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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



As an additional cost to cast this spell, sacrifice a creature or planeswalker.

Heartfire deals 4 damage to target creature, player or planeswalker.

Polaris on Paying equip cost with a …

3 years ago

No, because when you activate an ability you put it into the stack right then, same as casting a spell. It's the same as if you sacrificed a creature to cast Heartfire with Mayhem Devil in play. Devil triggers off the sacrifice, but the trigger isn't put on the stack until after you finish casting the spell or activating the equip ability, so the Mayhem Devil trigger will always resolve first, before the thing you sacrificed the Treasure to cast or activate.

MTGStinky on Maybe a decent Cavalcade deck?

3 years ago

Man, I had my fun with cavalcade deck and by looking at your deck, I would like to tell you about few suggestion (I am no pro player, just want to share what worked for me)

  1. I do not see any extra card draw, don't you have problem with getting zero card hand after few turns? What about Light Up the Stage ?
  2. Raid Bombardment seems useless. Cost one more mana than Cavalcade + without extra card draw, I would be scared to run into hand when I have only enchantements and no creatures after board wipe
  3. I am not a big fan of Chandra's Pyreling since it do not have trample and can be blocked with 1/1. I prefer Chandra's Spitfire + Torch Courier for surprise.
  4. Grim Initiate + Heartfire was pretty good. Also Initiate have first strike so you may strike for 1 and THEN sacrifice it to the face, boosting Spitfire even more.
  5. Torbran, Thane of Red Fell for extra boost.

Anyway I really love how you include Spikefield Hazard  Flip and Bomat Courier . Both of them seem to be pretty epic to add into my version. Thank you for sharing.

Saccox on Subdue and Sacrifice

4 years ago

Hi ijustlikethepictures,very good deck! I prefer Collateral Damage at Heartfire

ghostmode on Multiple blockers and one has …

4 years ago

Yup, all first strike damage is dealt and then all regular combat damage is dealt in two consecutive game steps. In fact, players even get priority after first strike damage is dealt, before regular combat damage. So, say you had a 3/3 first strike creature on the field and a Heartfire in hand.. You swing, and the opponent blocks with a 7/7 creature. You could allow first strike damage to be dealt and then cast Heartfire sacrificing your creature before passing to the regular damage step, dealing 4 damage to finish off their creature.

If you were on the defense instead and blocked the opponents 7/7 attack with the same 3/3 first strike, you could do the same Heartfire maneuver after first strike damage, before regular combat damage, and eliminate their creature and all damage the it would deal, even if it had trample.

Taking advantage of that time frame gives you the chance to both deal damage with your creature and sacrifice it as fodder before it dies in combat, getting some pretty good value and allowing you to kill a 7/7 that you could not have killed with a regular 3/3 and Heartfire no matter which way you dice it.

tumamaenmondongo on Mono Red Pauper Stax

4 years ago

So, I saw your post in reddit, and realized I had an RB Angler Pox list, and a Mono Red LD list, but not a Mono red Pox/Ponza/Stax/Crack the Earth list (I believe this archetype is closer to Ponza and to a lesser degree Pox, since we don't play any prison pieces to be Stax, and we don't play typical LD spells as, for instance, Mono Black LD).

Anyway, I decided to put up a rough, unpolished decklist which I might try, and might give you some ideas for your own deck. Goldfishing it a bit, it seemed slightly more consistent because of the higher mass of cantrips, and lower land count. Take a look, and tell me whatcha think. https://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/mono-red-ldpoxcrack-the-earth/

Main changes are Akki Blizzard-Herder replacing Raze, since we can break akki's simmetry, but raze's gonna always be a 2 for 1, a higher mass of mana stones and cantripping artifacts, to keep the card flow, and have some mana sources after trembling and akki'ing, and finally Goblin Grenade/Heartfire which will sac our goblins to remove annoying creatures or burn our opponent's face.

The deck probably needs some more removal, and ways to get rid of wide boardstates, like your mainboard Electrickery, also doesn't have much of a board presence or a clear finisher as the RB version (you can check mine if you want https://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/angler-pox/)

Finally, in case you wanna take a look, here's my creatureless mono red LD list, which I'll be updating anyday soon. https://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/creatureless-ponzaland-destruction/


Struyk on BR Menace Aggro

4 years ago

Dropped 3x Call of the Death-Dweller ( Without Dreadmalkin it's just a revive 3 cost ), 3x Heartfire ( Heartless Act almost always better ), 3x Unexpected Fangs ( Each time I use this the creature gets a control spell to the face ) and 4x Dreadmalkin ( Just can't get value out of this guy )

Added 4x Heartless Act ( Staple in any black IMO ), 3x Judith, the Scourge Diva ( Mirror matches I kept losing to this card ), 3x Nightmare Shepherd ( 4/4 flying base is nice and all these creatures are also nice as 1/1 because of the bonuses they give )

Might also drop 1x Sonorous Howlbonder because he doesn't stack with himself.

I also always end up sideboarding Tentative Connection for Duress lol

5dollarMTG on $5 Steal 'n Sac

4 years ago

Thanks DBCooper! I had playtested Heartfire and found that the 2cmc was too much in the early game; but Thud isn't ideal either since it's at sorcery speed. I'll put in the Collateral Damage right away.

Quicksilver on Whirlwind of card draw

4 years ago

I admit I'm not too highly experienced with burn decks, so my first plan with the deck was to make sure my burn spells hit the player, rather than hitting creatures, Especially as U/W is so good for wraths and spot removal anyway. That's how I use Mask of Immolation in this deck, I can put it out in the early game when players are putting up their board then ping for no cost at a later point. With a soldier on the field, I can ping 2 for , much like Chandra's Pyrohelix.

Heartfire works well because this deck is littered with small tokens, some that come out at no cost that I can sacrifice easily without losing too much board presence. Lava Coil and Mystical Dispute will definitely go into the sideboard at least, though I don't really want to lean the deck too far towards control.

Dance of the Manse was something I had considered, but the reason against recursion with my enchantments is that The Birth of Meletis becomes less valuable the longer the game goes on for and there are only 4 basic plains in the deck, and Medomai's Prophecy requires 3 turns for it's most powerful ability. Once they've served their purpose, I rarely have any need for them again.

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