

In a nutshell: it's a prison mana denial deck based on tap untap tap lands at upkeep working with enchant like Contaminated Ground

26/02/2022 Big Update: Counterspells have been removed (the timing and available mana in the deck is not really good for them) Baleful Strix enters the deck, provides additional protection, can contribute to damages, makes the deck more compat (draw) to get the enchants. Collective Brutality seems to be a flexible disruption and accelerator.


I like trying and get new concepts into my decks so here is a not that common cute idea around lands. I hope you'll like it.

As you are now aware by looking at the decklist, this control deck is based on slowing down the opponent play enough tapping his or her lands and kill him inflecting shocks at a steady pace.

I'll only talk about what is not clear at first sight about the deck:

  • it's whenever it's tapped not whenever it's tapped for mana in the 12 (16 with the side) cards that infest lands and this makes of course the point of the deck.

  • You will of course play your tap instants (or Rishadan Port's ability) during your opponent upkeep that's how you slow down his or her play, even if you do not inflict damage.

  • It's better to cumulate bullshit on the same land to be able to tap it to inflict 4 or 6.

  • Contaminated Ground converts it's victim into a swamp, this can be really a pain in the ass during the early stage with a non black deck, it's also a pacificator of non basic lands.

  • Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth is here to be able to make black with the fetch lands or with the Rishadan Port etc...

  • Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth was more or less a combo with Mana Web (now removed from the deck)

  • Rishadan Port and 3 other lands on board with Dream's Grip's entwine allows: during your opponent upkeep as usual, trigger twice the effect of the infested land in a single shoot (tap untap with Dream's Grip entwined then tap again with Rishadan Port). So it's generally a finish making 8 or 12 damage.

  • Rishadan Port and 4 other lands on board with Snap allows the same thing: during your opponent upkeep as usual, tap an infested land once with the Rishadan Port, snap a creature and chose to untap his or her infested land and your Rishadan Port. Then tap his or her infested land again. So it's also generally a finish making 8 or 12 damage.

  • You can use the Snap on your own Pestermite for this endgame double tap technique.

  • Pestermite and Dream's Grip target permanents (not lands only) it can give you a little more of the control you need to slow down enough the opponent.

  • Tolaria West is here to tutor the Rishadan Port and other special lands

  • Vs white or green decks you have 4 additional land bullshit cards Corrupted Roots in the sideboard that can really speed up the business.

Like Steven Seagal, please enjoy! on a Deadly Ground.

Any remarks are welcome.


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Date added 9 years
Last updated 3 years

This deck is Legacy legal.

Rarity (main - side)

30 - 4 Rares

6 - 4 Uncommons

26 - 0 Commons

Cards 62
Avg. CMC 1.84
Folders Land Destruction, Looks cool, Cool Ideas
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