Aura Barbs

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Aura Barbs

Instant — Arcane

Each enchantment deals 2 damage to its controller, then each Aura attached to a creature deals 2 damage to the creature it's attached to.

---Seth--- on $10 Controlled Burn, Arcane Edition! [UltraBudget]

2 years ago

So I have been wanting to play Magic again, and this deck looks awesome. I have since ordered it and plan to take it out to FNM soon.

I was looking at Arcane cards under $2 and found Overblaze and was curious what you think of it. I'm imagining one copy to play the turn The Unspeakable swings in. It seems hilarious to me, but I wouldn't know what to take out for it.

I'm also curious about the sideboard. I was thinking 1 Aura Barbs and 1 Gaze of Adamaro.

I don't have a lot of experience or card knowledge, so just fishing for thoughts.

TheoryCrafter on Weakest Mono Color

2 years ago

While few and far between, Red dealing with enchantments seem more concerned about punishing the controller/owner than removal. In addition to Dockside Extortionist, this includes Aura Barbs, Blood Oath, Enchanter's Bane and Starfall.

legendofa on Why is Dockside Extortionist Red …

4 years ago

Dockside Extortionist isn't really interacting with enchantments beyond counting them. Flavorwise, it's collecting "import duties" on magical effects. I agree it could fit into black, but claiming that it shouldn't be red because it interacts with enchantments isn't quite right. It interacts with enchantments less than Aura Barbs or Enchanter's Bane .

DemonDragonJ on Are These Cards Color Pie …

4 years ago

FSims81, I consider Pharika's Libation to be a very strong bend for black, but not an outright break, since it targets a player, not the enchantment, itself, and I feel that black should its own equivalent of Enchanter's Bane or Aura Barbs, rather than being able to outright destroy enchantments with no restrictions.

DemonDragonJ on Could Black Have This Effect?

4 years ago

magwaaf, WotC has been very clear that red is not supposed to be able to destroy enchantments (but I feel that Red Elemental Blast is acceptable, because it can destroy only blue permanents); instead, it has effects such as Enchanter's Bane and Aura Barbs, which punish players for using enchantments.

McToters on

5 years ago

King_Kaliban No problem! Another suggestion I just thought of while looking through your list again since you want to keep your creature count low. It looks like you want some artifact recursion since you are playing Daring Archaeologist and Trusty Packbeast . Instead of running both I think you may be better off running Trading Post as an ultimate utility card since it can do it all and it will open open up another card slot. With the open card slot you could then try Coalhauler Swine since I think that fits the theme of your deck really well. And I would personally take out Bounty Hunter for Vandalblast or Disenchant (or some other artifact/enchantment removal that has you gain life or deal damage). Another card that just came to mind to is red's best way of dealing with artifacts: Aura Barbs . It's unfortunate you can't gain life off of that with F&S but you'd sling some damage.

Obviously, all of that is my personal opinion, and I still think your deck is awesome regardless! Let me know what you think!

McToters on Tymaret, the Duke of Death

5 years ago

Looks like SideBae has mentioned most of the really great advice so far, a majority of it regarding strict upgrades to cards you have in the deck like Ancient Tomb over Temple of the False God . This is good advice but I would recommend that if you don’t have the cash to get your hands in the more expensive, strict upgrades that those can be done at a later stage. I think you should follow Sidebae’s advice more attuned with putting in totally new cards like Grave Pact and Dictate of Erebos because these are cards you should be running with a sac outlet as a commander. Once you figure out the direction of the deck, then the strict cash-money upgrades can be made for the cheaper alternatives you may have in place.

I’s say the two biggest cards other than Gravepact and Dictate of Erebos that you shiukd be running are Conspiracy and/or Ashes of the Fallen . These cards will allow you to run a less strict zombie creature collection but will count those creatures as zombies anyway (if you were running blue Arcane Adaptation is the best card for this).

I definitely agree with SideBae regarding the zombie creatures, the removal, and the looting. I would recommend running Vandalblast specifically, maybe even something like Aura Barbs to smack opponents around for using enchantments. I would highly recommend Blood Moon for more control.

As far as the looting goes definitely Faithless Looting , Reforge the Soul , and Wheel of Fate as all cheaper alts to Wheel of Fortune . Burning Inquiry is decent too.

Crypt Ghast and Bubbling Muck for mana boosters. Also, Mana Flare or Braid of Fire perhaps—-although the latter will only help with instants.

Anyway, hope some of that helps! Super unique running Rakdos zombies. +1

NV_1980 on Neheb EDH need help

6 years ago

Hi there,

Thank you for expressing so clearly the problems you're facing with your deck; that allows us to answer specifically too.

Tuvasa is indeed hard to counter with a mono-red deck. The one red card that would be perfect to deal with her that you seem to not have considered yet, would be Aura Barbs . Maybe Jaya Ballard, Task Mage can help you in some cases (also against the Niv Mizzet deck). Red Elemental Blast and cards like it also come to mind. The other suggestions we could think of are already in your deck.

We've been very successful with our own version of a Neheb deck: enter link description here. Maybe our list can help you fix your issues in ways we have not figured out yet.

Good luck and have fun playing!

With regards,

Mrs. and Mr. NV_1980

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