

Creature (2)

This is a legacy deck that I've built based on various different lists. The deck relies on two cards, False Cure and Predator Kavu. What you want to do is have a Kavu out, play false cure, then play a myriad of free spells that gain your opponent's life, burning them while pumping up the Kavu to hit for massive damage. The other cards in the list are there to make sure I get enough cards to kill in one turn, tutors to get Kavu, library and Bob to get cards in hand. I'm attempting to add two endurances to the deck, but don't want to take cards out that would cripple the original game plan. Any suggestions or help would be appreciated. Thanks


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99% Casual


Date added 8 months
Last updated 8 months
Exclude colors UR
Splash colors WBG

This deck is Legacy legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 0 Mythic Rares

34 - 9 Rares

4 - 1 Uncommons

11 - 1 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.00
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