Leshrac's Sigil

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Leshrac's Sigil


Whenever an opponent plays a green spell, you may pay . If you do, look at that player's hand and choose a card from it. The player discards that card.

: Return Leshrac's Sigil to its owner's hand.

TheForsakenOne on K'rrik, Blatant Cheater

5 months ago


Several of these definitely fit into the budget problem lol. As much as I'd love a top or Hatred I need to either find someone to trade with or pull it myself. And I'm not opening many packs of Exodus. Looks like a good include if I could get my hands on it though.

Peer into the Abyss was a card I was waffling back and forth on including. I thought It might be a little too much life loss, but that was before I pulled Sheoldred, the Apocalypse, definitely looking to include it now, didn't think about the combo Potential.

And in general I don't like running combo pieces that aren't useful outside of a combo. Leshrac's Sigil is definitely in that category, If I have a combo I'd rather it flow more naturally with the deck

I suppose I'm at the hardest stage of deckbuilding. Figuring out what to cut and actually getting the funds for all these great cards. Thanks for the suggestions

Profet93 on K'rrik, Blatant Cheater

5 months ago


Hatred - Super double edged sword. Life loss is additional cost to cast, somewhat telegraphed, but with lifelink and commander damage can be powerful. You can also target an opponent's creature attacking another opponent, bonus points if it's their commander.

Peer into the Abyss - Combo with sheoldred, can be potentially great on it's own.

Sensei's Divining Top - Great on it's own, even better with shuffling effects/fetches. Combos with bolas and aetherflux

Any reason u don't run the Aetherflux Reservoir + Leshrac's Sigil + K'rrik, Son of Yawgmoth combo?

Gidgetimer on Clarification on stack resolution

8 months ago

Correct, all triggers that ask for a mana payment are phrased as "you may pay" and so fall under 603.5 for optional effects of triggered abilities. You referred to the first ability on Leshrac's Sigil as a trigger, so I assumed you were familiar with the eratta on the card. In case you aren't or if someone else looking at the thread isn't; the current Oracle text on that first ability is "Whenever an opponent casts a green spell, you may pay . If you do, look at that player’s hand and choose a card from it. The player discards that card." This wording makes it a trigger and as you can see, it says "you may pay".

The triggers for Leshrac's Sigil, Aerie Worshippers, Yasova Dragonclaw, and extort (Blind Obedience) go on the stack no matter if you intend to pay the optional cost, or even have the resources to.

603.5. Some triggered abilities’ effects are optional (they contain “may,” as in “At the beginning of your upkeep, you may draw a card”). These abilities go on the stack when they trigger, regardless of whether their controller intends to exercise the ability’s option or not. The choice is made when the ability resolves. Likewise, triggered abilities that have an effect “unless” something is true or a player chooses to do something will go on the stack normally; the “unless” part of the ability is dealt with when the ability resolves.

Gidgetimer on Clarification on stack resolution

8 months ago

There is a round of priority before anything resolves, so they will be able to cast any instants or spells with flash that they want before you get to force the discard. Leshrac's Sigil doesn't require the payment until it resolves though. If they waited to see if you paid, the trigger is resolving and they will have to discard before being able to cast anything.

CamraMaan on Clarification on stack resolution

8 months ago

I'm still trying to fully wrap my brain around the operation of the stack. Let's say I have Leshrac's Sigil in play and an opponent casts a green spell, and I pay the Sigil to look at their hand and discard a card. This will then go onto the stack, on top of the spell that was cast. Does my opponent get to hold priority and cast more spells before my Sigil trigger is resolved, or will it resolve first, then they can hold priority and cast more spells...?


Jett2112 on

2 years ago

Very cool deck, I love the specter aesthetic! I'm gonna try Blackmail in my deck Pox Diamond. I would reccomend from your maybe board Drown in the Loch and Vandalblast for sure Grixis staples. Also have you ever considered Painter's Servant? Its got synergy with your commander making them discard all spells plus it makes cards like Pyroblast, Aether Gust, and Leshrac's Sigil even better.

DemonDragonJ on Forcemage Cycle

3 years ago

Some time ago, I expanded Deathgrip and Lifeforce into a cycle of five allied-colored creatures, so I now am doing the same for Freyalise's Charm and Leshrac's Sigil , which are two more cards that I find to be very interesting, so here are the results of my work:

I removed the “return to hand” ability of each card in exchange for much greater versatility; each creature has protection from the shared enemy color of the creature’s colors, as well as an ability that both colors share that triggers when an opponent casts a spell of the enemy color.

Assertive Forcemage Show

Originally, I planned to have this creature’s ability counter the red spell that the opponent cast, but I decided that that was too powerful (and I have already created a white/blue creature than can counter red spells in the previous cycle that I mentioned), so I instead chose another ability that blue and white share.

Ferocious Forcemage Show

The ability of this creature is worded so that it can target either itself, if its controller controls no other creatures, or creatures that are controlled by other players, in the case that an opponent casts a blue spell during another player’s turn, which will make it useful for games with more than two players.

Holistic Forcemage Show

For this card, I wanted to keep the ability of Freyalise's Charm , but drawing cards is not an ability that green and white share, so I instead chose an ability that they do share, and it gains more life than the damage that sadistic forcemage deals because gaining life is usually not as powerful as is losing life.

Mindwrack Forcemage Show

Because this card is much more versatile than is Leshrac's Sigil , I made its ability less powerful, so that the controller of the mage cannot see the other player’s hand, and the other player may choose which card that they discard. Also, given that Balefire Dragon has no relation to Balefire Liege and that Deathbringer Thoctar has no relation to Deathbringer Liege , I feel that I can use the term “mindwrack” on a creature that has no relation to Mindwrack Liege .

Sadistic Forcemage Show

This card is very simple and straightforward, and I originally had planned for it to deal the damage only to the caster of the white spell, but I made the ability more flexible to allow for political ploys in multiplayer games.

Also, I decided to create a legendary card to accompany this cycle, as well:

Felicia, Forcemage Adept Show

I could not allow the ability of Freyalise's Charm to not be used on a creature, so I put it on a legendary creature, so that it could be used as the general of an EDH deck; I gave the player the option of choosing a color, so that the creature would have greater versatility; and I retained the "return to hand" ability, so that the player could choose a different color for the first ability, if they needed to do so.

What does everyone think of these cards? Do you like them?

RNR_Gaming on K'rrik Life Gain/Drain

3 years ago

Krrik is awesome! I spent many hours brewing him up. Anyways, Sensei's Divining Top and Bolas's Citadel are both amazing includes and give you a 3 piece combo that goes with Aetherflux Reservoir. Additionally, Leshrac's Sigil gives you some pretty neat lines aswell as a black spell to grow krrik in a pinch. Theres even a zombie combo you can do; you just need Carrion Feeder and Gravecrawler and if you have out reservoir you got infinite life and a really big feeder :) tutors like Demonic Tutor and Vampiric Tutor are a bit pricey but make the deck flow so much better.

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