Fate Transfer

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Fate Transfer


Move all counters from target creature onto another target creature.

Sliverguy420 on Golgari Scavengers

5 hours ago

Fate Transfer may have a "surprise element" in niche scenarios, but its only helpful if you have it, and 2 mana, when your opponent removes the creature, and even then it only works once. theres a reason The Ozolith is expensive. even Bioshift would be better since its only 1 mana and you can choose how many counters you move. Winding Constrictor is an upgrade to Cursed Wombat since its not limited to once per turn.

modern is a pretty brutal format right now. if you can't win on turn 4, you need heavy amounts of removal to stop the decks that can.

kamarupa on Golgari Scavengers

20 hours ago

I have some suggestions. Feel free to ignore them!

  • Unearth instead of Treasured Find.

  • The Ozolith instead of or in addition to Fate Transfer - it's quite a expensive, so maybe you don't want to invest in it, but it's cheaper to cast and as a permanent, works statically, which is quite nice. The downside, in addition to its hefty price is that it's Legendary.

  • Corpsejack Menace has long been a staple in golgari counters

  • You didn't include "Budget" in your description or Hubs, so I'll suggest Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth and Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth as useful lands. They might help your opponents mana-fix, too though. And of course, if they're too expensive, just disregard this. Other lands to consider: Castle Locthwain, Bojuka Bog, Darkbore Pathway  Flip, Blooming Marsh, Deathcap Glade.

  • Thoughtseize is a classic black spell, but only 2x isn't much, especially when it's your only means of removal. Golgari is arguably the best color combination for removal ever. Abrupt Decay and Assassin's Trophy are at the top of a long list of great removal spells, and both are exclusive to golgari. I'd suggest 2x of each, but either would be useful. The other could go in your sideboard. Since you are already running some sac outlet creatures, Fatal Push would be a good fit, too.

  • Bow of Nylea is always good. It's another Legendary, so no more than 1x.

legendofa on Tekuthal and moving counters

1 year ago

Balaam__ Fate Transfer has a color identity. Hybrid mana is weird in EDH--every mana symbol that appears on a card contributes to its color identity, and you can't use a card that uses a symbol outside of your commander's color identity.

Basically, Tekuthal, Inquiry Dominus counts as a card, and Fate Transfer counts as a card.

The Ozolith is a valid suggestion, though.

Balaam__ on Tekuthal and moving counters

1 year ago

I don’t play Commander/EDH so I’m not sure these are legal, but The Ozolith and Fate Transfer are castable in mono

Balaam__ on Magosi's turn

3 years ago

Maybe something like animating the lands with Soilshaper or Spike Tiller, then transferring counters with Fate Transfer? Not sure if that would work or not.

UrzasUnderstudy on Tiny Simic

3 years ago

Off the top of my head, some possible cards for consideration: Evolution Sage , Fate Transfer , Fertilid , Solidarity of Heroes , Spike Feeder , Thrummingbird .

Kogarashi on Can I play fate transfer …

4 years ago

For future reference, the color identity of a card is determined by:

  • All mana symbols in its casting cost (including both halves of a hybrid mana symbol)
  • All mana symbols in its rules text (but not reminder text)
  • Any color-defining text in the rules text
  • Any color indicator on the type line (such as on the reverse face of a double-faced card)

So, per each:

  • Fate Transfer has a hybrid mana symbol. Both halves count, so it is both blue and black.
  • Bosh, Iron Golem has a red mana symbol in its rules text, so it has a red identity. Crypt Ghast's Orzhov symbol is in reminder text, so it doesn't count, and the Ghast is only black.
  • Older printings of Ancestral Vision contain the text "Ancestral Vision is blue." This sets the color identity even though there are no blue mana symbols on the card. It's important to note that Devoid ("this card is colorless") does not apply in this case, as Devoid cards still have mana symbols that inform their color identity.
  • Newer printings of Ancestral Vision have a color indicator on the type line (the blue circle). This sets the color even though there are still no blue mana symbols, and the "(This spell) is blue" text has been removed. These indicators are on the reverse of double-faced cards, so while Archangel Avacyn  Flip is white, its reverse, Avacyn, the Purifier, is red, making the card's identity red/white. This one trips up the most people, it seems.

Tylord2894 on Can I play fate transfer …

4 years ago

You can not play Fate Transfer in a Skullbriar, the Walking Grave deck. The color identity of Fate Transfer is both and , which doesn't align with Skullbriar's color identity. A hybrid mana symbol adds both colors to a card color identity. The notable "exceptions" to this are cards with extort like Crypt Ghast. The hybrid mana symbol is in the reminder text, so I doesn't count.

Hope this helps!!

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