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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Alchemy | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Arena | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Gladiator | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Historic | Legal |
Historic Brawl | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Pioneer | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Pre-release | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Standard | Legal |
Standard Brawl | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Creature — Demon Dog
When this enters, mill three cards. (Put the top three cards of your library into your graveyard.)
Whenever a creature dies, or a creature card is put into a graveyard from a library, each opponent loses 1 life. (Dying is being put into the graveyard from the battlefield. Tokens enter the graveyard before they cease to exist.)
wallisface on Help Tweaking a Golgari Standard …
1 year ago
Are you playing games with Sideboards? Because a lot of decks are able to shore-up their weaknesses by utilizing sideboards, and you'd also be able to gain some extra ground against those bad-matchups by doing so.
Other than that I think the biggest recommendation is something you've already eluded to in your commentary here & on the deck - there's too many different things going on here. The deck would really benefit from cutting-out the average/mediocre cards and running more playsets of the "goodstuff".
Without knowing too much about standard (I only play Modern) my gut instinct is that the following cards are probably a bit weak to be in the deck, and should probably be ditched: Dreadhound (soo much mana for such a meh effect), Graveyard Trespasser Flip (doesn't seem to be helping your deck out that much), Old Rutstein (seems odd in this shell), Outland Liberator Flip (it just feels like a sideboard card to me), Skyfisher Spider (mana cost seems too high for what it does).
I feel like Golgari decks do well from interacting with the opponent and grinding them down. In that regard, I'd prioritize making playsets of your current selection of instant spells (Tear Asunder, Infernal Grasp in particular seem strong for helping the game go longer so your creatures can get bigger. I'm not sure how relevant Cut Down is in your format).
Barrymon on Help Tweaking a Golgari Standard …
1 year ago
Everyone I know is currently playing Standard, so I'm playing Standard. I love Golgari and have this deck but wondering if there's anything I'm missing or could improve.
Anything that anyone can suggest for me would be very much appreciated, it's the only deck I'm really playing right now.
The deck isn't consistent, I think I've had different wins in as many different ways as I have cards in the deck. From Ghoulcaller's Harvest Zombie's Decay triggering Dreadhound to ping them to death to a Skyfisher Spider sacrificing a blitzed Tenacious Underdog it's always a wild ride and it's always fun but maybe it should be more consistent?
At the very least I'd love to win more! So please if you can help I'm all ears and would love some input.
king-saproling on 10 is a cult, 30 is a religion
2 years ago
Dreadhound seems like it'd be good here
Wabbajacke on Phenax of the Many Mills
2 years ago
I think with black you have a few better ways to interact with the whole Mill-Theme. Some cards like Geth, Lord of the Vault make use of good artifacts and creatures milled by youre opponents.
And some other thoughts: Sewer Nemesis can get strong really fast. Dread Summons builds an army out of nothing (and you can use them with Phenax). Dreadhound ping like Konrad. Court of Cunning brings in monarch and brings consistently mill. Belltower Sphinx budget friendly protector and Phenax friend. Fractured Sanity hits every opponent and doesn´t care about hexproof
Not so budget friendly options: Intruder Alarm might be very strong with Phenax. Zellix, Sanity Flayer a great way to build some bodys for protection/Phenax and will trigger very often. Bruvac the Grandiloquent doubles mill.
Oh and what else comes to mind Zellix, Sanity Flayer with somthing like Hedron Crawler and Intruder Alarm never ends if youre opponent mills a creature.
RambIe on Teneb, the Harvester
2 years ago
i am unable to upload a deck list at this time but here is the template
(30) lands - 21 Basics
(17) Fetch - Pulls lands from library onto the battlefield
(14) Recursion - Pull Cards From GY
(12) Mill/Dredge - Put Cards From Library To GY
(9) Wipe - Wipe Permanents Off The Board
(8) Break - Destroy/Exile Non Land Permenent
(7) Repsond - Instant Speed Response Spells ie Mana Tithe, Bind, Imp's Mischief
(3) Sac Land - Enables White Fetchs Zuran Orb,Squandered Resources, Overgrown Estate
as for mana curveSyr Konrad, the Grim,Thieving Amalgam, & Dreadhound are my high cmc's everything else out side of whats listed are 3 or less
Omniscience_is_life on
3 years ago
Seems like just a few too many cards with high mana costs. I would focus on making sure your early turns are filled, and it doesn't just feel like you're waiting on turn 6 to cast a Dreadhound.
GrimlockVIII on Muldrotha
3 years ago
I'm not familiar enough with Muldrotha to truly judge your deck or give any recommendations for her (him? I don't know its gender but the name sounds feminine), but I'll try my best.
Is there a specific strategy that you wanted to lean heavily into or did you just wanna make goodstuff.dek with her? I like a few of the neat combos and payoffs you seem to have going on.
Sidisi, Brood Tyrant can help further fuel your graveyard while providing zombie tokens whenever you mill a creature.
Dreadhound and Syr Konrad, the Grim are pretty good payoffs for whenever you sacrifice or mill your creatures.
Other creature tutors you might wanna look into would include Jarad's Orders, Evolutionary Leap, and Fauna Shaman since they all fuel your hand and grave at the same time.