FNM 01/22/16
I was excited to try out Reckless Bushwacker, I designed my deck to maximize its ability as much as possible.
Round 1: Ad Nauseam 2-1
Game one I had an explosive hand and almost had him, had it not been for a Phyrexian Unlife. Combo'd off a turn before I was able to finish. Games two and three, I was able to blow his pieces with Destructive Revelry and go in with the kill.
Round 2: Naya Burn 2-1
I really like my burn MU's, yes we bolt ourselves for our land base, but so do they; and they have to burn our creatures down or they just die. Die roll winner also has a significant advantage, a roll that he won.
Game one, he burned my critter turn one and landed a double Monastery Swiftspear. He was able to cut me down in one turn from a "healthy" twelve life. Game two, I was able to slay him quickly with a very explosive Wild Nacatl to Burning-Tree Emissary-Reckless Bushwacker followed by another Cat and Flinthoof Boar. Had Feed the Clan for icing, but it was a "win more" by that time. Game three, he kept a one lander with a Swiftspear and one-drop spells. I turn one Goblin Guide and follow with more critters and removing his one Swiftspear. By the time his second land arrived, I finish him off with a Bloodrushing Ghor-Clan Rampager on a cat.
Round 3: Bant Geist 2-0
Game one, I Tarfire his dork and came out swinging. His was able to drop a Geist of Saint Traft and a Sword of Light and Shadow. By then it was too late and and he couldn't get past a beefed up Tarmogoyf. Game two he cruved from a Kor Firewalker to Mirran Crusader. I dropped a handful of green beats, and with a bolt to the knight and Destructive Revelry to his sword, he was done.
Round 4: Affinity 2-1
He had a god hand to start the round, dumping half his hand on turn one. I was able to remove some pieces of his, but it was not enough. Game two, I was able explode with Bushwacker and Bloodrushed critter the following turn to take him down to three life. Whipflare decimated my board, I just needed a Lightning Bolt (which I had not seen all game). I top decked Expiriment One (which I hate topdecking most of the time, which is why I only run two) I was able to draw two Destructive Revelry's to destroy his Cranial Plating and the other one for the kill. For the game winner, I was able to curve from cat to Stony Silence. Followed with a Path to Exile against an Etched Champion combo'd with Bushwacker to critter-Bushwacker.
I was really happy with how Reckless Bushwacker performed. It allowed very powerful turn two's and three's, unlike Atarka's Command which was best utilized offensively turn three or four. I also hated top decking an Atarka's Command when I was losing, it didn't add critters to my board. It's also always nice to rip something with haste.