Wicked Devotion

Modern EzraTerrestrial


I like what you've got here, and I realize it's a devotion deck, but I just do not like Abhorrent Overlord . Master of the Feast is better in my opinion. I would switch them.

August 25, 2014 5:02 p.m.

DaigarStrasis says... #2

No way Vergil_Redgrail, the overlord is soo much more crucial in a devotion deck, sacking a 1/1 token with dictate out to get your opponent to sac their fatty or hexproof creature, yes please.

August 26, 2014 2:27 p.m.

TheNinjaJesus says... #3

If you're going for the sack angle, you can put in some Eater of Hope

August 26, 2014 2:40 p.m.

TheNinjaJesus, I had Eater of Hope in here originally. I have the promo version (which has some insanely cool art), but I just found that there were few times where I'd be using that sac ability from him simply because if I'm in a position to tap all the mana to use it, I'd already be winning. It just seemed to be an extra. Maybe sideboard?

August 27, 2014 2:18 a.m.

bretters says... #5

daigarstrasis... how are you sacking a token with dicate out or at all? you dont have any sac outlets at all.. plus your only token maker is abhorrent overlord. heh... just saying your description and what you said in the comment above don't match the deck. heh.

August 27, 2014 11:56 a.m.

bretters, I just mean sac in the general way of killing it myself. Like if I used Bile Blight to target my tokens or some other creature I had multiples of, I could destroy all of them, resulting in (hopefully) a mass death of enemy heavies. Though I definitely am reconsidering Eater of Hope !

August 28, 2014 12:40 a.m.

bretters says... #7

okay, well bile blight is your only kill spell :P

August 28, 2014 3:31 a.m.

bretters says... #8

main board anyways

August 28, 2014 3:31 a.m.

Chase_M155 says... #9

obelisk of urd for extra demon pump?

August 28, 2014 9:08 p.m.

dude9914 says... #10

Have you thought about splashing red for Tymaret, the Murder King ?

August 31, 2014 6:01 a.m.

wasterbaster says... #11

why no Thoughtseize

August 31, 2014 7:50 p.m.

wasterbaster, Thoughtsieze too rich for my blood haha

August 31, 2014 11:40 p.m.

Osiris716 says... #13

Why do you have 4 Bile Blight main board and 1 sideboard

September 1, 2014 3:44 p.m.

Osiris716 says... #14

Also if its for Theros/M15 then why are there cards in your sideboard from other sets? Also this is great for post rotation.

September 1, 2014 3:47 p.m.

nightfire1177 says... #15

if u use the temple of malice u can throw a nightfire giant in there also since it uses red but I would loose the bile blights and use asphyxiate instead my personal opinion unless u are using it against tokens

September 1, 2014 5:09 p.m.

I'm really bad about sideboards, so I haven't messed with it since I revamped (redeemoned maybe?) it with m15. Osiris716 any ideas?

September 2, 2014 1:47 a.m.

Shnakes says... #17

Have you considered one or two Liliana Vess ? She's a pretty solid planeswalker that keeps the opponents hand under control, tutors the cards you need, and her ultimate fits the theme of this deck pretty well.

September 2, 2014 2:52 a.m.

Hills says... #18

My suggestions for you are to mainboard 3-4 Hero's Downfall s and put Bile Blight s in sideboard (equal number to your downfalls) run Duress or Thoughtseize instead of boon. Ob Nixilis, Unshackled is a cool card but he is so unplayable unless you have the right circumstance. replace him for other creatures/cards (my suggestions is 1 more Dictate of Erebos and 1 more Indulgent Tormentor ). You could drop the Nighthowler s to add an extra Herald of Torment s and an extra gray merchant to your mainboard, Mogis's Marauder s are awsome for black devotion too if you want to consider him. for your sideboard i would run 3-4 Silence the Believers , dark betrayals, bile blights, Pharikas Cure (for vs any aggro decks).

Read the Bones is also handy for draw cards so you might want to consider fitting it in somewhere

If you have them replace your Herald of Torment s with Master of the Feast s.

If you really want to play around sacrificing your creatures though you might want to consider cards like Tormented Thoughts , Extinguish All Hope (this card doesn't hit brain maggots but kills almost all other creatures so long as they aren't enchantments), March of the Returned (helps get back a nighthowler or 2 if they have removed him), Returned Centaur , Returned Reveler

A Fun combo for black devotion is Claim of Erebos and Pain Seer

September 2, 2014 10:26 a.m.

Hills says... #19

I could be wrong with my statement about Ob Nixilis, Unshackled post khan's depending on how much fetch is in the set.

September 2, 2014 10:35 a.m.

Thanks Hills, super helpful! I'm steering clear of Silence the Believers merely because it exiles and I want stuff in the grave. I'll eventually swap out all the Bile Blight with Hero's Downfall as I obtain them. I'm really interested in the Master of the Feast + Tormented Thoughts combo.

September 2, 2014 4:11 p.m.

LordArtec says... #21

if you can get Generator Servant out to make anything hastely makes it even better.

September 2, 2014 4:20 p.m.

LordArtec says... #22

I would also sideboard Drown in Sorrow to those annoying Hyper Argo Deck's

September 2, 2014 4:21 p.m.

Hills says... #23

oh i almost forgot there is Sign in Blood too. you could target the opponent with Sign in Blood to make them draw 2 and pay 2 life then make they discard their hand with tormented thoughts

September 2, 2014 5:48 p.m.

LordSturm says... #24

Have you thought about tossing in an Obelisk of Urd ?

September 3, 2014 6:35 p.m.

FrostyJams says... #25

Cool deck idea, +1.

If you are trying to run this deck the way your description states I think you need more cheap creatures. Brain Maggot is solid, but you don't really want it dead cause you have to give back whatever you exiled. I would replace Indulgent Tormentor with Typhoid Rats and pepper the field with it and Pharika's Chosen which will stop your opponents attacks. Main-board Drown in Sorrow in place of Bile Blight then play a Dictate of Erebos and clean out your little guys and your opponents board all at the same time.

This would also bring your mana curve down to help the early game which I think is your weakest board presence. Just my thoughts, when I playtested I had a handful of spendy creatures that I had to wait to cast more often than I liked.

Fun deck, would appreciate your feedback on my post RTR deck Wave Robbers

September 8, 2014 11:30 p.m.

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