Fold into AEther

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Fold into AEther


Counter target spell. If that spell is countered this way, its controller may put a creature card from his or her hand into play.

kalabocas3 on The Crafty Companion to Cheating out Creatures

3 years ago

Fold into AEther. counter a cheap spell you own and dada

NoopyNolife on Big Fish (Merfolk Combo)

3 years ago

Hi lagotripha! What I like about Fold into AEther is that it isnt a dead card (per se) without a fatty in hand. Both Shape Anew and Hard Evidence seem rather weak on their own. Quicksilver Amulet requires a mana investment of in total which seems like a poor rate for a 6 euro card.

Now, I've had my eyes on Dramatic Entrance for a while. I could move to for example Simic Sky Swallower or any other green fatty for that matter to add Entrance as a 5th or even 6th cheat copy. I've also seen people play Through the Breach but I'd rather not add a third color right now.

Do you think the extra 1-2 copies would be worth switching creatures for Entrance?

zapyourtumor on Modern Reanimator, second draft

3 years ago

seriously what was R&D thinking, I got my Fold into AEther ed emmy chump blocked by a surprise Ice-Fang Coatl then my opponent literally cast her for free because of this thing

zapyourtumor on The *Real* Transported Man

4 years ago

Yesss Fold into AEther

Unfortunately I don't think jace will work with Chaos Warp, since the owner shufffles it into their library and then reveals the top card you can't do any topdeck manipulation in between the two steps

zapyourtumor on Across Time and Space [Primer] (Outdated)

4 years ago

Thanks for the suggestion. Gut Shot into Fold into AEther has served me very well in several games so I don't mind adding more copies, but I'm still not sure what to take out for it. Maybe Electrolyze or Cryptic Command: ill playtest more later. I'm still trying to find space for the 4th snapcaster as well lol

Queen_Lulu on Across Time and Space [Primer] (Outdated)

4 years ago

Very nice looking deck. The combo is good and you can defend it well. But might I suggest more Gut Shot? It's the best spell in the deck for you to use Fold into AEther on so you should have as many as possible. Overall though, a very good combo deck.

lagotripha on

4 years ago

Leviathan tribal. Neat.

Blue has a few cute options for cheating stuff into play - and a 'show and tell' style modern deck sounds fun. AEtherplasm offers a more casual trick. Blessed Reincarnation and Polymorph are traditional. Braids, Conjurer Adept is modern legal.Deathrender is usually better in combos, but functions. Flood of Tears and Fold into AEther are cute if awkward. Quicksilver Amulet is a classic, as is Summoner's Egg. Thran Temporal Gateway can do an impression of quicksilver, but is more restricitve.

Good luck with the brew!

lagotripha on Bringer of Victory

5 years ago

This looks pretty interesting. I'd consider leaning into an entirely colourless package with tron lands, and use Fist of Suns , but the bringers deserve to see the light. There are a lot of 'cheat big stuff' shells out there. Being reanimator is likely the strongest option, and I might try the dice archetype's mana package, to just make a ton of mana. Far from the most fun.

Pentad Prism is used to power out ad-nausiem, and artifact ramp cards offer options.

The unique thing about the big changeling is that he can abuse tribal cards. So go tinker with that.

Call to the Kindred , Preeminent Captain , Sorin, Imperious Bloodlord , Incandescent Soulstoke , Summoner's Egg , Quest for Ula's Temple , Descendants' Path / Leaf-Crowned Elder , AEthermage's Touch , Fold into AEther , Braids, Conjurer Adept , Reason / Believe also works as topdeck control, Call of the Wild / Impromptu Raid , Thran Temporal Gateway Champion of Rhonas , Dubious Challenge , Neoform / Allosaurus Rider , Deathrender , Unexpected Results

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