deck as it will help you at least cheat in 1 dragon and with your commander that 1 becomes 2!

Monster Manual and Quicksilver Amulet are great helpers as well.

Heirloom Blade can help keep dragons in your hand so the fun never stops.

Other notable additions are

Molten Echoes for give you an extra monster with haste which also works great with Minion of the Mighty. Thanks to your commander you will get 3 dragons for 1 turn, 1 has haste but is gone at end of turn. Alternatively just add an enchantment that provides haste so both your original cast dragon and his token can both attack right away.

Skanos Dragonheart is a crazy powerful addition that can be slightly lower cost then some dragons.

Old Gnawbone and Goldspan Dragon and absolute powerhouses if you can afford them.

To help deal with pesky commanders out there I like to always include at least one nullifying enchantment such as Lignify

Swap Cancel for Counterspell

Xtough on Tiny Dragons - Singleton

2 years ago

Hi @lhetrick13 Thank you very much for the comment, the upvote and the hint. Minion of the Mighty is indeed interesting. But probably better for my dragon commander :) For this deck there are not enough synergies; he cannot gain haste and will be effective only at a time when dragons drop anyway, then potentially drawing removal... I struggled a long time to find the right deck for Zirilan of the Claw and still am... I probably get the minion anyway though :) Thanks

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