Call the Bloodline

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Call the Bloodline


, Discard a card: Create a 1/1 black Vampire knight token with lifelink. Activate this ability only once per turn.

keizerbuns on Assailing Archeology

1 year ago

aholder7, thanks for play testing it again! The results are a little disheartening, but pretty much what I expected. Like I said before though, this is meant more as a casual deck for me to play against my group of friends who also just play casual, and as it is I think this deck already has more removal than they like. I like how this deck feels right now in terms of my play group's power level so unless it ends up getting absolutely demolished by my friends, I think I'll keep it as is for now.

However, I was tinkering around with the deck a little more to address the weaknesses you stated, and I think I've made a deck list that could possibly hold its ground better against a lot of the decks you play tested mine against. Here's the decklist if you wanna see:

2x Call the Bloodline

3x Canyon Slough

3x Cathartic Reunion

3x Cityscape Leveler

4x Combustible Gearhulk

4x Dragonskull Summit

4x Fabled Passage

4x Fatal Push

2x Geier Reach Sanitarium

4x Lightning Bolt

3x Mind Stone

4x Mishra, Tamer of Mak Fawa

4x Myr Battlesphere

3x Talisman of Indulgence

4x Thrill of Possibility

6x Mountain

3x Swamp


4x Dreadbore

4x Inquisition of Kozilek

4x Terminate

I actually really like Call the Bloodline in here because it can be a fairly early game way to generate lifelink chump blockers while also doubling as a cheap discard outlet, but there's probably still better options out there.

TypicalTimmy on Written and Directed by Quentin Tarantino

1 year ago

You need Call the Bloodline in here because not only does it support your Vampire tribe, but it shows a woman's feet, which is what makes it a true Quentin Tarantino work of art.

I had another suggestion but I can't seem to locate it. :/

thefiresoflurve on We've Come To Suck Your Blood >:B

1 year ago

Hey there : )

Can you edit your deck and put CMDR next to the name of your commander? I think, from your description, that it's Vito, but I'm not certain.

As far as cuts go: Your game plan is life drain and combat damage, so the cuts will be the cards that contribute least to that.

1) Vampiric Rites. Compare this to Altar's Reap: both take 1 slot in the deck, but Vampiric Rites takes 1 extra mana to cast, and gives 1 life instead of 1 card (1 card is worth a lot more than 1 life, bad trade there). The only upside to Vampiric Rites is that it's repeatable, but if you really have so many creatures that you can repeat that effect, your opponents should be dead.

2) Underworld Dreams. This card doesn't synergize with anything else in here, and isn't as good compared to other things you could do with 3 mana: Necropotence, Drana, Marauding Blight Priest, etc.

3) Sorin's Thirst. It's good that it gains you life, that interacts with Vito, but it has limited targets. Compare to Murder, which for 1 more mana hits a creature with any toughness.

4) Geth's Verdict Unless you play against voltron. This is table dependent, but most of the time sacrifice doesn't really matter unless you have a lot of it.

5) Disfigure (see note on sorin's thirst)

6) Stromkirk Bloodthief - not bad, but we can do better

7) Crossway Troublemakers - Not really that awful on its own, but vampires already have a ton of DT/LL and don't need to gain it. The mana cost is also huge. For 6 mana, you better be like winning the game, and this doesn't do it.

8) Arrogant Outlaw - a rather weak effect TBH

9) Sangromancer not a bad card, just doesn't fit the best here. You need a lot more creature/hand hate to make sangro worth running.

10) Call the Bloodline - a rather weak effect, vampires have much better token generators. 11) Ill-Gotten Inheritance - kind of weak. Better things we can do with 4 mana.

Hope that helps!

Yogie on Beyond the Grave (Abzan)

1 year ago

Hi, I’ve taken a look at both this deck and its Abzan sibling. The comment on the Abzan deck says the same thing, but it felt appropriate to leave the comment on both decks since I ended up comparing them a little. I should also say that I have little experience with graveyard/reanimator decks. But I’ll give what little input I can :p

Haakon, Stromgald Scourge looks like a fun card to build combos with. He’s a bit fiddly but such decks can be a lot of fun to play.

My first impressions are that the Abzan deck is currently the stronger deck, based on its creatures. But, the Mardu version has better graveyard-synergy and more potential. Call the Bloodline and Aether Vial seem like cards you’d want in both decks. Breathless Knight looks perfect for these decks, I imagine it being a key card if “tended” properly. Knight Exemplar on the other hand seem almost counterproductive. She’s a fantastic card but is indestructibility really necessary when you can play knights from the graveyard?

Speaking of the graveyard, Unearth could be worth looking at. It grants extra reanimation if Hahkoon doesn’t find his way to the battlefield. Something like Changeling Outcast could be good too since it’s so cheap, even if it’s a fake-knight.

Lastly, and this might come down to deck building style more than anything else, but why run just 1 copy of some cards? Olivia, Mobilized for War especially? If a card adds to the decks strategy wouldn’t you want better than 1 in 60 odds of finding it? And if not, is the card really necessary? In “my style” of building I focus a lot on consistency. I rarely want less than 3 copies of a card in a deck, and I try to always double down on key mechanics for the decks strategy.

Like I said, I’m a little out of my element here, but hopefully I’ve said at least one useful thing. Good luck with the decks, I like the idea of them, they have potential!

Yogie on Beyond the Grave (Mardu)

1 year ago

Hi, I’ve taken a look at both this deck and its Abzan sibling. The comment on the Abzan deck says the same thing, but it felt appropriate to leave the comment on both decks since I ended up comparing them a little. I should also say that I have little experience with graveyard/reanimator decks. But I’ll give what little input I can :p

Haakon, Stromgald Scourge looks like a fun card to build combos with. He’s a bit fiddly but such decks can be a lot of fun to play.

My first impressions are that the Abzan deck is currently the stronger deck, based on its creatures. But, the Mardu version has better graveyard-synergy and more potential. Call the Bloodline and Aether Vial seem like cards you’d want in both decks. Breathless Knight looks perfect for these decks, I imagine it being a key card if “tended” properly. Knight Exemplar on the other hand seem almost counterproductive. She’s a fantastic card but is indestructibility really necessary when you can play knights from the graveyard?

Speaking of the graveyard, Unearth could be worth looking at. It grants extra reanimation if Hahkoon doesn’t find his way to the battlefield. Something like Changeling Outcast could be good too since it’s so cheap, even if it’s a fake-knight.

Lastly, and this might come down to deck building style more than anything else, but why run just 1 copy of some cards? Olivia, Mobilized for War especially? If a card adds to the decks strategy wouldn’t you want better than 1 in 60 odds of finding it? And if not, is the card really necessary? In “my style” of building I focus a lot on consistency. I rarely want less than 3 copies of a card in a deck, and I try to always double down on key mechanics for the decks strategy.

Like I said, I’m a little out of my element here, but hopefully I’ve said at least one useful thing. Good luck with the decks, I like the idea of them, they have potential!

ClockworkSwordfish on Never ending Khightmares

2 years ago

It might be wise to include a couple ways to discard cards if you're piloting Haakon. Call the Bloodline is a solid option, since it can score you a little extra life to undo your big guy's drawback and lets you pitch all of your creatures for another body once Haakon himself is online. Another classic tribal option is Mercenary Knight, who is big for his cost and sets Haakon up perfectly.

I'm not sure how hard you're focusing on running with Haakon, by the way, but if you're making some effort to get him going every game, I strongly recommend Nameless Inversion and Crib Swap as removal pieces. Haakon lets you play any knight from your graveyard, not just creatures, and since these two spells are both knights, he allows you to replay them from your graveyard again and again, wiping out opposing forces with ease.

Otherwise, I would recommend trying out Knight of Grace and Knight of Malice over the classic Black and White Knights. Those less colour-heavy mana costs are a godsend in a deck with mostly basic lands, and a 3/2 with First Strike for two mana can do a lot of good work against creature-based decks.

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