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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
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Vintage | Legal |
Promised Kannushi
Creature — Human Druid
Soulshift 7 (When this is put into a graveyard from play, you may return target Spirit card with converted mana cost 7 or less from your graveyard to your hand.)
seshiro_of_the_orochi on
5 years ago
I have some ideas you might like.
Bident of Thassa is good to have another way of forcing opposing creatures into attacking you.
Kami of False Hope is great with Karador and your many soulshift creatures
Sekki, Seasons' Guide can produce lots of tokens and is basically immortal with enough hymnes.
Kodama of the Center Tree is a potentially recurring beatstick that gives you a little value as a failcase.
Promised Kannushi maybe? Not a spirit, but great recursion.
Darth_Savage on Devouring Dragons
6 years ago
This is going to be a bit slow simply because you don't have any ramp, cards like Arbor Elf + Utopia Sprawl, Beastcaller Savant or Sylvan Caryatid. You also might want to consider Boneyard Wurm or Nemesis of Mortals given the number of creatures going to your yard. A rather fun interaction is Promised Kannushi can bring Strangleroot Geist back to your hand, ready to cast again.
Hope this helps, good luck with your deck.
Darth_Savage on Spirits UWG
6 years ago
Both Warden of the First Tree and Figure of Destiny are removal magnets and since neither of them start as spirits, instant speed removal will likely hit them before you are able to sink mana into them. The established spirit tribal deck in modern would tend to be UW and have Mausoleum Wanderer and Rattlechains as early plays. If you wanted to splash green then Strangleroot Geist, Permeating Mass, Carven Caryatid and the already included Loam Dweller might be worth it. As for the 9 cards which cast 5+ mana, the odds are against you getting to cast them without some major ramp...
Promised Kannushi and Forked-Branch Garami might also be useful for the soulshift ability... Anyway good luck with your brew and I hope this comment is of some help.
BrewerSamwise on
7 years ago
Hey Gattison. I definitely agree with making sure all nonbasics tap for green, and I don't blame you for not being able to visualize the graveyard tricks, this one is a MUCH rougher draft than Join the Herd.
Essentially you want to play Promised Kannushi early, and either use them for chump blocking or sacrifice them with Altar's Reap.
Grisly Salvage helps you get some spirits into the graveyard for Promised Kannushi, a primary target of Soulshift being Dreamcatcher to indefinitely bring back and sac to draw into what you need.
Since this deck is kind of slow, Thief of Hope is there, not only as an essential three drop, but as something that allows us to drain our opponent every time we bring something back.
Tortured Existence is key because we can exchange Golgari Brownscale for any spirit we need while dredging it back for life in order to fill the graveyard with more spirits to resurrect. It can be a little tricky, but if played right, it's really fun and you never run out of what you need.
I've taken out Rancor because it wasn't doing enough for the deck and I added Abundant Growth for mana fixing and card draw. Burr Grafter is important and sometimes better than Rancor (though admittedly not as cheap)because it's a spirit that can get something back when it dies, and it's reusable buffing for the spirits that can't be blocked, which eventually win the game.
Gattison on
7 years ago
This one's harder for me to gauge because I can't visualize graveyard tricks real well without physically playing it, lol.
Here, I would -2 Dismal Backwater and +1 Simic Growth Chamber, +1 Thornwood Falls. Then, rebalance your basics. this way ALL of your non-basics can tap for your deck's main color. if color ratio swings a different way later on, maybe consider readjusting the manabase similarly.
Then Promised Kannushi should be your main 1-drop (as in, 4-of). Maybe go down 1 land to squeeze it in? or else, drop a Burr Grafter?
As for everything else, I dunno... How does it run? is it slow or fast? I like this one pretty much as is. The mainboard looks alright, do you sideboard at all in pauper?
seshiro_of_the_orochi on Enter Jukai Forest
7 years ago
I really like, +1'd and foldered.
I've never quite thought about it before, but can kodama of the center tree soulshift a card like budoka pupil?
Elder Pine of Jukai is a strong addition to your Loam Dweller. That ramp, man...
Another very powerful soul shift card (though unfortunately not a spirit itself) is Promised Kannushi. And Sekki, Seasons' Guide seems like another interesting target for your life spinner. And his death trigger even combos nicely with long-forgotten gohei.
seshiro_of_the_orochi on I've got Spirits, how about you?
7 years ago
Wouldn't Promised Kannushi fit here quite well? Besides this, this is a very cool spirit tribal.
Boza on Why does spell recursion self …
7 years ago
As one of the unwritten rules in R&D, cards should not be a combo with themselves.
That clause only occurs with cards being able to return more than 1 copy of said card and being able to target themselves. For example, even though it can return itself, Noxious Revival can only return 1 card, so it does not exile itself. Promised Kannushi is another example for the latter - even though it can return multiple cards, it cannot return itself, so it does not exile.
If a card can do both, it becomes dangerous - it can loop itself and any other spell endlessly, presenting a dangerous case.
The other rule regarding that is "no big splashy effects can be recurred" - Volcanic Vision, Temporal Trespass, Part the Waterveil, etc. are examples of that.
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