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Butcher Orgg
Creature — Orgg
You may divide Butcher Orgg's combat damage as you choose among defending player and/or any number of creatures he or she controls.

wallisface on Mono Red Control/Mill (Premodern)
9 months ago
halanvaina just to play devils-advocate to your latest comment, I've posted replies to some of the mentioned cards and ideas. I hope this doesn't come across too rude - I just really feel like your deck is lacking some really fundamental deckbuilding guidelines and feels very non-functional because of this.
I don't see the point at-all of Feldon's Cane. You have absolutely no way to mill yourself unless you've played Crumbling Sanctuary and then failed to kill your opponent before they've killed you... the entire plan here feels flawed if that's the case. Crumbling Sanctuary itself is already faar too expensive mana-wise, and there's very-good odds you won't even be able to cast it before the game ends.
swapping one overcosted card for another doesn't really solve any problems... Kamahl, Pit Fighter is still too high a mana cost to be useful imo. I agree it is a very-strong improvement over Butcher Orgg, but that doesn't mean either should be played.
I'm not sure what you're hoping to achieve from Devastating Dreams? This looks like it hurts you much more than your opponent, especially considering your mana curve is so egregiously high.
You seem to be relying a lot on Jayemdae Tome but I really can't see how the card is playable. Yes it lets you draw 4 cards but at the expense of effectively doing nothing for two full turns - i'm not sure how any deck doesn't just automatically lose when they're taking two turns off doing nothing impactful.
I get that Helm of Awakening is there to try and accelerate your mana curve, and that will help, but even then you've only included 2 of them, and your curve is still massively high. You need a LOT more mana acceleration, or to severely reduce your mana curve - and ideally you would do both.
I'm not sure what problem you're trying to solve with Mangara's Tome, presumably card selection, but this really isn't the answer. Your mana resources are too limited already and either triggering or casting this thing likely means doing very little else in your turn. You're better-off drawing blindly from your deck than paying 2 mana to draw sudo-blindly anyway.
My biggest concern is your statement "While I do agree with opponents choosing two different options a terrible idea most of the time, the thing is with damage and fairly low cmc means that eventually your opponent will just have to do what I want."... the problem is that your deck doesn't have low cmc - I've checked other premodern decks and none of them are even remotely this slow. I don't believe the opponent will have to "choose what you want" because firstly if they're switching to the other choice, that means the first option would be hurting them more, so they're still taking the best path for their own survival, and making your life harder. And secondly, because I don't believe your deck is remotely fast enough to apply any pressure... your opponent will win long-before you put them into any kind of a bind.
I had a look at a bunch of competitive premodern decks here and there is a big gap between these decks and what you're currently running - namely that these decks can enact their plans much more quickly, and run a much lower mana-curve. I see premodern has archetypes like burn, which is effectively what you're doing but without all the extra steps and self-induced complications.
halanvaina on Mono Red Control/Mill (Premodern)
9 months ago
All right I updated the deck more over the past while.
Added Feldon's Cane to try to keep a grip on the late game. Took out Book Burning since it seemed to have too little impact on the game, at least compared to other things in the list. Took out Mogg Bombers for Lavaborn Muse for repeatable damage. Still going to keep the two beaters in the deck, but Took out Butcher Orgg for Kamahl, Pit Fighter. The fact he can tap to do a lighting bolt is better than the former. Another addition is Devastating Dreams as the finisher. Cards like Jayemdae Tome and (hopefully) Browbeat will draw me enough cards, and might even luck out & shuffle my graveyard into my libary afterward.
While I do agree with opponents choosing two different options a terrible idea most of the time, the thing is with damage and fairly low cmc means that eventually your opponent will just have to do what I want. It's not like Library of Lat-Nam, where its too expensive to play too much, and it's always going to be the far worse option. Least the way I see it. Also I'm going to replace Dwarven Ruins with Balduvian Trading Post when i can. Thing that sucks is I already ordered the cards before these recent revisions. So I guess I'll live with it until I see one. Same goes for the most of the other replacements.
wallisface on Mono Red Control/Mill (Premodern)
10 months ago
I’m not familiar in the premodern format, but this list seems to be doing a lot of things that feel weak/wrong.
Crumbling Sanctuary feels very weak, in that its basically saying to the opponent “hey you know how you had 20 life… now you effectively have around 45-50”. I get this impacts your own life total as well, but with no cards in your deck to profit from being in the graveyard, and no other cards that naturally mill (outside of Book Burning) before you drop this 5-mana arifact, i don’t see how this card helps you… it’s much more likely to benefit your opponent.
Cards that let your opponent choose an option are considered pretty-universally terrible. This is because the opponent will always choose the option that benefits you the least, meaning the card will always be doing the weakest of its effects.
Your mana curve feels excessively high. I don’t know the format well but it feels adjacent to modern/pioneer, and in that regard your mana curve is far too high. Your quantity of 4-5 mana spells is excessive, but also I see no way you’re ever realistically casting either Butcher Orgg or Avatar of Fury.
hoardofnotions on
Radha or die
7 years ago
I think my deck is a ramp deck first than use land destruction second as a sort of wincon.
I'm trying to keep the number of artifacts and enchantments at a minimum so my Bane of Progress and Wave of Vitriol are only back breaking against my opponents. So I'm not sure about the Ankh of Mishra or Dingus Egg
I'll be honest, I'm really not understanding Rite of Ruin. It just seems so expensive for what it's doing. Like best case what happens? I don't have any creatures out, make my opponents sac three, 2 lands and 1 artifact? Have you had good experiences with the card?
I agree that Reclamation Sage is good, and the first time I get wrecked by some stupid crucible I'll think of you and add it but for now I think my noncreature hate is strong enough to fight through without it.
Because so much of my early game is getting lands I try to keep my cards mana costs in mind while searching. So I haven't really been screwed out of colors yet. Also Butcher Orgg is such a beating! Every time I play it, folks have to kill it or it wrecks their world. Picking off utility creatures, getting unlockable damage, leading to blowouts with removal. It's all great with the butcher.
I'm always trying to improve my creature base, within my guidelines of having more than 4 toughness and good in multiplayer. So if you know of a good creature to replace Flameblast Dragon on a budget let me hear it! The only reason I'm running the Dragon now is for more creature control.
I'll give it to you that the fog is ridicules lol. 3 mana is too much for the effect, and Moment's Peace is too $expensive$ to run at this moment. Any idea for a replacement?
GobboE on
Radha or die
7 years ago
I like your take on the land destruction theme: you seek to ramp, bring out biggies and then destroy land so your opponents are at a severe disadvantage. If our two deck should ever meet: nobody will ever have land in play (you've already seen my The Destroyer of Lands (Radha, Heir to Keld) deck) ;) .
In your deck though, I think you should be wary of cards that have triple mana symbols in their manacost, such as Butcher Orgg. With land destruction you never know you will have that available and it will be a dead card.
Likewise, Flameblast Dragon, as much as I like it, costs you mana to activate...and mana will be in short supply.
Lastly : I think Spore Cloud with all your destruction is redundant.
For some suggestions (considering that you are trying to run a budget deck):
Ankh of Mishra: yes you'll get damage, but it'll hurt your opponents more (especially if you play it after you've ramped)
Dingus Egg: If only for the flavour :)
Rite of Ruin: you get to decide, so it'll always hit your opponent harder
And I really suggest: Reclamation Sage small, but it'll take away a nasty enchantment of artifact (like a Crucible of Worlds which would be lethal against your deck)
Making-a-new-account-Hopefully-I-can-get-my-old-Username on
Free, Under The Wind
8 years ago
Cool deck, dude! Butcher Orgg is almost an ork :)
TheACTR on
The Lords of Endless Strife
8 years ago
Love he deck. Despite the list of ads suggested by snowmaster55555atgmaildotcom I have a couple of others. Firstly, I love Pathbreaker Ibex and Siege Behemoth and little will ensure you get your combat damage trigger off more often than those two. Also, Grenzo, Havoc Raiser makes for a fun card too. Now you can force opponents to leave themselves open to your horde. Creatures that have their own combat trigger can work too such as Balefire Dragon,Borborygmos, Butcher Orgg etc. Cards that produce tokens by attacking could serve to inflate your army so Hanweir Garrison and the like are pretty good. And lastly cards like Five-Alarm Fire can just be a big lingering threat that you charge up for doing what you were already going to do, smash face.
Love the deck idea. Kudos.
Iroas, Menace to society
8 years ago
Stuff that seems bad:
- Silent Arbiter
- Chain Reaction
- Argentum Armor
- Kusari-Gama
- Angelic Field Marshal
- Archetype of Aggression
- Boros Battleshaper (ik ik, I love him too)
- Butcher Orgg though he may just be too righteous to take out.
- Laccolith Titan
Will suggest some replacements in time.