
Wow, ok this is one of my oldest builds and one of those decks that has evolved with me and the game. Back in 97/98 when i was still playing tournaments, myself, John Finkle and Kai budd were all running grimm monolith/thran dynamo/voltaic key/ tolarian academy for quick easy artifact mana that lead to easy and fast phyrehexian colossus for simple wins. now that build isn't entirely viable with some of the new stuff and as new sets came out this old tourney deck evolved into this beast of legend and has become one of my masterpiece decks.

the best objective of this deck is to build up silently in multiplayer until you have more than 460 mana and then capsize as many permanents or clockspin controll until you can dominate multiple people in one foul swoop. I've killed as many as 5 players in late game all with about 10-15 health between the colossus's, broodstar and psychic drain. if you time everything right predator flagship, irradiate and rewind should allow you to controll the field long enough to decimate from the shaddows in most games. in order to make this deck super effective get used to counting your mana in your head turns in advance and use voltaic key/thran dynamo for quick 5 mana bursts together.

this is one of those decks that when i let other people play it everyone finds a new combo every time they play it, and each player finds a use for the many card combos within, so i wont even pretend to post them all.... this deck is worth every penny despite the low one on one value as it will get crushed by most speed decks, but it is a definate multiplayer monster and a reliable team mate in any team game. works well with life gain as a brute to counter it, and as a control to stronger agro style team mates. enjoy =]


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Date added 10 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is not Unknown legal.

Rarity (main - side)

3 - 0 Mythic Rares

18 - 3 Rares

17 - 0 Uncommons

23 - 0 Commons

Cards 61
Avg. CMC 4.05
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