Better Bant in a Better Meta (2nd place FNM!)

Standard TheGamer


Wednesday Night Standard, 2-2 —July 24, 2014

2-2 again! This is really bad news for the upcoming Primer IQ...

Round 1, Simic Super Ramp, 2-1. Game 1 I was OWNED. I had no answers to anything. The control basically said "im not gonna counter or kill a single thing!" game 2 my new sideboard was proving to be quite the powerhouse! Arbor Colossus from the side prevented him from attacking me and Hushwing Gryff made his Prime Speaker Zegana, Reclamation Sage, and Sylvan Primordial a lot less threatening. Both games my Hushwing Gryff slowly beat him down.

Round 2, Jund Monsters, 0-2. This wasn't really a match. It was more like "im going to play Stormbreath Dragon, you're not gonna have an answer, and im gonna win!" Both games he had the stormbreath bright and early on turn 4 and God knows where my answer was.

Round 3, MBD, 0-2. the match I was waiting for ever since Monday thinking I had the best sideboard for it, and I get 0-2'd by it. Talking about it will just depress me more. Lets just say there were Demons, Connections, and lots of Big Black Skulls.

Round 4, Jund Monsters, 2-0. This was a more "new player" Jund Monsters. It had the Dragons, popo, and the ramp. But some cards made it easier to beat. Game 1 my 8/8 Elemental with Vigilance he had no answer to and so I was just wreaking havoc on his board state. Game 2 the trusty Arbor Colossus said NO to stormbreath, and yes to Ajani Steadfast. Ajani +1's every turn to make my colossus an awesome attacker, and allowed him to block another day as well. I basically beat him down with that.

SOOOOOO, we got 2-2 again, big frowny face. but hey, it was fun and I did get a pack.

Stemii says... #1

TheGamer. What do you think about Wall of Essence in replacement for Centaur Healer . I feel like you have that in there for aggro and burn, and while you get the initilal life gain from the healer I feel you may see more "good defense" from the Wall of Essence . Also I do like Last Breath it seems pretty good in the meta. GW aggro, Mono U, and Mono B all have targets for it. I also agree with the previous commenter, Rapid Hybridization is good in here.

July 21, 2014 9:42 a.m.

TheGamer says... #2

Thanks for the comment Stemii!

I would be running Wall of Essence sideboard if it didn't have to take damage. MBD like I said is my worst match up by far, and the extra life helps me survive a Gary hit better.

Last Breath I took out in replace of C-flare. Why? C-flare hits a lot of things I cant deal with. Stormbreath Dragon , Mistcutter Hydra , monstrous Fleecemane Lion , and lots of other things. But Last Breath does hit Master of Waves and that is huge!

Rapid I like in the deck, but everything I would target with it, I already have answers to. Stormbreath Dragon eat Plummet and Celestial Flare , Mistcutter Hydra eat Celestial Flare , Desecration Demon eat Plummet , etc.

I am going to Monday Night Magic tonight and going to test out the sideboard. Also, the sideboard was revamped, I just didn't put the changes online yet because im probably going to make changes again.

July 21, 2014 11:10 a.m.

BFG says... #3

No AetherSpouts or Cyclonic Rift in side for Fleecemane and the like?

July 21, 2014 12:32 p.m.

TheGamer says... #4

I like the idea of AetherSpouts and Cyclonic Rift BFG, thanks for the comment.

July 21, 2014 12:56 p.m.

TheAnnihilator says... #5

I don't like Nissa, Worldwaker or Kruphix, God of Horizons in the main, because I don't feel like Nissa does enough in this build, and Kruphix just doesn't seem impactful enough.

Cut Scavenging Ooze , Prognostic Sphinx , Skylasher , Dispel .

Cards to consider: Another Celestial Flare , Mistcutter Hydra , another Negate and/or Gainsay , Nyx-Fleece Ram or Wall of Essence , another Plummet , Last Breath , Devouring Light (maybe)

July 22, 2014 10:01 p.m.

TheGamer says... #6

Thanks for the comment TheAnnihilator!

So, I see not a lot of people like my choice of Nissa, Worldwaker . So, im going to playtest her once more on Friday, and then take her out or leave her in. Kruphix, God of Horizons wins me sooo many games you don't even know.

I agree with what you say to cut.

I also like the adding in choices.

July 22, 2014 10:23 p.m.