Sulfuric Vapors

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Sulfuric Vapors


If a red spell would deal damage to a creature or player, it deals that much damage plus 1 to that creature or player instead.

EDH 237 / 43
Sulfurous Blast feature for fart tribal

FenrisBurgess on Rakdos Lord of Cost Reduction

5 years ago
  • I looked for cantrips and couldn't find any besides the artifacts.
  • If the strategy is to reduce the cost of big creatures, I don't see why you are using 1 cmc burn spells that only do 1 damage. Lightning Bolt and Lightning Strike would be quite effective as they both deal 3 damage and cost very little.
  • The 1 cmc spells seem a little reliant on Sulfuric Vapors to be useful, and considering you have no search and nothing else that is similar in effect, I don't see it working well.
  • I don't see much synergy with your creatures.

  • In playtesting, I found it difficult to play most of spells until at least turn 5, even with an extra draw.

  • Basically, it's slow to play and far too reliant on the commander for it to work. I found myself lacking two mountains and two swamps consistently, so it was hard to find tests in which I could summon Rakdos at all in a reasonable amount of time.
  • The few times I did play Rakdos, I found I had nothing useful to play.
  • Overall, the deck lacks focus and I didn't find it very fun to play.

  • To improve upon that, adding in essential manarocks such as a Sol Ring and Rakdos Signet would speed up the game significantly.

  • Better card draw can come in the form of Ambition's Cost and Ancient Craving .

  • I would attempt to help more, but I don't know which direction you want to take this deck; only the intended strategy.

PIayswithFlRE on Overly Ambitious Exercise: Creating a …

6 years ago

I like the Curse. I almost feel like it should also do some damage to someone other than you for that mana cost, but I guess it's essentially a double Arcane Adaptation and Zombie an Minotaur do both have a lot of tribal support, so it's worth it.

For images, I've been looking at mCardstock just because I saw the link here (like I said, had card images for the walkers but couldn't get them to show up) and I was just making the "X can be your commander" and Eminence ability the third ability with a 0 cost; not entirely accurate, but close enough. Once or twice; I just put the "can be your commander" at the end of the X ability due to relative wordiness.

As someone who enjoys Rakdos, what do you think about this card for Rakdos/mono red in Commander:

Flame Chains

Legendary Artifact - Equipment

Flame Chains costs less for each spent

If a non-creature source you control or equipped creature is red and would deal damage to a permanent or player, it deals that much damage plus 1 for each opponent with 1 or more life instead. Equip

Trying to make it boost burn in commander without impacting any other format any more than Pyromancer's Gauntlet or Sulfuric Vapors.

matt_robinson on Ultimate Fire Defense

8 years ago

Sulfuric Vapors sorry i copied and pasted the wrong card. lol

Flagellum on MagicalHacker

8 years ago

Hey, I'm thinking of either retooling/melting my Tajic, Blade of the Legion deck: Tajic and His Dolls and/or possibly melting my Heartless Hidetsugu deck: Heartless Cake Recipe.

Don't really play either very often to warrant their possible trade value. That being said I noticed your Zo-Zu the Punisher deck and was wondering your opinion about transforming those two decks into a pressure build with burn and or semi-passive incremental damage with Zo-zu (like Sulfuric Vapors, Citadel of Pain, Manabarbs, ect.). Tajic originally started off MLD but ended up going equipment based wrath happy (and I still have not managed to find an actual copy of Stoneforge Mystic). Heartless was just very budget, slapped together for giggles.

Flagellum on Keranos and incremental damage.

8 years ago

Dingus Egg!

Stoneshaker Shaman pain enabler

Citadel of Pain

Repercussion big ouch

Price of Glory pain enabler

Sulfuric Vapors


Furnace of Rath and co.

Off the top of my head. Hopefully, this is along the lines you were looking for.