

Suggestions and feedback will be appreciated. Need help with sideboard options, specifically against burn and token decks.

This is intended to be a budget u/b tempo deck.

I really wanted to build around Hidden Strings and was doing so with a more roguey decklist using Deathcult Rogue and Dimir Infiltrator with heroic creatures thrown in. This wasn't very consistent so I did some snooping and found Boza had suggested utilising 'rebound' cards which I found work very well when triggering heroic effects in conjunction with cipher.

Anyway this is mainly for my editing purposes but I thought I'd chuck it up for reference as there aren't many dimir tempo decks on here that aren't fae/rogues.


Play dudes and swing in, utilising cipher to get a tempo advantage early, something to note is that 'Heroic' triggers resolve before the spell that triggers them, meaning you can cast your free copy of Hidden Strings on your heroic creatures causing them to trigger and then eat the copy with Nivmagus Elemental (assuming you don't want to tap/untap anything). Eating my spells off the stack after they're countered is another pro for Nivmagus Elemental and the main reason I've kept him in the sideboard for now.

Other than that the deck is pretty straight forward, pump creatures to get damage through early and maintain strong card advantage with Pain Seer .


Made from cards I had laying around.

Ashiok's Adept replaces Agent of the Fates in control/creatureless matchups.

Woodlot Crawler replaces Invisible Stalker against mono green or green decks without targeted removal/burn.

Bile Blight for token decks.

Reap Intellect for combo/control decks and because it's an awesome card.

Nivmagus Elemental moved to sideboard for control/blue matchups.


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Date added 8 years
Last updated 8 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

0 - 1 Mythic Rares

22 - 3 Rares

17 - 10 Uncommons

10 - 1 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.74
Folders Cool Decks, Interesting decks, neat
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