Identity Thief

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Identity Thief

Creature — Shapeshifter

Whenever this attacks, you may exile another target nontoken creature. If you do, this becomes a copy of that creature until end of turn. Return the exiled card to the battlefield under its owner's control at the beginning of the next end step.

Unknowncrash on Pursuing Perfection, Part 6: Azorius …

3 years ago

What about Medomai the Ageless? Pair him with Identity Thief and you win the game.

Malcolm, Keen-Eyed Navigator + Keleth, Sunmane Familiar is a pretty cool deck to build around too. You get treasures while swinging in the air for commander dmg.

Rhadamanthus on Identity thief Obeka combo?

3 years ago

You can get the result you want. The card will stay in exile and Identity Thief will be ready to do the trick again.

The End Phase of the turn has two steps: the end step and the cleanup step. Using an "end the turn" effect skips straight to the cleanup step of the current turn, and that's when "until end of turn" effects wear off. In your example:

  • Wait until the end step begins. The delayed trigger from Identity Thief ("Return the exiled the beginning of the next end step") is put onto the stack
  • Respond by activating Obeka, Brute Chronologist . As that ability resolves, the delayed trigger from Identity Thief gets exiled without resolving (meaning the card stays in exile) and the game moves to the cleanup step
  • The "until end of turn" part of Identity Thief's ability ends and it goes back to being itself with all its written abilities

brotherkoda on Identity thief Obeka combo?

3 years ago

Ok so I am trying to do a thing with Obeka, Brute Chronologist and Identity Thief it’s my understanding that I can on attack exile and copy with thief then end turn with obeka... my question is the following turn is identity thief no longer able to do this. meaning identity thief is permanently the new card, and can no longer exile and clone new things due to him still being a clone? Or does he retain all previous abilities. Meaning he can become a beast of a card exiling and copying things over and over

Thanks in advance

Rhadamanthus on Can Cackling Counterpart (or similar) …

4 years ago

Yes, that will work.

If an effect isn't allowed to target or otherwise work with a certain kind of object, it will make that clear somewhere in the text. For example: Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker can't target legendary creatures, and Identity Thief can't target token creatures. The examples you name can be used to copy any creature, even token ones.

iammute on Ilharg - Medomai combo

4 years ago

Not sure if you're still running this deck but Sakashima of a Thousand Faces is a great upgrade over Ludevic imo.

Identity Thief is another way to combo with Medomai but you need something like Brago, King Eternal or Thassa, Deep-Dwelling to flicker the thief before end of turn or you'll lose one of the Medomais. Brago and Thassa have great synergy with Ilharg too allowing you to keep something he cheated in permanently if you like.

Brago also creates an infinite combat loop with Aurelia, the Warleader who I would put in any RW combat centric deck anyway. Helm of the Host is another infinite with Aurelia and Blade of Selves on Medomai with Sakashima of a Thousand Faces in play is very powerful.

iammute on The Flying Turn Generator

4 years ago

Not sure if you're still running this deck but Sakashima of a Thousand Faces is a great upgrade over Ishai imo.

Identity Thief is another way to combo with Medomai but you need something like Brago, King Eternal or Thassa, Deep-Dwelling to flicker the thief before end of turn or you'll lose one of the Medomais. Brago and Thassa have great synergy with Ilharg too allowing you to keep something he cheated in to play permanently if you like.

Brago also creates an infinite combat loop with Aurelia, the Warleader who I would put in any RW combat centric deck anyway. Helm of the Host is another infinite with Aurelia but even if it 'only' makes extra Medomais that's still great. Blade of Selves on Medomai with Sakashima of a Thousand Faces in play is very powerful too.

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