Sorin's Thirst

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Sorin's Thirst


Sorin's Thirst deals 2 damage to target creature and you gain 2 life.

Diogoarakis on Lost Boys

1 year ago

Hi DreadKhan, thank you so much for your insights. This deck is emulating my physical deck. I've been playing with some friends and making some adjustments.

Some points I noticed while playing:

When I do those changes, I will update this deck.

thefiresoflurve on We've Come To Suck Your Blood >:B

1 year ago

Hey there : )

Can you edit your deck and put CMDR next to the name of your commander? I think, from your description, that it's Vito, but I'm not certain.

As far as cuts go: Your game plan is life drain and combat damage, so the cuts will be the cards that contribute least to that.

1) Vampiric Rites. Compare this to Altar's Reap: both take 1 slot in the deck, but Vampiric Rites takes 1 extra mana to cast, and gives 1 life instead of 1 card (1 card is worth a lot more than 1 life, bad trade there). The only upside to Vampiric Rites is that it's repeatable, but if you really have so many creatures that you can repeat that effect, your opponents should be dead.

2) Underworld Dreams. This card doesn't synergize with anything else in here, and isn't as good compared to other things you could do with 3 mana: Necropotence, Drana, Marauding Blight Priest, etc.

3) Sorin's Thirst. It's good that it gains you life, that interacts with Vito, but it has limited targets. Compare to Murder, which for 1 more mana hits a creature with any toughness.

4) Geth's Verdict Unless you play against voltron. This is table dependent, but most of the time sacrifice doesn't really matter unless you have a lot of it.

5) Disfigure (see note on sorin's thirst)

6) Stromkirk Bloodthief - not bad, but we can do better

7) Crossway Troublemakers - Not really that awful on its own, but vampires already have a ton of DT/LL and don't need to gain it. The mana cost is also huge. For 6 mana, you better be like winning the game, and this doesn't do it.

8) Arrogant Outlaw - a rather weak effect TBH

9) Sangromancer not a bad card, just doesn't fit the best here. You need a lot more creature/hand hate to make sangro worth running.

10) Call the Bloodline - a rather weak effect, vampires have much better token generators. 11) Ill-Gotten Inheritance - kind of weak. Better things we can do with 4 mana.

Hope that helps!

wallisface on Sorin Imperious blood lord aggro deck

1 year ago

Some thoughts:

  • What’s your budget for this deck? You have some decently expensive/competitive cards in Thoughtseize and Sorin, but then a lot of very cheap suboptimal cards also - so what level of competitiveness/expensiveness are you looking for??

  • Sorin, Imperious Bloodlord unfortunately is pretty bad unless you’re planning to use him in a combo deck, example link here. Without comboing off for some degeneracy, he’s pretty weak.

  • Sorin's Thirst and Ajani's Welcome are really weak cards, that i’d suggest ditching. Black has a horde of decent killspells, so there’s no real reason to run Thirst. Lifegain is also an incredibly weak mechanic, so unless you’re getting some kind of massive payoff for it, avoid cards that do nothing but gain you life.

  • I think your mana curve is currently really good, so awesome work on that! Whatever changes you make, try to maintain the current curve you’re running, it looks pretty perfect!

  • With only 3 plains, you have very little odds of ever casting a card needing white. I’d suggest either ditching white entirely, or including more support for it.

  • I think you can probs go down to 22-23 lands.

loricatuslupus on 101% Mono Black Burn

2 years ago

Nice build! As someone who plays Mono-black in Legacy though I would strongly advocate using at least two Leechridden Swamps as part of your draining land package though, it can't be overstated how useful being able to keep activating it if you flood out is. Might also be worth considering more discard - I know you've got Vicious Rumours but knowing what the opponent has in hand is key, especially when you don't have the impulse draw/looting mono-red uses as card advantage. Doesn't have to be a pricy Thoughtseize to strip counterspells and Castle Locthwain might do work ensuring you keep ahead too. Agree with Dread Presence being a beast, could even consider Gray Merchant of Asphodel if you don't mind that being draining rather than burn. Finally just a thought but how about sideboard Pestilent Spirit as a way to remove creatures using Sorin's Thirst or whatever?

ElijahCallahan64 on Jeskai Dragon Control

3 years ago

Leviathanblaze Yes, I highly reccomend grixis, those are probably my three favorite colors to run, and I have also made a grixis deck. Keep in mind cards like Fruit of Tizerus Sorin's Thirst , a big benefit to running black is that you are now not only burning them, you're also gaining life at the same time, very beneficial. I would highly recommend Open the Graves as well, it is giving you extra value, especially chump blockers. Tainted Remedy Is a great way to deal with lifelink, if not in your actual deck, I recommend sideboarding it.

Grubbernaut on Baby don't hurt me, no more...

3 years ago

Moment of Craving would probably be an upgrade over Sorin's Thirst .

Polaris on Doom Blade v Hornet Nest

3 years ago

Previous answer basically covered it but the short version is that it if doesn't tell you an amount of damage, it doesn't do any.

Sorin's Thirst does damage. Doom Blade does not.

Argy on Anyone else love the Planeswalker …

3 years ago

I appreciate the Arena code they come with, too.

The Sorin deck was great since it gave you Arena unlocks for Murder and Sorin's Thirst

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