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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



Gain control of all permanents you own. (This effect doesn't end at end of turn.)

Cycling (2) ((2), Discard this card: Draw a card.)

DreadKhan on Berserk

1 month ago

I'm not sure if you're interested in ideas, but I remember really enjoying Berserk, so I hope you don't mind a few ideas that came to me while looking through this!

Brand of Ill Omen and Brand have some vorthos value, Ill Omen is the better card IMHO but just getting back your equipped Commander when she's stolen can be huge IMHO.

Darksteel Plate maybe (or Mithril Coat I guess?)? Maybe Two-Handed Axe (though in the manga I mostly remember the author hating on axes)? IMHO either would be an easy to card to alt art, Darksteel Plate into Guts' armour, and Two-Handed Axe into his sword (he did have more than one iteration)? Flavorwise it's funny that you could give Guts Double Strike at instant speed with the Axe, he often gets the drop on people.

Maybe Tome of Legends and use the cover art from the first manga for the alt art?

At your budget I wonder if you've considered Shinka, the Bloodsoaked Keep and Shizo, Death's Storehouse? There is also Witch's Cottage to consider, but it's colourless and thus worse arguably in a 3 colour deck.

Balaam__ on Balaam__

4 months ago

@legendofa I love it, it’s like getting in a time machine.

These are definites:


Wall of Blossoms


Crystal Chimes

Rune of Protection: Lands

Ring of Gix

These are some I’m not sold on. Your deck, your call.

Reaping the Rewards feels to me like the camera is pulled back a smidge too far for it to be someone treading water looking at their own hands sticking out.

Verdant Touch Looking at the positioning of the hands, we’re actually looking at whoever they belong to from our perspective. The head belonging to those hands should be where the sparkle of light is.

Brand I think it’s just us looking at someone else’s hand.

Repentance just a low camera angle, I don’t think that’s anyone in particular’s perspective.

Reap hand in bottom left corner, and hand in bottom right corner, but the viewpoint is just a random camera angle fixed between whoever each of those hands belongs to. I don’t get the sense this is 1st person.

Essence Bottle from the angle, I think we’re looking at some sick person’s hand resting on their belly. It isn’t the viewpoint of either the sick person or the healer.

Edit——forgot to compare against your deck list with this batch. Please ignore any duplicates you’ve already listed.

sergiodelrio on The Best Deck Ever Made?

7 months ago

Seriously tho, Balaam__ is correct here.

"Gain control" does not mean what you think it means.

There are different ZONES in a magic game. One of them is the battlefield, another one is the stack. "Gain control" effects can only refer to objects in those zones (one exception: gaining control of another player ala Mindslaver)

An effect that COULD give access to your sideboard cards would have to be worded so that it includes the words "outside the game" (like Wish or Spawnsire of Ulamog). Cards do not naturally move inside or outside the game (or the sideboard) unless an effect specifacally states that and "outside the game" is also not a zone.

Permanents and "Permanent CARDS" are not the same. "Permanents" can specifically only refer to objects on the battlefield. In all other zones and in the sideboard those are "Permanent Cards" (Seed of Hope is one examle).

Under any circumstances, an effect that would bring a card from outside the game into the game would refer to the card as "(optional type specification like: Artifact, Permanent, blue, instant, Eldrazi) CARD" as seen in a Scryfall search here.

The way Brand is worded it can only (1) give you control of your own stuff on the battlefield (which in most cases is completely doing nothing), or (2) give you your stuff back that an opponent stole or got Donated or you exchanged with them (Spawnbroker and other cards could have done that), just like Balaam__ explained.

Don't you think a 1 mana spell that can slam any 15 cards on the table (or you can also cycle for , lol) would have been a format staple, or immediately banhammered???

"(am I the only one wondering why people don't use this more)?" - Yes, since it sadly does not work like that.

All I can tell you now is to not get discouraged by that. Happened to me before, happened to others before, prominently happened to MTG deckbuilding legend Patrick 'The Innovator' Chapin before (Link to StarCityGames article), and it will happen again. Move on, there are many other combos remaining to be found. Cheers!

Balaam__ on The Best Deck Ever Made?

7 months ago

Brand may not work the way you’re thinking. It only affects permanents in play that you own (as in, you literally own the physical cardboard rectangle) but which are currently under an opponent’s control. It will return control of said cards back to you.

Brand won’t pull stuff from exile, your library, the graveyard etc and instantly return them to your hand or plop them down on the table ready for you to use.

Balaam__ on The Best Deck Ever Made?

7 months ago

None of your own cards have any effect that hands control of them over to your opponent (like Sky Swallower for instance), so I’m having trouble understanding how Brand functions as a wincon. Is this built to face off against a particular deck revolving around stealing/exchanging control of permanents?

Exoflo on SIX

8 months ago

Avarice Totem is a bad card

Soulless Jailer and Chef's Kiss are too specific cards that are not synergistic

Negate can be replace by a general counter spell

Brand is useless imo

Contested Game Ball just ask people to attack you

Harmless Offering and Wrong Turn are useless if zedruu stick on the field

Scrambleverse is pure chaos. It throws game and does not make it fun anymore, neither for u or your friends

Jinxed Idol is anti-synergistic cause you give creature

You have to many creature-focussed removal and not true "remove all" (like Witness Protection or Path to Exile. Keep enchantment, they are synergistic with Zedruu)

You have to many wincon, choose how you want to win and remove the other (keep them appart and modify you deck if you want to try new thing)

Remove more that 18 cards and add some lands

Consider adding some protection for Zedruu

After that, remove some bad gift and some "givers"

I don't like giving creature to opponent cause they can just sac it, or kill it during combat. That's just my opinion.

I don't like bad gift zedruu, again that's my opinion

Very good choice of commander

More important : play the card you like the most

WisconsinKnight on "You've Heard of Chaos Theory?"

1 year ago

I got this in a prize pack at prerelease and have been looking at Group Hug chaos ideas. I'm thinking of adding Brand as an insurance policy and The Reality Chip as another way of top-deck knowledge and manipulation.

RambIe on Who are the Commanders you …

3 years ago

I don't love or hate any specific generals

Hate: Any solitaire or winless stax decks. its a thing i get it, but i've invested thousands of dollars, wait 1-2 weeks between games and you got lucky enough to combo off when i didn't have a response. That doesn't mean i should be punished by wasting my valuable play time watching someone else play for 45+ mins. (thats what youtube is for) when this happens i give it 5 mins tops for the combo to resolve, or 2 maybe 3 rounds for the stax to be broken before i just scoop.

Love: Interactive decks. No i don't mean idots that just counter spell everything all the time. i mean decks that are packed full of actual answers. every round is a stack filled slug fest and at any moment it could be anyone's game. the first words out of the winners mouth should be "wooo that was a close one im surprised i got it"

as for Tergrid, God of Fright  Flip i love it when im playing with my friends. Im more then happy to discard all my mc fatties then drop a Brand, Gruul Charm, or Homeward Path nothing like getting 20+cmc on the board by turn 5
however i will not play against it in a store. theirs no freaken way in hell im ever going to mix my cards up with 2 other people on a total strangers playmat the card should be banned in official play because of theft.

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