The MVP of the deck (other than Krenko, Mob Boss and Bonfire of the Damned for their own obvious reasons) is definitely Burn at the Stake. If you can play it turn 5 with only 5 or 6 goblins out (which shouldn't be that hard with plenty of creatures and 4 Krenko's Command) you can cripple your opponent with instantly.


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So I took out Rage Thrower in favor of Mogg Flunkies to help the curve and have more possible ammunition for Goblin Grenade and Arms Dealer.

Round 1 (vs. G/W Flicker) The deck did pretty well in the constructed tournament. I got there late and almost had to take a round 1 loss automatically, but luckily there was somebody else late that I could play. Won game 1 with a Burn at the Stake for 21 damage on turn 5. Game 2 I got mana flooded and lost board advantage relatively quickly, and the third game I was able to get him down to about 5 life, but he had a Thragtusk and Conjurer's Closet that kept him gaining life and beating me down with 3/3s.

Round 2 (vs. Undying Pod) Game 1 ended quickly on a turn 3 Goblin Chieftain and turn 4 Krenko, Mob Boss swinging lots of goblins in without much of a board presence from him. Game 2 lasted a little longer with him being able to pod into his Mikaeus, the Unhallowed and chump with creatures and just have them come back. Worked him down with slow burn and finished with a flashed back Devil's Play.

Round 3 (vs. W/B Unknown) Honestly, the games ended so quickly I have no idea what he was playing. I saw an Isolated Chapel and Vault of the Archangel game 1 so I thought maybe W/B Tokens, but didn't see any creatures. Game 2 he got a Vampire Nighthawk out (which got killed almost immediately) and that was about it.

Round 4 (vs. U/W Delver-ish) Best match of the night. He was playing kind of a Delver shell deck with some cool gimmicks thrown in. Game 1 looked like a typical U/W Delver deck after the turn 1 Gitaxian Probe and Ponder followed by a turn 2 Delver of Secrets  Flip, etc. The Delver flipped turn 3 and kept pinging me for a while before I could get out an Arms Dealer to kill it. I had gotten down to 5 life before I top decked my Bonfire of the Damned to win. Game 2 I kept a one-land hand which I shouldn't have. I had a few Goblin Arsonists and a Goblin Grenade so I thought I could work it, but I didn't end up drawing another land til turn 4 and it was too late by then. Game 3 I got to see the gimmick behind his deck (almost). I didn't get any of my burn spells so I was just keeping a steady board presence of goblins while I waited. He was digging his deck with a Merfolk Looter and ended up discarding a Shape Anew which I found out later was for his Blightsteel Colossus, but I kept killing the little myrs and golems he was making in order to sac for it. I ended up winning with a top-deck Burn at the Stake for about 18 (even though he was down to 5 or 6 life).

I felt good about the deck, especially without a sideboard built. Now I kind of have a feeling of what to add in. I'm thinking about a few Zealous Conscripts as well as Pillar of Flame and Smelt. Let me know if you have any sideboard suggestions and +1 if you like the concept.


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Date added 11 years
Last updated 11 years

This deck is Unknown legal.

Rarity (main - side)

1 - 0 Mythic Rares

19 - 0 Rares

5 - 0 Uncommons

13 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.45
Tokens Goblin 1/1 R
Folders Casual
Ignored suggestions
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