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Urza's Myrs





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Mono-white Myrs is one of the first decks I ever used when I was introduced to Magic by my friends (in fact one of them just gave me his deck after seeing me fall in love with it), so after many years I decided that Myrs should be the deck to help me step into a more competitive environment.

Originally the deck started off with just using basic Plains as it's manabase, and after experimenting with a few different colors I decided to stick with UW Tron for a while. It worked great against the small group that I usually played with, but it had a lot of consistency problems (Not due to bad colors, but due to the lack of cards to make it work better). Switching back to mono-white and adding in Expedition Map definitely makes it run faster. If anyone has any suggestions for color splashes, please feel free to suggest them.

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Obelisk of Urd and Tempered Steel - They buff up your creatures.

Expedition Map - Lets you search for whatever land you need at the time, whether it be your last tron piece or another white source. Use it to find your second Tron piece ONLY if you need it.

Prototype Portal - Some key targets for this card are Myr Superion and Myr Galvanizer. Sometimes a Myr Battlesphere can get out of hand very, very quickly for the opponent and in more extreme scenarios an Obelisk of Urd to give you that extra power for the kill. Lets you dodge creature removal in game 1 but in most match-ups I take it out after sideboard. It will get shut down very quickly with the extreme artifact hate in today's meta. Even so, there is almost nothing more satisfying then getting your mana combo online, then imprinting a Prototype Portal onto your second portal.

True Conviction - Most of the time, your opponents will lose if they don't answer this immediately. All it takes is one combat step to completely change the game. Needing 3 white sources is certainly a risk with tron but is the bonus to running mono-white. They never see this coming.


This is definitely my biggest struggle in deck building, and that just comes from a lack of experience, so any suggestions for changes would be incredibly helpful.

Banishing Light - The absolute biggest bane against this deck, and most artifact decks in Modern, is Stony Silence. I run a play-set almost solely for this abomination. Planeswalkers too, but mostly Stony.

Ratchet Bomb - Good for dealing with multiple things on the board at once, I will definitely be replacing one with All Is Dust later down the road.

Rest in Peace - Graveyard based decks and Scavenging Ooze-like creatures suffer pretty badly against this, thinking about maybe replacing a Ratchet Bomb for a second one of these.

Myr Retriever - Lets you bring back anything that may have died or been removed back to your hand. Also lets you re-use your expedition maps. I usually put a couple in replacing the Prototype Portals.

Indomitable Archangel - She is great against some of the more slower match-ups, is a 4/4 flyer that protects your artifacts. Pair her up with Soul of New Phyrexia for maximum benefit.

Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite - Beefs your Myrs while weakening your opponent's, doesn't get much better then that.


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Date added 6 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 4 Mythic Rares

17 - 3 Rares

11 - 4 Uncommons

22 - 4 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.26
Tokens Copy Clone, Myr 1/1 C
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