Weirding Shaman

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Weirding Shaman

Creature — Goblin Shaman

(3)(Black), Sacrifice a Goblin: Put two 1/1 black Goblin Rogue creature tokens into play.

enpc on Favorite creature recursion in Rakdos

1 year ago

Garna, Bloodfist of Keld doesn't need the dying creature to be non-token, why not use a bunch of token engines like Goblin Assault, Chancellor of the Forge (a good card to actually use recursion on), Goblin Rabblemaster, Legion Warboss, Krenko, Tin Street Kingpin and Krenko, Mob Boss. Then you can use cards like Pashalik Mons, Weirding Shaman and even potentially Ib Halfheart, Goblin Tactician as sac outlets. You also have access to cards like Squee, Dubious Monarch, Squee, the Immortal and Squee, Goblin Nabob (bascially all the Squee value).

I'm not saying build a goblin deck, but build a goblin deck.

Poly_raptor on Under the Misty Mountains (Moria Theme)

4 years ago

Boggart Mob & Weirding Shaman could make a lot of black 1/1’s that You could pitch to cast Demon of Death's Gate

Festering Goblin has an okay death effect too

Putrid Goblin wouldn’t be too bad

generalrenard on help with my maybe board

5 years ago

So to start off, I would personally go Dimir and run Oona, Queen of the Fae as the commander, because faerie synergy. This would free a few slots for maybeboard cards to slot into. Green does not look all that useful in your deck, as you are not running much green ramp cards like Rampant Growth and

Otherwise, I would replace Thought Reflection with Bident of Thassa. In a blue aggro/tempo deck, the draw when combat cards are more valuable and generally cheaper, which makes them more valuable, than card-draw doublers. Otherwise, I would consider extra card-draw effects like Dictate of Kruphix and Howling Mine.

If you want to synergize with some of the faeries in the maybeboard, like Dreamspoiler Witches I would add in more counterspells and control cards like Cyclonic Rift. To take out, I would cut some vanilla creatures like Wasp Lancer and off-tribal cards like Weirding Shaman.

Finnally, you don't really run enough mana dorks or mana rocks to justify running the Dramatic Reversal + Isochron Scepter combo, and don't have a good infinite mana sink other than Oona, Queen of the Fae who isn't even your commander. Unless to dramatically change your deck, I would cut it.

Opifex on Advertise your MODERN deck!

6 years ago


Modern* Opifex


Mutant changeling goblin. Having fun with combat tricks. I have a playset of Auntie's Hovel and I plan on brewing a splash black sideboard for protection from red. Not there yet, but I think Warren Weirding and Weirding Shaman may help.

Optimator on Boggart Avalanche

8 years ago

I don't want my Mad Auntie, Goblin Warchief, Frogtosser Banneret, Krenko, Mob Boss, etc (the "Lords") necessarily attacking every round so Goblin Assault and Goblin Rabblemaster are right out. I considered them but I think they're better (great, even) for mono-red and 60-card decks. Especially with Ib Halfheart! I like the goblin token generating sorceries and instants but I feel like there isn't room for them without sacrificing utility. EVERY goblin-token-generating instant and sorcery (literally) was in the beta version of the deck. That's where the Avalanche idea (from the deck name) came from. Marsh Flitter, Chancellor of the Forge, and Weirding Shaman were originally in (or considered) too but I felt they had to be cut for space reasons. The Weirding Shaman seems way too expensive for his ability.

Tutoring out Krenko and using Boggart Mob have been extremely good so far in my playtesting. That said, the biggest magic expert in my group of friends said I should pursue more token wankery but I just don't know what's worth cutting. A creature or two perhaps since I have so many good tutors but it's starting to get harder and harder to cut creatures. I still have five or so creatures I absolutely have to buy and somehow squeeze in.

I thought a lot about Ib Halfheart but he's on the backburner. Seems good since I can get goblins out of the graveyard relatively easy and throw my tokens away willy-nilly. I would definitely like to buy him and experiment with his ability. I wonder if there are any red and /or black cards that allow one to alter the blocking order of my opponent... I know there's a bunch in white.

Patron of the Akki is one I glanced over but now that I've reread it and played my deck I think it might actually be useful. I wish it had flying!! What the hell kind of spirit wouldn't?! I have so many good goblins though, plus all the goblin-only effects, so it's hard to add non-goblins. Goblin General is not so hawt since I have to attack with him and he'd be a target. Goblin Assassin is in my pseudo-sideboard--the force-sac ability would be useful against much of what I've been going up against lately (and, ideally, I'll have bodies to spare for saccing).

I was originally thinking that running some sort of Goblin Spy + Skirk Drill Sergeant combo would be fun but I didn't think there was room when it came down to crunch-time. Perhaps in a mono-red goblin deck. I haven't seen Earthblighter before. I have a Shivan Harvest in. Perhaps doubling up wouldn't be so bad. Slowing down my opponent has definitely won me games already.

Tar Pitcher is butt. I have a balla' Goblin Sharpshooter in and I have a Goblin Fireslinger in my red-card collection (a.k.a ZipLoc freezer bag).

Koskun Falls is awesome! Goblinslide is one I am considering re-inserting and will consider more now. Lowland Oaf was one I poo-poo'd early but now that I'm having flier problems he might be a good remedy...

Homura, Human Ascendant is a brilliant suggestion. Consider it purchased!!

Thanks a bajillion!

DaringApprentice on Boggart Avalanche

8 years ago

Nice deck! If you're still looking for protection from flying, Homura, Human Ascendant could be nice, you seem to have lots of ways in your deck to destroy his mortal form and let him ascend.

Other possibly useful cards:

Token production: Chancellor of the Forge, Goblin Assault, Goblin Rabblemaster, Weirding Shaman, Goblinslide, Skirk Ridge Exhumer, and Marsh Flitter.

Goblin utility and anthems: Ib Halfheart, Goblin Tactician, Patron of the Akki, Earthblighter, Tar Pitcher, Skirk Drill Sergeant, Goblin Assassin, Goblin General, and Lowland Oaf.