Squee, the Immortal
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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Squee, the Immortal

Legendary Creature — Goblin

You may cast Squee, the Immortal from your graveyard or from exile.

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Flowstone Infusion
Nosy Goblin
Jaya's Firenado
Skirk Volcanist
Vanquisher's Axe
Arena Trickster

SufferFromEDHD on Pia Goes Brrrrr

10 months ago

Ancient Den, Great Furnace and Goblin Welder non-combat damage triggers.

Eternal Scourge and Squee, the Immortal infinite castings from exile.

Loyal Apprentice and Retrofitter Foundry efficient thopter generators.

Conspiracy Theorist repeatable impulse draw.

Cosmic Intervention protection that triggers.

enpc on Favorite creature recursion in Rakdos

1 year ago

Garna, Bloodfist of Keld doesn't need the dying creature to be non-token, why not use a bunch of token engines like Goblin Assault, Chancellor of the Forge (a good card to actually use recursion on), Goblin Rabblemaster, Legion Warboss, Krenko, Tin Street Kingpin and Krenko, Mob Boss. Then you can use cards like Pashalik Mons, Weirding Shaman and even potentially Ib Halfheart, Goblin Tactician as sac outlets. You also have access to cards like Squee, Dubious Monarch, Squee, the Immortal and Squee, Goblin Nabob (bascially all the Squee value).

I'm not saying build a goblin deck, but build a goblin deck.

AscendedLandfalls on Korvold

2 years ago

Not sure what your budget is like but a powerful combo and not too expensive could be: Witherbloom Apprentice + Chain of Smog.

A classic combo could be Food Chain + Squee, the Immortal

An it's always good to have Dockside Extortionist if budget allows.

Wuzibo on Questioning the Iona Banning

2 years ago


I took a few year hiatus from the game. One of the last things I did was pick up an Iona, Shield of Emeria for my kaalia deck.

Upon returning to the game, i have learned she has been banned from the format. Ok, fair enough, she is quite strong.

But then I looked up why she was banned. "Because locking mono-colored people out of the game isn't fair/in the spirit of the format/whatever."

Bullshit. Pure bullshit. She should be unbanned or Leyline of the Void and Rest in Peace should be banned because they completely lock out a mono-red artifact/graveyard player. I used to play daretti. The whole reason I switched to Kaalia was because of Leyline of the void and Rest in Peace coupled with the fact that mono-red doesn't have enchantment removal, which simply stopped me from playing my deck with no recourse. I played Daretti, Scrap Savant but Feldon of the Third Path, Squee, Goblin Nabob and Squee, the Immortal, and Heiko Yamazaki, the General all are similarly just boned hard with no recourse by it.

"But you can still Introduction to Annihilation, Nevinyrral's Disk, Oblivion Stone, or Scour from Existence it."

Ok, yeah, and the mono-colored player could do that to Iona. Or, they could run Mycosynth Lattice and make everything colorless so she becomes irrelevant. So why is she banned?

There is literally no justification for Iona being banned that doesn't also justify the banning of other cards.

"It's unfun"

So is sire of insanity and being slaverlocked and stax.

"It prevents players from getting to play the game"

So do the enchantments i mentioned above, sire of insanity, and slaverlocking. So does stax.

"It's overpowered"

Yeah, so is everything with annihilator.

At the very least, Leyline of the void should be banned until they print a mono-red enchantment removal card because it makes it so mono-red graveyard decks don't get to actually play their deck and get to only play a half assed gimped version of it, and it can start the game on the board. This is exactly why they said they banned iona. "its not in the spirit of the game to basically lock one mono-colored player out of the game". Except theyre not "locked out". They can still play lands and colorless artifacts and try to find a land based or artifact based answer to Iona. Same as me with my daretti deck when the game started with Leyline of the Void out. Sure, i couldn't use my graveyard stuff, and even if i ulted my commander, it wouldn't do anything, so i might as well not play him, but i can still just hardcast all my artifacts and stuff.. You couldn't cheat out iona turn 1. You can't put RIP out turn 1. Leyline can be on the board turn zero, so there isn't even an argument that the red deck should be winning before leyline hits the field. So like, Iona doesn't actually lock a mono-colored player out of the game. It just feels that way. The same as permanent enchantment based graveyard hate does to mono-red.

Also, Iona should be unbanned, because according to most people mono-white is the worst commander color, so Mono-white needs something strong, or they should follow their reasoning for the ban to its logical conclusion and ban a bunch of other stuff. If they had just banned her for a generic "she's too strong" i would have accepted it, but they didn't. They gave a reason that is the exact reason I found playing Mono-red graveyard artifacts no fun at all.

Just Reban "painter's servant".

smilodex on Best Commanders in EDH [Tier List] Part 1

2 years ago

@Nonary27: Runo has quite some hoops to jump through, to use him effective. But when you achieve to flip him, I think he's a 'high' mid Tier commander. He only cost 3 mana for a 1/4, is quite decent because he's immune to Pyroclasm/Abrade type effects. Like you already mentioned, the lack of green is a big downside, because the deck is lacking ramp, the green creature topdeck-tutors and all the good green/blue sea creatures.

Aesi is in casual EDH, the better Tatyova. But in cEDH the difference between 5 and 6 mana is huge, since the games don't last as long in battlecruiser. Still, Aesi isn't two ranks below Tatyova.

@Sephyrias: If wizards would print more broken cards like Griselbrand/Asmodeus the Archfiend or Time Vault, Mairsil could reach a higher tier, but currently there are a lot better grixis commanders. Also the deck runs a lot of "bad" cards, which are only good with Mairsil and when you remove/counter Mairsil you're stuck with a lot of mediocre cards in your hand.

@Nonary27: like enpc already mentioned, Omnath can be abused with Food Chain + Squee, the Immortal so cast Omnath infinitely. In casual EDH you can build him as an Elemental tribe-commander or as landfall commander, but in my opinion I wouldn't build him that way, because there are a lot of better choices to build a landfall commander.

@Hydragal: Vega can win with Isochron Scepter + Dramatic Reversal + Thassa's Oracle and Ranar has also some infinte combos to close out the game like: Rest in Peace + Altar of Dementia etc.

carpecanum on RDKC

2 years ago

Mebbe Squee, Goblin Nabob and Squee, the Immortal so you can kill them for tokens over and over.

Stolen Strategy, Homura, Human Ascendant  Flip, Dreamshaper Shaman

Vallaris on Spells that come back

3 years ago

Some others not mentioned yet:

They're creatures though, not sure if you were looking for those kinds of suggestions but if you're going for a theme where stuff comes back over and over, they sure are classics for that!

Also a personal favourite that will just never ever go away unless he's specifically targeted with Ixalan's Binding :

  • Squee, the Immortal - who is also legendary if you need another commander idea that comes back again and again and again lol (and if he's the commander, the command zone gets around Ixalan's Binding)
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