Black/White Vampire's

Unknown* minidemon


weterr123 says... #1

The idea is there, it is just a little unfocused with a few 1-ofs that don't belong.

Mind Sludge and Grim Discovery can be useful cards, but not here. And a Doom Blade is far more effective than Hideous End - it is cheaper (why pay an extra black mana to sow 2 life?, your vampires should get big and do that for you).

Oh and pssssst: If you're running Sanguine Bond , get Blood Tribute in there - unless your opponent can gain life in response to the bond trigger, you will kill your opponent even if they are on a billion life (so long as you kick the tribute) :D

Check out my vamp deck for some ideas and see where the focus is:

The Ultimate Vampire Deck

Should you make some changes, let me know and I will take another look.

Also, if you're liking the Standard format currently, look into the B/R ideas that are currently a nice meta - the strategy revolves around building your vamps quickly with +1/+1 counters.


January 17, 2012 6:05 a.m.

Epochalyptik says... #2

As a general rule, a deck with 1 or 2 copies of a lot of different cards will be less consistent than one with 3 or 4 copies of a few different cards.

Vampires are strong as an aggro tribe, so I would move to take advantage of that.

Drop Kalitas, Bloodchief of Ghet , Anowon, the Ruin Sage , Butcher of Malakir , Sangromancer , and maybe Bloodline Keeper  Flip  FlipMTG Card: Lord of Lineage.

Add more aggressive vamps like Captivating Vampire , more Vampire Nocturnus , Vampire Interloper , Child of Night , Guul Draz Vampire , and Vampire Lacerator .

Drop all of your artifacts except for Blade of the Bloodchief . They slow you down and don't offer enough advantage.

Drop all of your sorceries except for Sign in Blood for similar reasons.

Dark Ritual would speed the deck up.

I don't think Crypt of Agadeem is necessary.

January 17, 2012 6:28 a.m.

weterr123 says... #3

I completely agree with Epochalyptik, except for dropping Bloodline Keeper  Flip  FlipMTG Card: Lord of Lineage - that guy is a game winner, and dubbed Nocturnus 2.0 for a reason!!

Another suggestion I would recommend is for games with 3 or more players:

Exsanguinate coupled with Nirkana Revenant - of course, Sanguine Bond makes this awesome.

And thinking further on that point, Caged Sun could add to the fun - it's not needed, no, but could be useful if your games are going on slightly longer than you feel they should.

For quick 2 player games, follow Epoch's advice :)

January 17, 2012 6:42 a.m.

minidemon says... #4

Caged sun is same as gauntlet of power except 1 more mana.

Deathrender is used on Bloodghasts, because they revive anyway its a cheap way of getting a 7 aman costing card onto the field w/o paying its mana cost.

January 17, 2012 6:59 a.m.

minidemon says... #5

January 17, 2012 7:04 a.m.

minidemon says... #6

Although Feast of Blood is a sorcery, it still has great potential for the i gain 4 u lose 4 and only costs 2. insted of doomblade (i tihnk the +4 hp in better than an instant)

January 17, 2012 7:06 a.m.

Epochalyptik says... #7

Not strictly true. Caged Sun doesn't help your opponents while Gauntlet of Power can.

I feel like not playing any 7-drops would be better for you in the long run. Vamps have great potential for overpowering their opponents in the early game and winning before many decks can play their bombs. It's up too you if you want to create a long-range deck or not, but I just wanted to present an argument for the other side.

January 17, 2012 7:07 a.m.

minidemon says... #8

Dark Ritual may speed up some aspects of the deck but card:Explorer's Scope costs almost the same and stays on the field activeating Bloodghast ability making it more useful.

January 17, 2012 7:08 a.m.

minidemon says... #9

This deck can be fast provided the right cards are in hand at the start.i may trnsfer some card to the side deck for a fast play game.

January 17, 2012 7:10 a.m.

Well I would design the mainboard around whatever strategy you think will be best. A dedicated aggro vamp deck will ruin a lot of other decks while a slower approach going for complex interactions and large spells has much more opportunity to be disrupted or overpowered.

January 17, 2012 7:13 a.m.

minidemon says... #11

Nirkana Revenant may be a better option than Caged Sun as it will be affected by vampire buffs and helps by being able to buff with the extra mana upon overflow.

the +1/+1 would be covered by Lord of Lineage  Flip

January 17, 2012 7:13 a.m.

minidemon says... #12

As true as that is i have other decks designed for fast play, Soldier Deck and Battle cry

January 17, 2012 7:14 a.m.

minidemon says... #13

If Crypt of Agadeem is unsuitable, is there another non-basic land that is?or go up to 20 and add Dark Ritual

January 17, 2012 7:17 a.m.

So if this is meant to be a midrange/long-range deck, what would the ideal victory be like (how would you achieve the win)?

January 17, 2012 7:19 a.m.

minidemon says... #15

Generally i win atm by, Destrying the enemys creatures with stronger ones/sorecys. gaining life to not die.

Win conditions are combnations of sorin / Bloodchief Ascension + Mind Sludge (removed) so probably Butcher of Malakir or Anowon, the Ruin Sage insted. / Sanguine Bond + life link/gain

January 17, 2012 7:24 a.m.

minidemon says... #16

I will be back tommorow, but i hav work in 6 hrs so i must sleep.

Add suggestions with reasons for why they're better than a card, and how they'll help win.

Ty in advance. also help on any of my other decks would be great also. Soldier is token spam, battle cry is Fastplay high damage. :3

January 17, 2012 7:26 a.m.

Since discard effects require you to dedicate resources to them, I would forgo them and just work with lifelink, since that's something vamps can do as a built-in ability.

As a long-range deck, you'll want to think about what cards will realistically be helpful and which ones are kind of ineffective. For example, Butcher of Malakir is kind of expensive, and its effect is probably not worth the cost.

Perhaps you would work around Sanguine Bond and include Nirkana Revenant to help boost your Exsanguinate s...

You might also try using Captivating Vampire as a lord with a nice board control ability, especially with low-drop creatures and the token production from Bloodline Keeper  Flip  FlipMTG Card: Lord of Lineage.

January 17, 2012 1:02 p.m.

minidemon says... #18

Butcher of Malakir can be brought out for 4 mana over 2 turns with Deathrender and with Bloodghast 's that i kill every turn on their defenses or hit them for 2.meaning they get hit or they have to sacrifice a creature for killing mine, that will come back anyway.

January 17, 2012 2:16 p.m.

While that's an ok interaction, consider its viability. That's your only real shot at getting Butcher of Malakir out in the early or midgame. Otherwise you're going to have to do some ramping or wait a while. Kalastria Highborn offers another death-based effect on a cheaper frame. Grave Pact is cheaper as well. Also, paying 7 for a 5/4 isn't all that great, especially since the only ways your creatures are going to die are combat or removal. You don't have a sacrifice engine like Viscera Seer .

January 17, 2012 2:23 p.m.

minidemon says... #20

i used to lol, aight i will take it out.

January 18, 2012 1:59 a.m.

kikidy says... #21

You don't have enough gain life/lifelink anymore to warrant 3 Sanguine Bond. Also the deck looks fairly well with the sideboard.

January 25, 2012 9:15 a.m.

weterr123 says... #22

Erm... where are the previous comments??? I remember myself and Epochalyptik giving advice for this deck, which is also why I have been notified of a comment on here - which is the only one...

Have you removed them or remade this deck with the same name???

January 25, 2012 11:38 a.m.

minidemon says... #23

i updated it as you can see above, started a new round of comments as to not get confued.

January 25, 2012 6:04 p.m.

weterr123 says... #24

Oh, I get you. Only thing is though, it makes it look like a fresh deck. lol ;)

February 1, 2012 6:31 a.m.

Vman says... #25

since you already have Sanguine BondMTG Card: Sanguine Bond why not put in Exquisite BloodMTG Card: Exquisite Blood and go combo haha

May 10, 2012 4:59 a.m.

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