Corrosive Ooze

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Corrosive Ooze

Creature — Ooze

Whenever Corrosive Ooze blocks or becomes blocked by an equipped creature, destroy all Equipment attached to that creature at end of combat.

Kazierts on Eat. Sleep. Slime. Repeat.

2 years ago

Well, since you didn't hate what I said, I'm goona talk about some of the creatures now. But before that I just wanted to say I completely understand that you don't want to optmize this deck to the maximum, that's why I mostly suggested budget cards and avoid some bullshitly expensive cards such as Gaea's Cradle or Cavern of Souls. I'm trying my best to focus exclusively on your tribe. With that out of the way, let me proceed.

There a few less expensive, manawise, Oozes but you seem to be going for the heavier and more resilient ones. So there's quite a few that could be a blast.

  • Since your deck seems to want to play a longer game, I'd disconsider the smaller Oozes like Corrosive Ooze, Inexorable Blob and Predator Ooze. Since most of your creatures are big mana sinks, having smaller ones that want to attack doesn't seem like a good ideia (but if your experience says otherwise feel free to correct me)

  • I'd cut one Aeve, Progenitor Ooze because, even though it kinda cares about Oozes, it's more of a Storm card. However, I'd still keep one because I think it's pretty neat.

  • I think maxing out on Mitotic Slime and Consuming Blob would be hilarious. Imagine the amount of tokens that there would be on the battlefield. Additionally, Biogenic Ooze would crank your token production to eleven.

  • Scavenging Ooze is perfectly fine. However, if you ever want to just vary, Ravenous Slime could be fun but it's definetly not necessary.

  • Gelatinous Cube is a card I really, really love. The only problem is how to make space for it in the deck. Since you already have kind of a snow theme, maybe including Woodland Chasm + Into the North should make things easier to cast.

  • If, and only IF, you want to be really janky and make your friends laugh a lot, you could have some copies of S.N.O.T. and Vile Bile just for shits and giggles.

Again, I'm gonna say things little by little to make things easier to digest. Let me know what you think. I love casual thematic decks. If you want to have extra fun with your friends, try playing planechase and use this deck. I promise you it's gonna be ridiculously fun for everyone.

zapyourtumor on Oozing with Potential (?)

3 years ago

Necrotic Ooze doesn't fit here as you barely have any activated abilities on your creatures, and no real way to get them into your graveyard either.

You're never going to get delirium for Inexorable Blob with no fetchlands, 3 artifacts, 3 enchantments, and zero sorceries.

Simic Initiate is just a bad one drop, and not even an ooze. If you don't mind running non-ooze 1-drops, then run Pelt Collector. Probably better off running none because 4x Experiment One + 3x Hardened Scales + 3x Ozolith is enough in my opinion, could be useful if you want to lower your curve.

Predator Ooze and Scavenging Ooze are like the only actually good and cheap oozes, and they synergize with the counter theme. I see no reason to run less than a playset.

Acidic Slime is another good ooze.

Corpsejack Menace feels too slow for me, if you really want more hardened scales effects run Winding Constrictor.

Fatal Push way better than Putrefy.

Agree with Corrosive Ooze for hammertime but that's only if you actually decide to make a sideboard -- I don't think this is needed since this is clearly a casual deck.

I assume you didn't add expensive lands due to budget constraints. Some cheaper lands are MDFC lands Darkbore Pathway  Flip, check lands Woodland Cemetery, scry lands Temple of Malady, pain lands Llanowar Wastes.

RealLifeBear on Oozing with Potential (?)

3 years ago

Looks fun! here are some ideas I have, take and leave them as you wish (especially if its out of budget):

since there isn't really any in tribal synergy (compared to another tribe like elves or spirits), it looks like you are going for a 1/1 counter subtheme. In that case I feel Hardened Scales could easily take the place of Forced Adaptation

I would probably remove the Slime Molding (probably for lands, 20 is really low, especially with no dorks) if you are trying to use it to add storm for Aeve. more lands that produce dual colors in general might help, consider pauper all star Golgari Rot Farm the bounce land perhaps?

I would remove Necrotic Ooze for something else (perhaps The Ozolith to continue the counter theme). right now its basically impossible (unless you draw into two jungle hollows and play behind two mana) to cast Predator Ooze on turn 3 and Necrotic Ooze on turn 4

every time ive played with Bioshift its felt a bit underwhelming, but I definitly encourage you to try it out and decide for yourself.

delirium might be really hard to trigger (if you do remove the sorcery it might be nearly impossible). my last recommendation would be the following oozes: Gluttonous Slime , if your opponent tries to kill one of your creatures, flash it in to make it whiff AND get a bigger creature. Oran-Rief Ooze , this card just looks SO good, and Mitotic Slime is basically un-killable. replacing Predator Ooze with one of these may also allow you to play Necrotic Ooze without suffering. Feel free to experiment!

( Corrosive Ooze for sideboard.)

Hope this helped in some way or another.

Oran-Rief Ooze makes me want to make a competitive version of this deck :p

elvishimpersonator on Bant midrange/climb

5 years ago

Corrosive Ooze could be a relevant vanilla 'bear' as an Ooze creature. it costs way less than the Biogenic's ability also

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