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i 1 v 7'd my friends with this deck

Modern* 8-Rack Budget Discard Mono-Black Multiplayer Pox



Creature (1)

First off I'd like to say, yes, I was playing a multiplayer game against 7 of my friends. It was my first time playing the deck, I rolled a natural 20, went first, played Shrieking Affliction turn 1 into Waste Not turn 2. Turn 3 I didn't have another mana but I played Smallpox and I drew a bunch of cards. Then I drew into another from all the noncreature nonland spells they discarded and played another Smallpox and drew into another Smallpox. After the third Smallpox, I was the only one with land and they all got mana screwed long enough for me to discard the rest of their hands. I simultaneously killed all of them off with the help of my Shrieking Affliction's. Some of them now refuse to play with me if I am playing this deck since it so consistently can win and goes so fast.

This deck is meant for multiplayer, it is very fast, and is very consistent. If you get Waste Not in your opening hand, and are able to play it and begin using its abilities in a mulitplayer setting, that's it, you've already won. Imagine a turn 2 Waste Not into a turn 3 Delirium Skeins you discard 3 cards as well, but depending on what our ex-friends throw out we will gain a lot of value, rather we will draw all our cards back, be given more mana to play more cards to discard the rest of their hands, or have a zoo of 2/2 zombies. I can say, that (especially for this price) this is the best modern multiplayer deck right now.

Another great thing is that everything in the entire deck can be played for 3 mana or less. With 22 mana in our deck we will rarely ever encounter mana problems in live play.

Oh... is our hand bad? If we have Waste Not as explained before we will draw to good, or if we have Dark Deal we can draw an entire new hand and screw up our opponent's hands. (Also Waste Not and Dark Deal in a table full of people is straight op).

Also before you go thinking about what creatures work well with this deck stop right there. Our deck is good because we don't rely on creatures other than a horde of zombie tokens. Basically we make almost everyone's creature removal against us useless. Also we have a new addition of Lurrus of the Dream-Den which adds a lot of raw power to the deck. (FYI Before Lurrus, the deck list was the exact same, so Lurrus is purely a free card that required me cutting no cards from the deck to make him work. And he has synergies with putting cards into the graveyard. Pretty sweet addition if you ask me!)

Once we have emptied their hands, we can begin to kill every single person off at once with Shrieking Affliction or Quest for the Nihil Stone.

Discard fodder(6): 4xRotting Rats | 2x Dakmor Salvage

Discard outlets(31): 4x Delirium Skeins | 3x Tasigur's Cruelty | 4x Burglar Rat | 4x Rotting Rats | 4x Smallpox | 4x Dark Deal | 4x Vicious Rumors | 4x Geier Reach Sanitarium

Win Conditions(11): 4x Waste Not | 4x Shrieking Affliction | 2x Quest for the Nihil Stone | Lurrus of the Dream-Den

If you have more money to spend you can add in cards like Liliana of the Veil for extra lockdown. Or make the deck Black/Red and add in some Burning Inquiry.

But other than that this should be the strongest multiplayer / kitchen table/ casual deck out there, and its price is damn nice.


To be fair, when I first wrote this description the deck only cost around $50, obviously its almost tripled now, but I'm not changing the description.

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Counters to this deck: 4 friends teaming up against you running counterspell decks.

Also please if you like this deck, shoot it a +1. If you think there is some other cards that I could add in (that still allow this deck to stay in the budget range) let me know.

Last thing, my friends and I play Modern multiplayer decks, so if you are your friends don't restrict yourself to modern cards you can look at adding in some other amazing cards such as Dark Ritual to speed it up even more. Otherwise I don't know of other cards that would work as well as these modern legal ones.

Wow, 100 upvotes!

Tl:dr Empty their hands, win game

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Top Ranked
Date added 8 years
Last updated 2 years

This deck is not Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

10 - 1 Rares

14 - 0 Uncommons

20 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.16
Tokens Companion Zone, Zombie 2/2 B
Folders Interested, DECK IDEAS, Modern, Ideas to watch, Budget Ideas, Decks I want to build., Ideas, decks, fun/evil, Other's decks
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