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Bouncing here and there and everywhere





EDITED 9/29/17

Authority of the Consuls and Trespasser's Curse trigger twice with Panharmonicon (or three of four times with multiple copies out).

The basic design is to play one of those enchantments and then remove your opponents creatures. Ogoki had the amazing suggestion of Hostage Taker as an Ixalan addition. Also synergizes well with Perilous Voyage . After you cast the card that hostage taker has taken, you can bounce him and get another one (and draw a card for your trouble). I am consider removing the unsummons for more perilous voyage as a result.

The basic play is:

Turns 1-3: Play Authority of the Consuls and Trespasser's Curse. Use Glint-Nest Crane to find Panharmonicon and chump block. If you whiff on a Panharmonicon hopefully you hit a Prophetic Prism so the crane isn't wasted.

Turns 3-5: Use Fairgrounds Warden and Angel of Sanctions to remove their creatures. When they use removal on these creatures you get your triggers from Authority of the Consuls and Trespasser's Curse again.

Turns 5-7: After they have hopefully used removal on your other creatures and bounced theirs back and forth, time to drop Hostage Taker. Then cast whatever you steal.

Turn win more: play Nicol Bolas, God-Pharaoh because it's fun. I don't know if this should really be here, but this deck really is built around lifegain and stalling the game out. The problem is that this deck doesn't have any 'real' removal. If they kill my creatures they get theirs back. So I will have to play test to see how often the deck is hitting turn 10+.

Thoughts: I'm excited to test this deck out. I expect my post rotation meta to be creature deck heavy, with lots of aggro. Ideally this deck will work very well against those types of decks, if you hit the cheap enchantments early. I think control decks will be a problem. I wish I had access to Dispel in standard for the sideboard. Any suggestions are welcome.


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Date added 7 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

5 - 2 Mythic Rares

20 - 4 Rares

10 - 6 Uncommons

11 - 3 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.89
Tokens Angel of Sanctions 3/4 W
Folders cool builds
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