Torch Courier

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Torch Courier

Creature — Goblin


Sacrifice Torch Courier: Another target creature gains haste until end of turn.

makarzorklin on Commander - Kaalia of the Vast - AD&D Stompy

1 year ago


Tempo is important with Kaalia since building an early game lead is her strength. So being able to swing hasty by turn 3-4 while interaction is down is fairly important.

I'd suggest 3-4 early game haste enablers with the best being:

  1. Lightning Greaves reusable haste with protection. Auto-Include for me.
  2. Generator Servant is an auto include for me since its both ramp and a haste enabling a turn 3 Kaalia with haste all on one card. Plus it can pay the commander tax later or for a hasty threat.
  3. Bloodlust Inciter was just the cheapest reusable haste enabler I found, plus it can be used politically since you can make a deal to give an opponent's creature haste.
  4. Torch Courier is a good one time use effect since it can be used the turn it comes into play. This also makes it a little better late if you have a threat in hand and an extra mana.

Greaves is good throughout early and late game. The rest fall off in the late game as you would rather draw into gas, but landing an early threat is important enough I wouldn't go below 3 total.

Also I don't like board wide haste effects like Fervor as it offers too much advantage to the opponent.

LeonSpires on

1 year ago

@ Max_Hammer thanks for checking out my deck and for the suggestion.

Unfortunately unlike the tutors I run that win me the game if they are conspired Signal the Clans really doesn't do much. Even if I conspired it and put Kiki in one pile and Zealous in the other the chances of getting both is 1 in 9. On top of that it puts the creatures in hand so I still need to pay to win the game.

I have thought about adding Goblin Matron, Goblin Recruiter, Conspicuous Snoop, Torch Courier, and Mogg Fanatic to the deck to add in snoop lines. If I did Signal the Clans is good as the pile can be Goblin Matron, Goblin Recruiter, and Imperial Recruiter.

This would make the deck more competitive but this list already wins more then it's fair share of games. I also don't like the snoop lines as they don't have any synergy with Wort.

Gidgetimer on Timing question: Marton Stromgald and …

1 year ago

Untargeted effects like that of Marton Stromgald determine the set of objects they affect upon resolution. Additionally variables that are not set upon casting are determined upon resolution. So, in this scenario all three Torch Courier will get +3/+3. If you had ordered the triggers the other way only the non-token Torch Courier would be affected, and it would only get +1/+1.

CamraMaan on Timing question: Marton Stromgald and …

1 year ago

I have Marton Stromgald and Torch Courier (any nonlegendary creature) in play with Blade of Selves attached to the Courier. On attack, I order Marton's trigger first, then Blade of Selves, so that the Blade resolves first, making two creatures from my three opponents. How do these additional creatures impact Marton's attack trigger? He sees them and increases his +X/+X, correct? Are they going to be affected by his +X/+X trigger though...? They're in play once his trigger resolves, but they weren't when it went on the stack. Help...?

Thanks in advance! :)

KBK7101 on Sengir and Kediss - Dark Privilege (v1.6)

2 years ago

Diamanacle - Sounds good! Looking forward to feedback. Cards that on the chopping block so far are Blood Pet, Greed, Demonic Vigor, Siege-Gang Commander and Torch Courier. Am probably gonna add Demonic Tutor, Vampiric Tutor, Diabolic Intent, Deadly Rollick and Shadowspear (which I forgot I had).

BPWyndon - Massacre Girl was in the deck while I was playtesting it before posting on here. She seems great, but whenever I add her to a deck I just end up flashing back using her on Arena with a board full of creatures and the resulting MASSIVE stack and it gives me a headache and I end up removing her. lol She definitely has potential though. I'll toss her on the maybeboard.

LeonSpires on Hyperbolic Genesis Chamber Norin *Retired

2 years ago

looks fun to play. I am also too poor for Wheel of Fortune lol. You might consider the Conspicuous Snoop line? Although it might not be very consistent without green's creature tutor. Red does have Imperial Recruiter and Goblin Matron to find Goblin Recruiter. The line works as follows:

1 Goblin Recruiter fetches the pile (top) Conspicuous Snoop Torch Courier Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker (bottom).

2 Draw a card.

3 Play Conspicuous Snoop.

4 use Conspicuous Snoop to cast Torch Courier and sac Torch Courier to give Conspicuous Snoop haste.

5 Create an arbitrary large number of Conspicuous Snoop using Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker activated ability.

6 Use the last untapped Conspicuous Snoop to copy Goblin Recruiter.

7 Goblin Recruiter's ETB puts Mogg Fanatic on top .

8 Sac Conspicuous Snoops for an arbitrary large amount of damage.

CaptainKidd on Krenko Goblin Tribal

2 years ago

I believe Purphoros, God of the Forge is a must. Gives late game reach or a potential insta win.

Skullclamp is a must for card draw.

Also Goblin Recruiter should be an auto include it offers incredible combo potential or minimum a tutor in red.

The combo goes as follows

Requires: Goblin Recruiter in hand. All other cards in library. You have a way to draw a card available. available.


1.Cast Goblin Recruiter.

2.Search your library for Conspicuous Snoop, Torch Courier, Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker, and Mogg Fanatic, and put them on top of your library in that order.

  1. Draw a card.

  2. Cast Conspicuous Snoop.

  3. Cast Torch Courier from the top of your library.

  4. Activate Torch Courier by sacrificing it, giving Conspicuous Snoop haste.

  5. Activate Conspicuous Snoop using the ability gained due to Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker being on the top of your library by tapping Conspicuous Snoop, creating a token copy of itself.

  6. Repeat step 7 for infinite tapped token copies of Conspicuous Snoop.

  7. Activate your untapped token copy to Conspicuous Snoop by tapping it, creating a copy of Goblin Recruiter. Goblin Recruiter enters the battlefield, searching your library for Mogg Fanatic and putting it on top of your library.

  8. Sacrifice an arbitrarily large number of Conspicuous Snoop tokens using the ability gained due to Mogg Fanatic being on top of your library for an arbitrarily large amount of damage.

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