Trostani Lifegain EDH

Commander / EDH* JasonEmaiti


Battlebond —June 24, 2018

Since the release of Battlebond and my awesome opening of Doubling Season, I made a few updates to the deck.


Beast Within, Crested Sunmare, Doubling Season, Fate Forgotten, Forest (I was a bit land-light), Fumigate, Harvest Season *f-pre*, Jungle Wayfinder, Naturalize, Pacifism, Skyshroud Claim, Slime Molding, Soul Foundry, Verdant Force

Better mana ramp, EDH staple Beast Within, a more relevant boardwipe, the better slime token, and a land to boot. More removal and better token support.


Choking Restraints, Fortified Rampart, Gelatinous Genesis, Lay of the Land, Long Road Home, Looming Altisaur, Ondu Giant, Shanna, Sisay's Legacy, Solar Tide, Staff of the Sun Magus, Staff of the Wild Magus, Sudden Disappearance, Sultai Flayer, Voyaging Satyr

Melodystuck says... #1

If you were to add any of the other cards (like you said, Yuatli, Phyrexian, Shalai, and Evra), which cards would you replace them with?

June 9, 2018 3:22 a.m.

JasonEmaiti says... #2

In all honesty there are a number of underperforming cards in the deck, even though it's pretty strong in my very casual playgroup. I could easily cut out cards like Voyaging Satyr (the deck only has 2 lands it does much with) and some of the other mana dorks and land-grabbing cards. On one hand, I can very consistently avoid mana issues, but on the other hand, it takes up a lot of deck space. It might have too much of a good thing.

Fortified Rampart, Grizzled Leotau, and Looming Altisaur are cheap options for high toughness, but they don't do much else. Of course, I like them because they become threats with Assault Formation or Belligerent Brontodon out, but that doesn't mean they can't be replaced by more powerful cards.

Soul Warden, Soul's Attendant, and Suture Priest are redundant, and could be good targets for replacement. You may notice that this deck has a ton of support for ETB lifegain, but not much for token generation. I could definitely stand to have more tokens and populate, which is why Phyrexian Processor or Soul Foundry (along with other token creators) could stand to take the place of some of the weaker or redundant lifegain cards. As it stands, Shanna, Sisay’s Legacy is consistently pretty weak because she doesn't have the token support she wants, and Trostani's populate doesn't always have a target, which isn't what I usually want from my commander.

June 10, 2018 8:32 p.m.