Start Your Engines

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Start Your Engines


Vehicles you control become artifact creatures until end of turn. Creatures you control get +2/+0 until end of turn.

channelfireball12345 on Wheels on the Bus -(budget vehicles)-

4 years ago

Doesn't sound bad to me. Start Your Engines seems like a decent tempo play, but it doesn't provide any lasting value despite costing 4, which seems like a price that should warrant some lasting gain (like 2/1 dwarf berserkers, for instance) unless the deck is really fast and low to the ground, which this build doesn't seem to be. And if it were such an aggressive deck, you probably wouldn't be playing Start Your Engines anyway, on account of its cmc. Also, come to think of it, Reckless Crew might just be the better card in most cases, given that the tokens it produces can crew vehicles the turn they ETB (even though I'm aware that many vehicles have crew costs higher than 2). Also, how about, say, Colossal Plow and Giant Ox from Kaldheim in this deck?

squonk76 on Wheels on the Bus -(budget vehicles)-

4 years ago

channelfireball12345 definitely a consideration, perhaps in place of a mountain and one Start Your Engines?

Brutal_B on Manapunk

5 years ago

I play a vehicles deck as well but mine has a stronger emphasis on bonuses from crewing. Creatures like Hateflayer and King Macar, the Gold-Cursed might be worthy of your consideration. Also Aethershield Artificer , Veteran Motorist , and Weldfast Engineer all give a vehicle or two a little boost. Sai, Master Thopterist , Pia Nalaar , Efficient Construction , and Thopter Spy Network are all decent servo/thopter creators; and Master Trinketeer pumps all those creations for better crewing! Then add in Anointed Procession , Parallel Lives and/or ! Doubling Season ! for even more tokens. Start Your Engines and Aerial Modification are good inclusions as well. Some cards that we both need to put in our decks are Padeem, Consul of Innovation , Aeronaut Admiral and Built to Smash . Atraxa, Praetors' Voice and Breya, Etherium Shaper would be great in your deck! Mirrorworks ? Mirage Mirror ?

Geralf_Cecani on

6 years ago

Also, the looter scooter is by leaps and bounds better than the Heart of Kiran (Smuggler's Copter)

Maybe throwing is Start Your Engines?

I would definitely agree with going with RW. You can use Toolcraft Exemplar to crew any of your boys.

Fling seems like a bit of a non draw in this deck as your dreadnaught will almost never not have trample and your heart/scooter will have flying, and will therefore almost always get in for damage.

And as for Shrapnel Blast, maybe Galvanic Blast instead? Use Scrapheap Scroungers instead of enthusiasts and a couple Darksteel Citadels and you could have Metalcraft for days.

numerek on Creature-less Vehicles

6 years ago
  • The Antiquities War I know its not your colors and it would actually downgrade a lot of vehicles power and toughness but it does give you another Start Your Engines's type effect.

  • Bomat Bazaar Barge gives you a card which I think would be nice for your deck.

  • Fleetwheel Cruiser can let you get in for 5 if your boardwipes have done their job or if all your opponents creatures are turned, it can crew all but 4 of your other vehicles and then 7 of those can up crew those 4.

  • Oketra the True I would play this over Siege Modification it can't crew all your vehicles like siege can but it also doesn't set you up for a two for one, one of its tokens can actually crew Untethered Express or they can work with the god to crew other ones, and it survives your boardwipes as well as Hour of Devastation . and with double strike works great with Start Your Engines. I know it would be a creature in your creatureless deck but its blasphemy to call god's creatures anyway.

Blaze_Unicycle on Overdrive

6 years ago

The pricetag on this deck is amazing for how good it looks. Your early game seems to be a little on the weaker end, though, and your vehicles seem to be topping out your curve instead of there being some lower mana ones that you can get out earlier. I don't actually know if there are any vehicles like that, though. Start Your Engines is a great finisher if you have a full board, so I'm glad you are running 4 of them. I don't know if you want to keep this at a super budget or not, but improvements could be Aethersphere Harvester and Inspiring Vantage. More answers to flying, especially in your sideboard, would be a good idea, along with good removal. Baffling End is pretty good and cheap.

subzero719 on R/W Aggro Consulate Dreadnought / Turn 3 Win

7 years ago

After Reviewing my build I never actually had 4 Lupine Prototypes, I ran 3. My reason for 3 over 2 is that in a pinch I will just fling one at something. I can activate a vehicle with a lupine then fling at the opponents biggest blocker to get that 7/11 dreadnought through. Flinging for 5 is also pretty good when you arent sure if you can finish them off in the same turn.

I definitely recommend 4 Flings, since it only gets more powerful when you use built to smash and Seige mod. I find typically your opponent will do everything they can to get rid of a crewed vehicle. having fling in the hand makes any loss of vehicles a gain.

As for Depala, she is a 3 drop so it is hard to play her over a peacewalker or a caravan so I only run 2. When u do have one it is a solid buff to mostly everything on the field. vehicles and other dwarves all get +1 Depala plus a vet motorist makes a 9/14 dreadnought plus if you have a dead draw, she can fill your hand with extra creatures or vehicles. this deck should see a dwarf or vehicle every 2 to 3 cards.

I would cut Aerial Modification. even with a caravan out you are putting aerial mod out on turn 4 when you could pull off a lot more by crewing, built to smash, seige mod and fling. at CMC 5 I just dont see its value. I could say the same for Start Your Engines but thats just my preference. I like having more low cost options in hand than dumping mana into a single spell.

I also run Bomat courier for that extra bit of damage or crew strength that you sometimes need. I have played quite a few games where I get a T1 Toolcraft and a T2 Bomat with Built to Smash, thats 7 damage on T2. That often will leave your opponent dead by T4/T5 depending on the next plays. Playing Bomat Courier also allows me to get some extra draws when I have to many vehicles in hand, and it allows me to play Spire of Industy reliably on early turns.

Lastly I too have experimented with Consul Flagship but I find this deck to be too aggressive to run it at 5 mana. Maybe a Glorybringer would be better for it's haste and 4 damage to a creature.

Motys on need a ride?

7 years ago

Gearshift Ace -> Sram, Senior Edificer, you will run out of fuel too quick

Demolition Stomper -> Consulate Dreadnought, 6 cmc vehicle just won't work.

Chief of the Foundry -> Veteran Motorist, vehicles are big without help of the chief, veteran can crew heart of kiran + scry is always nice

Aerial Modification - just no, no, no, no. Siege modification is okay cause its 3CMC, Start Your Engines might be better choice.

How about Needle Spires?

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