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The Best Way to Cheat 5+ Mana T1 (The Toasty One)

Modern* BR (Rakdos)



Creature (2)

Artifact (2)

Enchantment (4)


Instant (1)

Sorcery (1)

One of the only Modern useful cards from all of Hour of Devastation is Hollow One! When you first see this card you may think, "That's kind of neat." You're right, but it's more than that. Imagine getting this out turn 1, pretty nice. Or two of them. Or four. (Pretty unlikely, but hey it could happen).

Here's how it works:

Your main goal is to get a bunch of big dudes out early game and go from there. T1 and easily T2 you can get out a Hollow One with either Burning Inquiry or Faithless Looting. Street Wraith also comes in handy here. When you discard, it is super sweet to hit a Bloodghast into the graveyard or Flamewake Phoenix.

Another good T1 play is Flameblade Adept. The Menace actually comes in pretty nicely too.

Here are a few sweet plays you could have:

T1: Land + Burning Inquiry + Hollow One (you could get more than one but we'll just say one for this)

T2: Faithless Looting (discard a Bloodghast) + Land + Gurmag Angler

T3: Continue breaking face.


T1: Land + Flameblade Adept

T2: Land + cycle Street Wraith + Cathartic Reunion (discard Flamewake Phoenix) + Hollow One

T3: Land + reanimate Flamewake Phoenix

So pretty fun. This is just in early stages, sideboard is a WIP. Any suggestions totally welcome!


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Revision 4 See all

(1 month ago)

-1 Call to the Netherworld main
-3 Cathartic Reunion main
+3 Detective's Phoenix main
-2 Flamewake Phoenix main
+3 Goblin Lore main
Top Ranked
  • Achieved #1 position overall 7 years ago
Date added 7 years
Last updated 1 month

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

24 - 5 Rares

19 - 10 Uncommons

12 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.83
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