Goblin Game

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Goblin Game


Each player hides at least one item, then all players reveal them simultaneously. Each player loses life equal to the number of items he or she revealed. The player who revealed the fewest items then loses half his or her life, rounded up. If two or more players are tied for fewest, each loses half his or her life, rounded up.

sergiodelrio on Pattern Recognition #342 - Goblins, …

5 months ago

Goblin Game

Sure, not an actual goblin, but goblin themed and goblin art.

How tf is this black border?

legendofa on Card creation challenge

2 years ago

Spear-Pierce Rig

Artifact Creature - Construct

Impeccable timing

When Spear-Pierce Rig enters the battlefield, it deals 1 damage to target creature.

Whenever Spear-Pierce Rig blocks, you may exile it, then return it to the battlefield blocking the same creature.


A card that nobody asked for:



Players can't cast spells during their turn. Any player may pay to ignore this effect this turn.

"And I thought hyperactive schoolchildren were distracting..." - Geetra, frustrated mage

Create a card that involves hidden information, like Goblin Game, Call to the Void, or Stalking Leonin.

legendofa on Deck idea with Coveted Jewel

2 years ago

I don't know if this is quite what you're looking for, but there are cards like Illicit Auction, Custody Battle, Pain's Reward, and if you really want a minigame, Goblin Game.

Jabberjaw46 on "Hagrid" Hans Eriksson

3 years ago

You can never forget about your Deathly Hallows!!

Magewright's Stone (Ressurection stone)

Whispersilk Cloak (invisibility cloak)

Sorcerer's Wand (elder wand)

And what about the whipping willow? Tree of Redemption? Or Hagrid's Opaline Unicorn? And what of Dobby's Goblin Game?

burferking on Rakdos, Fraction Buster

3 years ago

Hello I have a similar deck, if you want to take a look: Rakdos Fractions Besides your maybeboard, I would suggest adding: Goblin Game, Blood Tribute, Heartless Hidetsugu, Fraying Omnipotence

Meaner cards: Death Cloud, Pox

Players hate land destruction, so use with caution!

BrassLord on DDC

3 years ago

Ahhh I gotcha! Looks like you have a good starting backbone for it!

In terms of refining and cutting cards, I’d start by evaluating if a card can help win the game or further your game plan. For example, junk trawler, while a big beefy blocker, really doesn’t add that much, as you can’t capitalize on his ability. So underwhelming cards like that I’d cut.

In my experience playing mono red, card draw is at a premium and well needed. Finding one that fits can be tricky. Faithless Looting helps, but is more of a card filter than card advantage. Skullclamp is another one that may work for ya.

Also I’d see about trying to leverage your commanders ability and dragon synergy. Dragon's Hoard and Goldspan Dragon gel really well with your commander...

That all being said, if you’re looking for more chaos fun, I’d recommend Illicit Auction Puppet's Verdict and Goblin Game ! Whenever these cards resolve, it’s fun to watch opponents say, “ wait, it does WHAT?

electromancer on Why I Have No Friends

4 years ago

I like the spirit of this deck. Howabout Goblin Game -If your lucky you double the stakes with Wound Reflection

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