

gee not doing anything for four turns and then winning is so much fun

Main Combo

Ad Nauseam - aLL THE CARDS
Angel's Grace/Phyrexian Unlife - 20 life is overrated
Lightning Storm - try to outland me i dare you


Lotus Bloom - man imagine if black lotus was modern legal
Pentad Prism - don't mind me just putting my two cents in the bank for later
Simian Spirit Guide - who thought it was a good idea to make monkeys your escort to the afterlife

Draw Engines

Serum Visions - bring back preordain pls
Sleight of Hand - i didn't need this almost-topdeck lightning storm anyway

Where my addy daddy at

Spoils of the Vault - if i had a dollar for every time i've spoiled away a win con i'd have like a lincoln
Mystical Teachings - tutor me addy daddy


Pact of Negation - who thought a free counterspell was a good idea


Leyline of Sanctity - yes trebek what is thoughtseize
Death's Shadow - lol you thought it was a good idea to side out your removal against a deck that naturally lives at subzero life
Godhead of Awe - lol eldrazi more like lamedrazi amirite hahahahahaahahadfah
Slaughter Pact/Fatal Push - for those boards that just ask for it
Echoing Truth - get your gideon of the trials tf outta here
Hurkyl's Recal - get your affinity tf outta here
Bontu's Last Reckoning - get literally your entire dumbass board tf outta here
Noxious Revival - angel's grace #5


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I've had this deck for a few months now, but this was my first time taking it to an FNM. 4-0 is obviously a great placement, but considering the decks I played today, I'd want to play a few more and see how it goes.

Quick little write-up just to keep track of my games, no major analysis for now.

Round 1: RG Human Aggro(?) (2-0)
My opponent was a little kid playing his first Modern tournament. I got pretty excited for him, so I wanted to see what he had to offer. His deck was mostly his draft pulls from his first Sealed tournament, and I immediately began to feel remorse as to what I was about to do to this child.

  • Game 1: I had a pretty standard Ad Naus start with a Temple into Lotus Bloom, drawing into fixing and the combo. He brought out a few vaguely synergistic humans and got me down to about 11 life before I popped Ad Naus/Angel's Grace on him.
  • SB: No changes
  • Game 2: Same result. He got a few humans out, but it didn't take long for me to go off and take the round. Afterwards, I showed him my decks and he got really excited over my Karn and Ugin in my Eldrazi deck. Hopefully he sticks with the game; he's got a good understanding, and with a few more months of play and some guidance he could be a pretty big threat in the store.

Round 2: Jund (2-0)

  • Game 1: I opened with a Lotus Bloom suspended; opponent put down a Bob and got a Goyf and two Kolaghan's Commands for himself. He cast both KComms on me, forcing a discard and 2 life each time, but even with the disruption, I still managed to Angel's Grace into Ad Naus.
  • SB: (-) 1 Pentad Prism, 3 Pact of Negation, 2 Noxious Revival (+) 4 Leyline of Sanctity, 2 Death's Shadow
  • Game 2: I opened with Leyline pre-game, which my opponent wasn't fazed by until he tried to bolt me in the face. His 3/4 Goyf and one Bob couldn't stand up to the 6/6 Death's Shadow that held the board up for me until I could pop the combo for the round.

Round 3: UR Artifacts (2-1)
Turns out my round three was the older brother of my round one opponent. He'd been playing Magic for about 2 years at that point, but he built up his collection via Sealed FNMs. At the very least, his deck already had more focus than his brother's.

  • Game 1: Opponent put down a Metallic Mimic naming "Thopter". For game 1, he couldn't draw into his Thopter token generators and I outraced him.
  • SB: (-) 2 Noxious Revival (+) 2 Death's Shadow
  • Game 2: All the Ad Nauseams in my deck decided not to show up for a game. I cast all four of my Angel's Graces to stay out of lethal range, but even with all the fixing and stalling, I got overrun by a ton of Thopters.
  • Game 3: Looks like my Ad Nauseams came back from the bathroom; I think that was the fastest I had ever gotten the combo off on turn three.

Round 4: Eldrazi Tron (2-1)

  • Game 1: I started the match with Lotus Bloom suspend, Seachrome Coast, Sleight of Hand. Opponent ran to the judge for a minute. Opponent came back and put down a Chalice for 0, shutting down the Lotus and the Pact in hand. I didn't draw into enough mana to get the combo off, and I got beat down by a TKS and two Reality Smashers.
  • SB: (-) 3 Pact of Negation, 1 Phyrexian Unlife, 1 Pentad Prism, 2 Noxious Revival (+) 3 Leyline of Sanctity, 1 Godhead of Awe, 2 Hurkyl's Recall, 1 Echoing Truth
  • Game 2: I started the game with Leyline, turning his two TKS's into vanilla 4/4s. At 8 life with two Ad Nauseams in hand, I cast one on my opponent's end step in an effort to dig for an answer. Two cards in, I revealed Phyrexian Unlife, casting it next turn and clutching out a win for myself.
  • Game 3: I started with one mulligan on the draw with no Leyline in hand but a solid hand of Ad Naus, Angel's Grace, Godhead of Awe, Pentad Prism, and two lands. Opponent cast a TKS, thought for a solid minute, and decided on exiling away my Ad Naus. With my Prism mana and my land base, I put out my Godhead of Awe on my turn three, bringing my opponent's life down to 12 before my opponent drew into his Dismember, bringing him down to 8. With a Phyrexian Unlife out and a TKS and 3/3 Ballista on my opponent's board, I topdecked a clutch Ad Nauseam for the victory after about three draws worth of land.


Date added 7 years
Last updated 7 years

This deck is not Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

39 - 12 Rares

11 - 2 Uncommons

8 - 1 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.03
Folders Modern
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