Sink into Stupor


Soporific Springs  Flip

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vintage Legal

Sink into Stupor


Return target spell or nonland permanent to its owner's hand.

DungeonCrawler64 on Lurker of the Automation

1 month ago

I test-played a bit and I think I got the lands to work well!Hallowed Fountainfoil seems to be a good land fix and much to my despair I think I have to remove The Ozolith to add one land in its place because the lands just were not consistent enough. (especially trying to get for a Counterspell, Sink into Stupor  Flip, or if I wanted to cast two cost cards. (this is part of the reason why I chose Metallic Rebuke over Counterspell before I updated my deck because getting double blue seemed tougher. but I think seventeen lands plus the Mox Opal and Springleaf Drum are good and the manapool seems much more efficient. I decided to keep the Darksteel Citadel because for artifacts entering and on the board for affinity I seemed to notice a considerable difference if they were not artifact lands. the Steel Overseer seems to be pretty strong especially if I have a bunch of Ornithopter or Memnite then I can buff them and make them more of a threat. I also had the crazy idea of adding another copy of Shadowspear because of the +1+1, trample, and especially the lifelink if the game is longer and I needed it. however, I am not quite sold on the idea. I would love to have one copy of The Ozolith, but I am unsure what to remove. I am considering removing one of the three Kapa Cannoneers Or one of the two Emry, Lurker of the Loch. but I am just not confident about removing those cards that seem essential for this deck. ); would love to hear from you and thanks so much for helping kamarupa! without you, I got no clue what I would have done!

Eloniel on Nobody has the intention of building a Wall

3 months ago

Azeure Arcades is a deck that you can upgrade over time when new defender are released. The first version i built based on K4m4r0 version didn't have all the defenders release the lasts 5 years.

Regarding MDFC indeed it's a great way to increase the land density, i would not replace one of the 35 land by one but instead having 35 lands + 1-2 MDFC .

Bala Ged Recovery  Flip, Sink into Stupor  Flip, Witch Enchanter  Flip and Glasspool Mimic  Flip could also be considered. But personally i wouldn't know what to cut to add them. But i would love a MDFC land on a Bar the Door effect.

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