Hammer Mage

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Hammer Mage

Creature — Human Spellshaper

(X)(Red), Tap, Discard a card: Destroy all artifacts with converted mana cost X or less.

legendofa on Lets Shape the Spell

2 years ago

I would suggest an option that includes and , with as a possible third color.

isn't great. Mageta the Lion is a repeatable board wipe, and the other two I would consider are Avenger en-Dal and Devout Witness as targeted removal options.

has a couple of interesting control options. Waterfront Bouncer, Trickster Mage, and maybe Alexi, Zephyr Mage are passable tempo options, Stronghold Biologist and Stronghold Machinist are more color-heavy, and Dreamscape Artist hits color fixing and ramp, unusual for blue.

Spellshapers are generally mana-heavy, but Undertaker gives you a lot of freedom in what you discard, allowing you to switch cards in your hand and graveyard as needed. Notorious Assassin and Greel, Mind Raker are further control options.

offers mostly burn and evasion. Seismic Mage is repeatable land destruction, and Hammer Mage eats artifacts.

is, as always, the best at color fixing, with Greenseeker, Harvest Mage, and Silverglade Pathfinder. Rushwood Herbalist and Dawnstrider protect your creatures, and Jolrael, Empress of Beasts works well with the red options.

amarthaler on EDH Rakdos Group Slug

2 years ago


Out: Vandalblast

In: Hammer Mage

Going to be testing out a fun card from Mercadian Masques, Hammer Mage, since there's a lot of treasure-producing decks out there right now. And yes, while I know I have 4 artifacts with CMC 2 or less in the deck as well as Descent into Avernus, I think Hammer Mage will still be to our advantage since you can activate it at any time, as long as its on the board.

Coward_Token on Winota's Waging Weenies

4 years ago

Not really into cEDH (other than by watching the Spike Feeders & Playing With Power MTG) so take my thoughts with a pinch of salt:

Sanctum Prelate another flexible stax piece

Reliquary Monk some more flexible ETB item removal (tbh not really a fan of those; seems like a kinda puny Winota reward)

tapping humans, dunno if they're too slow: Nova Cleric, Magus of the Balance, Hammer Mage, Bounty Agent, Mangara of Corondor

niche hosers: Harsh Mentor, Aegis of the Gods

non-Human stax/hatebears/hosers that can enable Winota without risking themselves too much: Kinjalli's Sunwing, Leonin Arbiter, Vryn Wingmare, Rampaging Ferocidon

I feel the Auratouched Conscription combo to be gimmicky, esp. since you won't benefit from annihilator until the next turn

DrukenReaps on Should I Pretend This Or That?

5 years ago

Considering some more red options. The following kinda stood out to me:

Dwarven Strike Force, Goblin Welder, Hammer Mage, Heartless Hidetsugu, Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker, Scourge of Kher Ridges.

It occurs to me that kiki might make Helm of the Host much more attractive to me for this deck. It has never been a bad idea, I just tend to bounce Mairsil a lot.

THLombax on Werewolf Tribal

5 years ago

Were you not able to ever transform the two werewolf eldrazi?

For draw power, I'd add a Overwhelming Instinct and an Ulvenwald Mysteries and a Skullclamp. This way when someone wipes your field, you get a bunch of treasure tokens, sac them, draw and get 1/1's and then sac those to skullclamp to draw more.

Overwhelming Instinct helps with swinging wide. I personally haven't gotten a ton of use out of it, but it's a consideration for draw.

I'd try to put the two eldrazi wolves back in because they can get you mana and they're decent sized werewolves. I'd sub them out for Shefet Monitor and Hammer Mage . I'd also throw in a Return to Nature and a Vandalblast for enchantment and artifact removal

hkhssweiss on Creatures?Sure

6 years ago

You can try adding in a Silklash Spider for some creature removal tech, or Somberwald Stag . Hammer Mage is also some spicy Nikiya tech that no one really knows about yet.

Hope that helps!

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