Evelyn, the Covetous
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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Evelyn, the Covetous

Legendary Creature — Vampire Rogue


Whenever Evelyn, the Covetous or another Vampire enters the battlefield under your control, exile the top card of each player's library with a collection counter on it.

Once each turn you may play a card from exile with a collection counter on it if it was exiled by an ability you controlled, and you may spend mana as though it were any color to cast it.

Recommendations View more recommendations

Corpse Appraiser
Dreamdrinker Vampire
Syndicate Infiltrator
Cutthroat Contender
Glamorous Outlaw
Mirko, Obsessive Theorist

Rhadamanthus on When does a creature become …

5 months ago

Mephidross Vampire works but Olivia, Mobilized for War does not.

Mephidross Vampire's effect is from a static ability (any ability that isn't activated or triggered is a static ability), and static abilities are just "always on". Your creatures are Vampires from the very moment they enter the battlefield and Evelyn, the Covetous will see them that way.

Olivia's effect, however, is created from the resolution of a triggered ability (anything that starts with one of the words "when", "whenever" or "at"). The ability triggers when the creature enters the battlefield and the creature gets turned into a Vampire as the trigger finishes resolving. If it wasn't already a Vampire to start with, Evelyn won't trigger when it enters the battlefield. After it gets turned into a Vampire, you don't back up the game and try to do Evelyn's trigger again. That moment has already passed.

BrickMaster28 on When does a creature become …

5 months ago

I am building a deck with Evelyn, the Covetous and want to take advantage of her "another Vampire enters the battlefield effect". Say I have Mephidross Vampire on the battlefield already, and I cast a non-Vampire creature card (either from my hand or from exile with a collection counter on it) - would the non-Vampire creature become a Vampire before/as entering the battlefield to trigger Evelyn's effect? Same question to Olivia, Mobilized for War.

I ask because the effects of both cards give the impression that the non-Vampire creature would become a Vampire after entering the battlefield, thus not triggering Evelyn's effect. But I wanted to double-check in case I was wrong, because that would be a fun effect to implement.

legendofa on How do collection counters with …

10 months ago

First answer: The cards exiled with collection counters don't care which Evelyn, the Covetous effect exiled them. Since they check if "an effect you controlled" exiled them, as long as they have a collection counter and you were the one that put them there, you can play them. The more restrictive wording would be along the lines of "you may play a card... if it was exiled this way."

  • Technically, they don't even care how they got into exile or why they have a collection counter, but there's no other way to get a collection counter on an exiled card right now.

Second answer: Since you control both effects, and they're triggered at the same time, you choose which order they resolve in.

BrickMaster28 on How do collection counters with …

10 months ago

Say casting Evelyn, the Covetous results in Path to Exile and Otherworldly Gaze being exiled, each with a collection counter as stated by Evelyn, then an opponent destroys her to make her leave the battlefield. If I cast Evelyn again onto the battlefield then would I still be able to cast Path to Exile or Otherworldly Gaze since they are "a card from exile with a collection counter on it" and "exiled by an ability I controlled", or would they not be legal to cast? I would assume that since the exiled cards will always have a collection counter on them and be in exile then they shouldn't be "lost" if Evelyn leaves the battlefield and re-enters.

In another situation, say I have Evelyn, the Covetous already on the battlefield and I cast Jeleva, Nephalia's Scourge. Which "enters the battlefield" effect resolves first - i.e. do I exile the cards with a collection counter for Evelyn first, or do I exile cards for Jeleva first? I would assume Jeleva first, but I am not certain.

Thank you in advance!

YamishiTheWickedOne on

1 year ago

Oh I completely forgot to mention: another optional Sorin target is Evelyn, the Covetous. She's technically Grixis but can be played as if she were monoblack. Not mandatory but she's a vampire to consider.

Necrosis24 on Tribal Vamping

1 year ago

Evelyn, the Covetous is a pretty good tribal commander. She disrupts game plans unintentionally by taking key cards off opponents' decks, provides card advantage, and access to strategies not in the deck. Also gives you access to either go wide with tokens or utilize recursion for extra etbs.

Sephyrias on Best Commanders in EDH [Tier List] Part 1

2 years ago

What puts Raffine, Scheming Seer in tier 2 and Evelyn, the Covetous in tier 3, while Anhelo, the Painter is tier 4? I'd argue Anhelo is at the very least on par with Zevlor, Elturel Exile, who also ended up in tier 2. Zevlor and Anhelo are in the same colors and do the same magecraft combos.

Alela, Artful Provocateur has dropped really far, hasn't she? I'm also surprised to see Commander Liara Portyr in the same tier as her, what makes Liara Portyr that good? You have to jump through a lot of hoops to get value out of her. Is there some easy way to infinitely cast a spell from exile with her?

The Eloise, Nephalia Sleuth + March of the Machines combo is very strong, surprised that she is a tier below Siona, Captain of the Pyleas.

Side note: the list currently reads "2x Raggadragga".

Sephyrias on Best Commanders in EDH [Tier List] Part 1

2 years ago

Nonary27 There are a lot of competitive/fringe competitive commanders in both sets.

New Capenna

Lagrella, the Magpie serves as Fiend Hunter in the command zone, letting you do sacrifice combos with Karmic Guide. She'll probably end up somewhere close to Saffi Eriksdotter.

Cormela, Glamour Thief combos with reanimator spells like Footsteps of the Goryo as long as you have cost reduction cards like Goblin Electromancer or a sac outlet that generates mana. I think she's pretty strong. Anhelo, the Painter is a grixis version of Kalamax, the Stormsire. Probably the best of the new Grixis commanders. Evelyn, the Covetous is weaker than it looks. I don't think there is an infinite blink/flicker/cloning combo piece that's also a vampire. Probably not better than Vela the Night-Clad, even with the extra color. Lord Xander, the Collector has a big impact on casual tables, but is nowhere near as relevant in competitive play. Would put him somewhere close to Evelyn.

Falco Spara, Pactweaver is an okay value engine, but you have to jump through extra hoops to go infinite with it compared to Elsha of the Infinite, so it will be a few tiers lower than Elsha. Rigo, Streetwise Mentor has to compete with Edric, Spymaster of Trest, they want to do more or less the same thing. I'm not sure if Rigo is better or worse.

Ognis, the Dragon's Lash does the same as Grand Warlord Radha. You get an extra color, but have the restriction regarding haste in exchange. Henzie "Toolbox" Torre is just a bad Grim Haruspex that can serve as pseudo-haste-enabler. Not weak, but also not very strong. Rocco, Cabaretti Caterer is a Wargate for creatures in the command zone. Might be the strongest Naya legend to date, although Marath, Will of the Wild is no joke either. Jolene, the Plunder Queen enables untap combos with Black Market Tycoon, but it just ends up being a much worse version of the Freed from the Real combos that other commanders can do.

None of the others are worth mentioning imo.

Commander Legends 2

Abdel Adrian, Gorion's Ward is similar to Lagrella, all about Fiend Hunter-type flicker/sacrifice combos. Candlekeep Sage is probably the best background for it. Alaundo the Seer is a simic version of Jhoira of the Ghitu, except that it's slower, but also draws cards. Bhaal, Lord of Murder is more or less an Odric's Outrider in the command zone, but that it only counts for nontoken creatures means you can't combo with Scurry Oak, so it's probably not that great. I think Duke Ulder Ravengard combos with Port Razer?

Gale, Waterdeep Prodigy sort of gives all your instants & sorceries flashback, which is usually very powerful. Not sure how good it ends up being in practice however. Ganax, Astral Hunter is basically just Galazeth Prismari. Kagha, Shadow Archdruid is yet another Golgari recursion commander, which are usually at least decent. Jan Jansen, Chaos Crafter goes infinite with Clock of Omens and Liquimetal Coating.

Baba Lysaga, Night Witch, Bane, Lord of Darkness, Dynaheir, Invoker Adept, Gorion, Wise Mentor and Jaheira, Friend of the Forest have a lot of combo potential, but I'm not sure how to break them yet.

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