Kor Dirge

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Kor Dirge


All damage that would be dealt this turn to target creature you control by a source of your choice is dealt to another target creature instead.

PhotogenicParasympathetic on Serial Killer [Primer Included]

7 years ago

Focusing on creatures such as Bane of Bala Ged, Sheoldred, Whispering One, and Kozilek, the Great Distortion, would turn this deck in a different direction than it currently goes, becoming more reanimator than control. Putting those creatures onto the battlefield makes me a target, and that's the opposite of what I want to do when I'm playing this deck. The idea is to discourage people from trying to interact with me by promising that they will lose more than I do. If I slam Sheoldred, suddenly A) they are losing value if they DON'T interact with me, and B) I have something important to lose, so the interaction's no longer one-sided in my favor.

Lim-Dul the Necromancer is certainly an option, though I tend to find him too expensive for his effect. I'd recommend trying out Geth, Lord of the Vault over Lim-Dul, since he not only can res creatures without waiting for a death trigger, but can grab artifacts too, all while doubling as another win-con should we get enough mana.

Phyrexian Obliterator is... interesting. My gut instinct is to say that it falls into the same category as Kozilek, the Great Distortion, in that it paints too much of a target on me. That said, if I were to use it properly (that is, mainly on defense), it could certainly be quite effective as a deterrent. I'll play around with it and let you know how it performs.

Gonti, Lord of Luxury is an odd one for sure. The variance on him seems really high - for every time I rip someone's eldrazi titan off the top of their library, there are going to be moments I hit three lands and an Emerald Medallion. If I were killing/reanimating him consistently, he'd be pretty sweet, but I don't know how frequently I'd end up doing that over reanimating Gray Merchant or things from my opponent's graveyards.

Boseiju, Who Shelters All seems like a good addition, and so does Primal Amulet - I'll test them and see how they do.

Kor Dirge is cute, but I dunno how effective it would be. If someone's actually attacking me, they're likely going for the kill, expecting that I'll interact by removing a lot of their attacking creatures. Dirge doesn't seem any better than any particular kill spell in that instance, and would be weaker in moments when I need a kill, but am not being actively targeted.

Sorin Markov runs afoul of the same limitations as Karn. As a terrifying planeswalker, he's going to draw more attention than he's worth. In addition, it's rare that I'm attacking with small enough amounts of damage that setting someone's life to 10 will be relevant. Either I'm swinging with a huge board courtesy of Rise of the Dark Realms, or I'm not usually swinging at all. Similarly, when casting the game-ending X-cost spells, it doesn't usually matter what life someone's at - either I have loads more mana than I could ever need, or I'm not likely going for the kill. Thus, life-gain strategies tend not to be an issue for me (doubly so since most of them rely on lifelinking creatures, which are easy for me to remove).

gdm1989 on Serial Killer [Primer Included]

7 years ago

Yeah I reason I karn would be good is there will be decks that have enchantments same with a few planeswalkers. I been thinking of ways to be more well rounded in a multiplayer game against these cards. Plus also trying to steal the cards onto your battlefield.

Gonti, Lord of Luxury we can abuse via reanimation triggers

Kozilek, the Great Distortion for us to discard instants to counter cards and set up our spells

Bane of Bala Ged to keep exiling lands, enchantments, and other problematic things

Sheoldred, Whispering One can keep on triggering toshiro's ability

Primal Amulet to reduce our instants cost and also copy the spells

Sorin Markov I've seen a video with someone using him in a toshiro edh deck and won 4 times. While he may not be able to kill things he can take care of annoying life gain decks

Phyrexian Obliterator for defense and another way of dealing with permaments

Kor Dirge to redirect damage

Lim-Dul the Necromancer to steal your opponents creatures

Boseiju, Who Shelters All your instants cant be countered

Uncanny_Ghoul on FrossCat

7 years ago

Hello friend, since you've asked for control non-typical decks. My mind comes to cards you don't usually see played alot but can pack quite a surprise for an unaware your opponent. Ofc these card are not really competitive.

Black:Dash Hopes - Extirpate - Kor Dirge - Nightcreep - Treacherous Urge - Imp's Mischief

White: Silence - Mana Tithe - Dawn Charm - Rebuff the Wicked

red: Wild Ricochet - Molten Influence

So build your blue control deck in any color you want :P

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